(1) Zekrom Part Electric-Type? [5/31]

Now I'm beginning to wonder what kind of pokemon will grace the cover of the inevitable third version that we all know is coming. If one is light and the other is dark, will the third pokemon be somewhere in between? A sunrise/sunset pokemon, or something else?
It's possible. About the LED lights this could lead to something. I remember back in Chirstmas I put LED lights all around the house, so, this could mean something. It's features may also lead. It's horn things on it's head look liek Lighting if you think about it.
Sabett said:
Because you didn't acknowledge my other examples, or that you were wrong on those parts. You cherry picked my examples, and ignored the rest.

You're wrong about most of the pokemon that have black on them being dark types, anything from first gen that has black on them, including zapdos, snorlax, beedrill, Jynx (I am aware that Jynx is now dark purple), poliwag line, growlithe line, and you can see where I'm going from just one generation.

Also, I kind of take official quotes from the source seriously, pretty sure these are going to be dragons. If Dialga is a dragon, then these definitely are.

Also this isn't some girl, this is someone with insider information, that more than likely knows the type of the pokemon.

Your argument are so funny but I kinda support Sabett that color can be misleading. My first impression with Absol turned out to be totally wrong since it's almost all white and I thought it is anything but dark type. Ralts too, since at first I thought it's grass type. Tyranitar and Crawdaunt have little to no black on them, and yet they are part dark. Azurill, all blue and and look like its evolution, but a normal type. Also Palkia, who would have expect something without any hydrodynamic in it design and no blue to be water type. While I think that observing a trend is very good, but one should always remember that there is always exception for any trend.

Darkrai_Shadowforce said:
Reshiram-we can also say that in the morning, we use natural 'fire'(sun) to light up the surroundings.

Zekrom-When it's night, we use 'electricity' to light up the surroundings.

I don't want to speculate too much too though.

I was thinking of exactly the same thing.
sideswipe375 said:
Remember, 5th Gen Is Gonna Change Pokemon Forever, So Trio Types Would Make Battling Other Foes More Complicated And Harder, Thus Making The Game More Stratigic:D

And less fun!


Maybe my dream of an ice based game will finally come true! Isshu is being devoured in a blizzard, with ice/dragon being the 3rd counterpart. And when the evil team takes away Reshiram/Zekrom, it disrupts balance (yin and yang), causing land masses to to break down and causing routes to get all screwed up, having them harder to cross. Meaning you will have to find a new way to get around the new land masses destroying Isshu. So if we do have a yin yang think going on, maybe thats what could happen??
Blizzz said:
Maybe my dream of an ice based game will finally come true! Isshu is being devoured in a blizzard, with ice/dragon being the 3rd counterpart. And when the evil team takes away Reshiram/Zekrom, it disrupts balance (yin and yang), causing land masses to to break down and causing routes to get all screwed up, having them harder to cross. Meaning you will have to find a new way to get around the new land masses destroying Isshu. So if we do have a yin yang think going on, maybe thats what could happen??

Didn't they do that in Platinum, and I thought people was complaining about the lack of fire type due to the snowy region.
It can really either be

Light & Darkness
Ying & Yang
Good & Evil
Sky & Earth

I can't really see it being anything else, also Good& evil could be controvertial, so probably now. Sky and Earth is kinda to Shaymin for my liking.

Id love to see a Ying & Yang type game.. it would be awesome
i reckon either there won't be a 3rd pokemon (like GS/HGSS).
or the 3rd one will block out light and darkness.
and i think Reshiram and Zekrom will fly in the sky and generate lightness/darkness.
sideswipe375 said:
Remember, 5th Gen Is Gonna Change Pokemon Forever, So Trio Types Would Make Battling Other Foes More Complicated And Harder, Thus Making The Game More Stratigic:D

If they make pokemon with three types will probably pokemon have a 4th evelution too lol(lipop)!
In my opinion, Reshiram got cloud generetor on tail in this case he gonna be Air/Dragon type. Zekrom got storm cloud generator or just thunder generator so he gonna be Lightning/Dragon type. ^^
After much thought I think it could be possible. I think that they made a direct comment about both Legendaries being in both games. It said that the differences, other than HOW to obtain Reshiram/Zekrom, not that Black has Reshiram and White has Zekrom.

Maybe the electric cave gets changed later, and an important character comes and tells you that the cave has changed. I quite like it being a Rival, and if he beats you to it he gets whichever Legendary isn't the Version Mascot, it would make battles against him/her much more fair.
scuba stevee said:
Yes but most pokemon that has black on them are the dark type, but of course there are the exceptions. Really I believe it being dark by it's coloration then some girls blog post that might not be true.
Excuse me!!!! Shokotan is not just "SOME GIRL"!! She is the HOST of Pokemon Sunday! She is one of the FIRST people outside of Gamefreak to know the latest Pokemon news! We should be exuberant that she actually let news slip! She could actually be fired for this, knowing those angry Japanese. JK. The point is she is a credible source, and she would not post false information unless it's on purpose to throw everyone off.

oh and you should probably FORGET ABOUT THREE TYPES OR FOURTH EVOLUTIONS! I REALLY doubt they will go that far. They will most likely stay within the boundaries they set in Gen I for these two subjects.
Blackmage96 said:
I guess it could be like Palkia and Dialga. I don't think water or steel when I look at them

Dialga and Palkia's types are a reference to the version names. Pearl is from a clamp, which live in water. Diamond in Japanese is Kongo with the kanji written as metal and steel, hench the steel type.
I know there's all this hinting at Zekrom being electric and all...
But I like the idea of Light/Dragon and Dark/Dragon, cause then we would have the Pokemon of DODGE AND BURN. ;D
sideswipe375 said:

It'd get way too complicated trying to calculate damage, etc.

Plus, then a lot more Pokemon would have to be totally redone and it'd drastically alter the entire metagame with 3 chances for stab, likely expanded movepools, etc...