(1) Zekrom Part Electric-Type? [5/31]

scuba stevee said:
No it doesn't. I'm saying that most electric types have the color yellow on them, not that pokemon colored yellow are electric. It's a trend, not a dictation. How did I ignore your point without knowing that you think absol looks normal/dark? You shouldn't assume things until you know it's true. And yes there are always exceptions, but the majority of electric pokemon do follow the trend of having yellow on them. In other words, I think what you're saying is true, but what I'm saying is also true.

Yes but most pokemon that has black on them are the dark type, but of course there are the exceptions. Really I believe it being dark by it's coloration then some girls blog post that might not be true.

And then I'm not clearly convince that it's a dragon type, just because of the quote "The legendary Dragon Pokemon". Horsea and Sedra are classified as dragon pokemon, but they are not the dragon types. (I think it's those two, I know there's a pokemon that is like that)
Because you didn't acknowledge my other examples, or that you were wrong on those parts. You cherry picked my examples, and ignored the rest.

You're wrong about most of the pokemon that have black on them being dark types, anything from first gen that has black on them, including zapdos, snorlax, beedrill, Jynx (I am aware that Jynx is now dark purple), poliwag line, growlithe line, and you can see where I'm going from just one generation.

Also, I kind of take official quotes from the source seriously, pretty sure these are going to be dragons. If Dialga is a dragon, then these definitely are.

Also this isn't some girl, this is someone with insider information, that more than likely knows the type of the pokemon.
Porygon-X said:
I'll bet that it's part Electric. Remember the rocks in the cave picture? How they where floating with magnetism, or electricity? I bet that's Zekrom's cave.
Yeah thats prety realistic i mean no 1 thought that Palkia would be part {W} and we might get Zekrom part {L}
I think I just figured this out! Reshiram and Zekrom could be clouds.

Ones black, the other white. Representing normal clouds and then stromclouds, ie thunderstorm (Fitting in with Zekrom's suspected Electric-type).
Before a thunderstorm is grows dark (kuromu), and afterwards it grows light (shiramu).

Hiun also means "Clouds blown by the wind".
WPM, sorry about your nana :(...

as for Zekrom, i really don't mind it being Dragon/Electric but i'd much rather it be Dragon/Dark

and I really want Reshiram to be Dragon/Light...
Divine_Light said:
I think I just figured this out! Reshiram and Zekrom could be clouds.

Ones black, the other white. Representing normal clouds and then stromclouds, ie thunderstorm (Fitting in with Zekrom's suspected Electric-type).
Before a thunderstorm is grows dark (kuromu), and afterwards it grows light (shiramu).

Hiun also means "Clouds blown by the wind".
TBH, I think this is an explosive analysis. Good job.
Zekrom as an Electric Pokémon? That's interesting, but I doubt it. Anyways, Dark/Dragon or Electric/Dragon, its an unique combination.

too bad the stupid people that decide to make up 'UBERS' will classify Zekrom as a uber.
damn :|
FireGrey said:
too bad the stupid people that decide to make up 'UBERS' will classify Zekrom as a uber.
darn :|
Enlighten me, I'm under the impression that ubers are pokemon with stats that are exceptionally high, of which we do not know about Zekrom right now.
Zekrom is most likely a thunderstorm pokemon (Dragon/Electric)
Reshiram is most likely a sunny cloud or a wet cloud...hehe... (Dragon/Water or Dragon/Fire)
Just take a look at them. They both (At least Reshiram) reminds me of clouds. And it explains the names of Hiun City and Sky Arrow Bridge.
But...Reshiram may also be Dragon/Flying...o_O...(PLEASE DON´T!!)
Sabett said:
Enlighten me, I'm under the impression that ubers are pokemon with stats that are exceptionally high, of which we do not know about Zekrom right now.
And you know as good as we all do that the chances of Zekrom having UBER-stats are as likely that we almost can confirm it.
Here is my analysis. Just short simple

Zekrom - Electric/Dragon. That cave is its hiding place or place of solace.

Reshiram - Fire/Dragon. That cave is its hiding place or place of solace, BUT as a version exclusive, the cave is much different.
Divine_Light said:
I think I just figured this out! Reshiram and Zekrom could be clouds.

Ones black, the other white. Representing normal clouds and then stromclouds, ie thunderstorm (Fitting in with Zekrom's suspected Electric-type).
Before a thunderstorm is grows dark (kuromu), and afterwards it grows light (shiramu).

Hiun also means "Clouds blown by the wind".

I think you're onto something here. It makes sense.

FireGrey said:
too bad the stupid people that decide to make up 'UBERS' will classify Zekrom as a uber.
darn :|

Pardon? The "stupid people that decide to make up ubers"?

Tiers aren't just made up on a whim. The classification of banned Pokemon has been incorporated by Gamefreak themselves; many Uber Pokemon are banned in various official Nintendo tournaments and in the Battle Frontier/Towers. (Albeit not all that should, and some that shouldn't.)

Pokemon are classified by their stats, movepool, ability, typing, etc. It's not just some stupid thing people made up to rob your joy of using Zekrom to win your way through teams of OU's, UU's, NU's, and even NFE's because your Pokemon is naturally more powerful. Or, in other words, other "regular" Pokemon that they had to put a lot of time and effort into making work instead of teaching your Kyogre Water Spout.

In fact, I'd say teams without any legendary or uber Pokemon make the game a lot more fun, because it becomes more "realistic" in a sense. Yes, realism in Pokemon sounds funny, but you get what I'm saying.

Plus, let's be frank. Those who cherish using legendaries can either A. Do it on a competitive level where you can use all the Ubers you want (Uber Battles) or B. Play Pokemon non-competitively and use all the Ubers you want XD

I definately think things are starting to puzzle together now. Although, knowing Game Freak it will be something completely different.

I don't want to keep speculating though, because if i turn out right it will ruin the story for me. But I won't be able to not find out when the games come out :L
Perhaps fire and thunder?
I think they are fire and electric. Most definately. It will probably be confirmed in corocoro
Reshiram is a olympic torch lol. Not that people has mentioned it, It's tail does look like a torch. I still get a cloud/windy vibe from it.
s2daam said:
Here is my analysis. Just short simple

Zekrom - Electric/Dragon. That cave is its hiding place or place of solace.

Reshiram - Fire/Dragon. That cave is its hiding place or place of solace, BUT as a version exclusive, the cave is much different.

Reshiram-we can also say that in the morning, we use natural 'fire'(sun) to light up the surroundings.

Zekrom-When it's night, we use 'electricity' to light up the surroundings.

I don't want to speculate too much too though.
I wonder what the legend types will be. My speculation is that the one on the left will be electric Dragon or Flying Dragon and the on on the right Fire Dragon or Fire Dark. The reason being the one on the right resembles a Charizard figure meaning he looks like Charizard with added features.:)
xxashxx said:
I wonder what the legend types will be. My speculation is that the one on the left will be electric Dragon or Flying Dragon and the on on the right Fire Dragon or Fire Dark. The reason being the one on the right resembles a Charizard figure meaning he looks like Charizard with added features.:)

their confirmed to be dragon, so it can't be fire dark unless they introduce trio types.
s2daam said:
their confirmed to be dragon, so it can't be fire dark unless they introduce trio types.
Remember, 5th Gen Is Gonna Change Pokemon Forever, So Trio Types Would Make Battling Other Foes More Complicated And Harder, Thus Making The Game More Stratigic:D