(1) Video of Reshiram, Zekrom, and Pikachu in Macy's Parade [11/25]

Wow. Thanks a lot :D. I wish they didn't look so, little kiddish. The Pikachu was cool though. I'm still a little dissapointed that they were just figures.
At first I thought that Zekrom and Reshiram will be floating in the air like Pikachu and the Pokeball were. Oh well anyway nice to see them actually in the parade.
It was very nice to see them. I thought that was a nice touch. I can't believe they said, "Say yellow to Pikachu" I thought that was funny.
Heehee, Reshiram's wings looked rather saggy... xD
And I'm quite shocked... I never knew Reshiram was pronounced reh-she-RAM (if that IS how you pronounce it), I always saw it as reh-she-ROM for some stupid reason. :x
I was expecting Reshi and Zeky to be a little....Well,bigger.Oh well,at least they are in the parade.And im REALLY glad that they obscured Reshiram's..."thing" :eek:
I was so excited to see these this morning. I've been up since 3:30am, I was so excited.

Btw, the feature IS there on the Reshiram statue. The fire is covering the good portion of it but if you look at 0:02, you can see the top edge of the feature.
Defintely cool to see Reshiram and Zekrom in the parade. Expecting them to be giant balloons, but the floats were pretty cool.
Always thought it was Re-she-rom, not Re-she-ram.
And there's probably a reason it didn't show. Many, MANY people, especially those who aren't rabid Poke fans, would easily mistake it for something else. Good move by the float makers.
I liked the fire/electricity under and around Reshiram/Zekrom. It looked pretty cool. One thing I didn't like though was every time the announcers said 'Pokemon'. They said it so weird and it kept making me cringe every time they said it. I mean, tons of people say it wrong and I keep wondering: "How hard is it to say Pokemon right!?!" Anyway, it is still really cool to see some other pokemon in the parade. Maybe one day all 656 (or whatever it is now) pokemon will appear in the parade! :p
I was impressed some of them said it right (poh-keh-mon), but some still said it as poh-kee-mon
Ah, Matt Lauer got the names right, i hate him. That parade looks interesting, can't wait until i live in new york later in life if i do. Reshiram and Zekrom looked epic, i knew it was Reshiram but i always pronounce the a in Reshiram as a really deep a like Resh-i-rum. Offtopic: Yay Kanye West performs.
Seeing Reshiram and Zekrom during the parade totally made my day. Even better, I can relive that moment thanks to my DVR. Good times...

I thought that Reshi and Zekrom would have been floating with Pikachu, but it was cool seeing them none the less.
Are you sure they pronounced Reshiram and Zekrom correctly? I always thought it was pronounced: "Resh EE rum" and "ZEE Crome".
that video brought me to tears of happiness :D
I have no idea why. I guess it's because I'm making my first turkey. Wish me luck people!
I saw the whole parade XD. The Legends were so awesome. They are the best and I hope they do them again Next year too and eventually have a float called Poke Floats XD. That would be epic XD.:)
Goodluck eeveelvl99. Is that the only Pokemon in the parade, i think they should of but Zoroark in there because wasn't he one of the first revealed Pokemon?
You know, when they said 14 feet tall I thought they meant REALLY big like Regigigas. Turns out the floats are alot smaller than I thought.
Also even though alot of people pronounce Zekrom as Zek-Rom, I say it as Ze-Chrome. Also they way they pronounced Reshiram didn't seem the same way I thought as well, as I usually say it as Reh-Shi-Ram, but the announcer says it differently as well, as if Reh-Shi-Rom. :/
Edit: @Bugaham: Honestly I kept thinking of how if the dragons were balloons, something bad would happen. Look at both of their proportions in comparison to Pikachu, Reshiram's wings would keep bumping into things and Zekrom's big generator tail would probably caused the float to sink a little and crash into something. That's just my opinion though.