(2) 90+ 'Noble Victories' Scans!; BW4 Darkrai EX, Zoroark, Krookodile, Dark Patch [10/27]

Broken Pokemon EX said:
Ah okay, now i see what you're referring to. Honestly though I don't think that's going to affect the card's playability much at all. In ReshiPhlosion you see a lot of people using Afterburner on their benched pokemon already. And if you really want to, just run a couple of free retreat pokemon (cleffa will probably be in the deck anyways, assuming it's not rotated out before Zekrom hits the states)

You still don't get it. Zekrom needs to retreat. It can't retreat because you have a Cleffa out lol. In ReshiPhlosion they have the choice. Here they don't
I'm assuming it'll go like this...

Base Case
T1~TN where N < current turn: Switch is used or Discarded
TN+1: One of your Pokemon gets KO'd. Promote Eelektrik
TN+2: Use Eelektrik's Dynamotor to attach Lit NRG to benched Zekrom. Attach Lit NRG to Zekrom.

Case 1
If Zekrom already had a Lightning Energy attached to it, then bring up Zekrom for the KO, by Junk Arming or Switching Eelektrik out for Zekrom.

Case 2
If Zekrom is missing 1 NRG, then you lose the game, unless you can play Shaymin to move NRGs around.

Eelektrik may only work if you already have a Lightning NRG attached to Zekrom when your current active gets KO'd.

Your Zekrom deck uses Eelektrik AND Switch
Your Eelektrik does not get Catcher's or Sniped up to TN+1


I realize that this is the wrong way to do induction, but it's not a proof :p (for all you keeners & math/CS majors out there)


Just trying to clarify how you'd use Eelektrik.
catutie said:
You still don't get it. Zekrom needs to retreat. It can't retreat because you have a Cleffa out lol. In ReshiPhlosion they have the choice. Here they don't

Oh true. Yea Zekrom would be stuck active with no way to accelerate energy. Hmm it's hard to say if there's anything in future sets to remedy this, but the best way I could see to handle it is maybe with Shaymin or Energy Switch. And Zekrom will still have access to his first move which really isn't a bad attack at all either. It's so far down the road to see how the deck will ultimately pan out, but I'm sure it'll see some play regardless of how far it goes.
Ohhh! I'm psyched for Cofagrigus! The first one actually looks to be pretty neat. I hope I get some in the pre-release this weekend. Otherwise, maybe I can just pick some up. I want to make a new psychic/something (not dark) deck. Just because I think Cofagrigus is cool.
Current analysis of Noble Victories:

Rocky Helmet

Potential Tech Cards:
Druddigon (vs Gothitelle)
Terrakion (vs Zekrom)
Cryogonal #32 (vs Donphan)
Cofagrigus #46 (I say Gothitelle, but there's other usages as long as there's Reuniclus)

Eelektrik (for Zekrom)

Interesting/Rogueable Cards:
Legendary Trio (as seen in JPN meta)

BCIS: - best card in set
Tynamo #39


LMK if I've missed anything or if you disagree with anything. :p


This is just my opinion and doesn't necessarily reflect the future meta when NV is released. Just thought it'd be handy for me to refer to this list every so often. :)
^Missing Durant as a top card imo, its better than you give it credit for.

Anyway, I was pretty surprised that we got some PD/HB stuff, like Conkeldurr (That was the only one that stood out to me, might be others). Anyway, Darkrai EX is awesome, being a basic Metagross in terms of retreat. I can see it being an okay tech it decks with heavy retreat Pokemon, such as the EXes (Regigigas in particular since it can use Darkness Energy and has 4 retreat). The attack is pretty decent too, a 120 damage for 3 with no negative effects whatsoever, although the damage is spread across 2 Pokemon, which can be good or bad. Darkness Patch is really cool too, a trainer card for energy acceleration. I've been wanting something like that for a while, and the fact it will be released with Darkrai EX (Which I will be playing regardless of how good it ends up being) is great.
"Krookodile – Darkness – HP150
Stage 1 – Evolves from Krokorok"

Its a stage 2.
I'm glad to see PD/HB cards in this set. This will hopefully line our sets up right for releasing next year which is really nice.

My favorite card out of this set is N. I can't wait to see how the meta shapes with the likes of Night Maintenance, Kyurem, and Eviolite.

I also like that Dark Energy accelerator. Good to see some Dark types get some love with a good ability on Darkrai EX. They need all the help they can get with most of them being weak to Fighting lol.

dmaster out.
So are all three Victini cards holographic?

I count these holos from the scans WPM posted:
1. Virizion 13
2. Victini 14
3. Kyurem 34
4. Eelektross 41
5. Conkeldurr 64
6. Terrakion 73
7. Landorus 74
8. Bisharp 82
9. Cobalion 84

We also know that Hydreigon 79 is a holo, and Leavanny 3 and Haxorus 88 were holos in their Japanese sets. So it looks like 12-14 holos in this set (depending on whether or not Victini 15 and Victini 43 are). Sounds about right since Triumphant had 102 cards/12 holos last fall, too.
Have you guys seen that Cofigrigus's attack? It is AMAZIGRIIGUS!!! Anyways, this looks like one of the first playable sets in a while. Can't wait to be playing 4 full art N in my decks... That card is probably the best supporter we have seen in MONTHS! Anyone disagree? Just wait for cities... you'll regret not taking N seriously ;P

They are really pushing the dark deck, aren't they? Darkrai EX is decent in that deck, Zoroark looks like a really easy attacker to abuse (Even without dark deck support) and that trainer will certainly make the deck work. It makes zoroark more versatile than it already is and it could make heafty dark attackers (like t-tar prime) good. Can't wait to see what it does to our format. It is by no means broken, but it could with a few other dark type TSS to make a really strong deck. I wish our new trainers weren't as narrow as this one, but it is certainly a good card (no one can argue), and it will be seen in many dark decks to come.
I disagree. First, because it is a ability, Fliptini doesn't affect it. It also relies on a flip. 50% of the time it won't work. Also, with its 40-60 damage attack, it won't do much.

Darkrai isn't good in dark decks because it is a Catcher away from giving your opponent 2 prizes.

All this "Dark Support" is reminding me of SP. In the next set "Dark Return: Choose a {D} Pokemon in play and return it to your hand"...
Glaceon, darkrai is only a catcher away from giving two prizes against donphan... where you shouldn't lay it. If you are playing a deck like T-tarr where you have heavy retreat, a well placed darkrai may give you a ton of new possibilities. IMO once again, but it could really be helpful in the right matchup. As far as dark support, I dislike the narrowness of the cards. If we get a dark type cyrus and a dark type radar, I'll flip a table... let's hope to stop at this trainer. The trainer should provide enough support to make dark a deck. Perhaps add a bad trainer and a mildly playable supporter and I'll be very happy :D
I didn't bother to read everyone's posts so some of what I say will sound like a repeat.

That Darkrai EX is ballin'. The Krookodile and Zoroark also look pretty cool as well. Maybe Dark types are going to get some fun support.

As for Noble Victories, this looks like it's going to be one fuuuuuun set. Funny names of note were Dynomotor and Damagriiigus. hehehe.
Dark Rush is the first BW set that to me looks like it could be a lot of fun (as far as collecting it goes), in total spite of not liking most of Generation V's monsters. I was hoping they'd do either a TR/TRR style Dark gimmick, which didn't pan out when Venusaur was revealed, or a dual-type reintroduction at least, and when happened I figured I'd be let down, but if they go full-on with a disproportionate support for Dark types that all support themselves it could be a nice little set to collect.
Dark Void said:
^Missing Durant as a top card imo, its better than you give it credit for.

Actually, it's not that top. I've yet to see a convincing decklist & playtests. My list is merely theorymon, so it's pretty "skeletal" in that we have yet to see evidence of whether those cards will be good/rogueable/meta.

Also, none of the cards are in any order. I just put them down whatever.


As Zero mentioned, Darkrai EX should be played in certain situations & matchups. I repeat his example: against a Donphan, you really wouldn't play down Darkrai EX :-\ UNLESS it actually helps you win the game.

Like DCL, Darkrai EX should be played as a finisher tech, or in this case, a finisher body. Perhaps 1 would be sufficient as a tech in many Dark decks.
Omaigawd. That Darkrai is simply amazing, in both Art and ability. Once I have it, I'm going to enjoy running it alongside Zoroark, and who knows? It might do well online. The scans are great also!
Wow we have had 50 sets of TCG cards since Pokemon started? That is roughly 2,000 cards not counting any doubles. If you count an average of 100 cards per set. That is pretty good for only 50 sets. From a glance the cards look pretty cool. I will take a closer look when I can. As a side note I also like the Darkrai EX and the other cards below as well.:)