(2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

Epic fix.

I also see people are having trouble pronouncing the name Reuniclus, I believe it's pronounced Re-You-Niclus. (I think they were trying to make it sound like nucleus, because the pokemon is based off of a cell.)

Or should I say, "Re-You-Nick-liss."
i dont like much of them but i also like alot of them, i dont like wargles english name so i am nicknaming him wargle, i do like sazandora's though hydreigon, and i like haxorus
XieRH said:

*standing ovation*

Surprisingly, many of the names have grown on me, actually. Roggenrola(sp?), although misleading due to its size, is a pretty cool name. I assume "Sawk" is a reference to the phrase 'sock it to me', if that hasn't been mentioned in here yet.
I didn't say all the names are bad. I just think that they could have made them better. Seriously, Pansage? I think that something like Monkree would be better. But I like many of the names, like Samurott and Sandile. And yes, maybe I went a little over my head when I said they were running out of ideas. Sorry, about that to all the people in the pokemon company.
Cetanium said:
they could have made them better.

There is nothing in this game that couldn't be made better. Unless anyone here can point out a "perfect" element of the game, something that is totally flawless with 100% approval and 0% dislike across the fanbase...

Cetanium said:
Seriously, Pansage? I think that something like Monkree would be better.

Well then there's the problem... we can't really tell if you honestly feel about "making it better", or simply "wanting to change the name to something that you personally prefer" Because if it happens to be the latter, I don't think the issue is about making it better anymore. For example I think tsutarja, janovy and jalorda should be Smugleaf, Smuglade and Smugawesome but I don't claim such a renaming would make the game "better". Ever considered that some people out there might feel that "Monkree" is a worse name than "Pansage"?

Personally I don't get why people are so afraid to simply say "yeah I dislike it" and try to mask it behind a veneer of "they've no good ideas left" or "why cant they do better" etc... it sort of makes it look like the dislike is aimed more at the creator of the thing, rather than the thing itself.
Seriously, Pansage? I think that something like Monkree would be better
What the heck is a Monkree? Look earlier on this thread for the meaning behind "Pansage". It's actually a very creative name.

I'm glad you realize how ridiculous your "running out of ideas" accusation was, though.

By the way, can anyone explain to me the meaning behind "Gigalith"?
The lith comes from greek "lithos" (rock). The Giga is because it holds 1024MB of storage space
^O u!
The name Gigalith is Greek-derived, from Gigas which were a group of earth creatures in Greek mythology and Lithos meaning stone.
I also think it comes from Goliath.
The lith comes from greek "lithos" (rock). The Giga is because it holds 1024MB of storage space
So that's why it has a bunch of red flashdrives sticking out of it... thanks!
The name Gigalith is Greek-derived, from Gigas which were a group of earth creatures in Greek mythology and Lithos meaning stone.
I also think it comes from Goliath.
Thanks a lot. :)
Gigalith is definitely one of my favorite.
Lol, I couldn't pronounce any of the names when the list was first shown. You just gotta... kinda stare at 'em for a while... Worked for me. :B
"Seriously, Pansage? I think that something like Monkree would be better."
I honestly have to disagree with you. Pansage makes it sound unique, and Monkree sounds way to close to Monkey. Not to mention that the "kree" part doesn't really fit.

And by the way, I can pronounce every name on this list. :p
But Hydreigon is debatable; I'm not sure if they're trying to make it "Hy-Drae-Juhn" or "Hy-Drah-Guhn."

I like these names. Braviary sounds okay, but I like wargle. If they ever had a raven version (Too bad they made a vulture version :p) they could name it Braven! :D
Tell me what names you can't pronounce, they're really simple if you try.

It's hard to say for certain. We have 26 letters in English alphabet, but the IPA has much more than that (pulmonic/non-pulmonic/co-articulated consonants, vowels). It doesn't take a genius to guess that certain letters in English may be pronounced in more than one way.

For instance during the dub of the English Deoxys movie I was pretty surprised Rayquaza was pronounced /rər-kueɪ-zə/ instead of /reɪ-kua-za/
I had the same problem with trying to pronounce the names correctly, but then I went to google translate and had the computer say it to me. Not 100% sure if it pronounced them right but I can say I at least have an idea of how to say them correctly.
I think the Meguroco (Sandile) line got a poor treatment. Though I do like names like Excadrill and Haxorus.
from what Ive seen no ones ever gonna be completely happy when something first comes out. Like oshawott no one liked it not anyone it was ugly and person looking. Then as time passed people fell in love with it and its ugliness turned adorable. Not to mention Samurott got extra points when people realized its shells turned into real twin swords and it was bipedal. No one liked Tepig's evos either but now you have to admit they have at the least grown on you. These names might as well be real and we're gna get used to them being that 50 are gna nickname and the other 50 won't care anyway in the longrun. if they came out along with the games at the same time i guarantee no one would care