(2) All Names Possibly Revealed, More 'Black' and 'White' English Names Revealed [1/13]

^Thank you for that, the names make soooo much more sense now. After seeing that list, i am finally at piece with all of the names except for throh and sawk.
I got used to the names pretty quickly....I'm at least indifferent to most of them now and I really like a few.

I pronounce Cofagrigus: Cough-a-gree-gus

Even though it doesn't look exactly like that it feels more natural to me..

I love the name Yamask too, Yama + Mask. :3
Ok some of these are just plain ridiculous! ( When I mean some I mean 99% of them.)

A very descriptive and constructive post.
And why don't you check the past posts for explanations on the names? If you actually translate the Japanese names you'll find that they either mean the same thing as their English names or just plain stupid.
Now with the pronunciation guides combined with the pictures (thanks WPM), I have to say that whether these are real or fake, they are creative names nonetheless. I've gotten used to most of them, and the ones that haven't really sunk in yet are just harder to pronounce.

Now all there really is to do is wait for the next batch of english names, which will probably show up the beginning of next month (some or all of which will most likely come in the form of the demo being shown at malls starting February 5th in America). Until then...I go through withdrawl. D:
while i do like these names, some are going to take some getting used to.

Foongus - Amoonguss
Alomomola - how is this even pronounced?!
My guess would be Alo-mom-ola. It's a play on Mola mola (sunfish) and Mom...

Again.. pronunciations... in my sig. I've said it several times. Love how no one seems to read older posts.
The new Pokemon look pretty cool. The final stage of the fire starter looks like a jazzed up Magmortar XD.:)
Wow... whoever's designing these Pokemon are out of ideas.
Doesn't matter. As long as they keep pumping out new Pokemon and games,
the cash keeps flowing to Nintendo. Not from me though... but they'll have
a ton of fans either way.
Wow... whoever's designing these Pokemon are out of ideas that I like.

Also, this may seem a little harsh, but please get out. Complaining justified by nostalgia isn't a real reason to dislike any of the Pokemon.
The Pokemon pictures with names = much better. I was having trouble pronouncing some of them, but will probably get used to them as time passes when we see/hear about them more.
I am SUPER HAPPY with Onondo's new name! I LOVE Fraxure! It's just an awesome name to me. And most of the names are not that bad to me. I could say Cofagrigus on the first try, well, I could say all of them on the first try. BTW, im 11. XD
^So? I'm twelve, prepare to die fellow prepubescent!
Haxorus is an awesome name, and amazingly, AMAZINGLY I've gotten used to Sawk. For some reason it matches so... perfectly with that blue muppet.
Don't like Throh, though, but I won't use it anyway.
^Really? Im used to throh, because of his long arms and stubby legs remind me of a person with more upper body strength, so throh is good.

Sawk, i have a problem with that one, it is too common a household item, i dont mind now if it sounds like an actual creature, but when it sounds like something i put on my feet, but it a punching Pokémon (sawk sounds like sock, which means to punch) is just odd. Common household item, and a piece of clothing for my feet that is a name for a punching (HANDS) Pokémon, now there is a problem.
Also, this may seem a little harsh, but please get out. Complaining justified by nostalgia isn't a real reason to dislike any of the Pokemon.

Yes- harsh, but true.
Anyhoo, I'm glad that most of these names are actually growing on me- some of my favorites (name wise) include Blitzle, Excadrill, Swoobat, Alomomola, Galvantula, Klinklang, Chandelure, and Fraxure.
YAY! FRAXURE PEOPLE FOR EVER! Im so glad that I Pre-Ordered Pokemon Black verison. Theres gonna be a mob of people there on March 6! Throh and Sawk, WTF? I hate those names.

Kid: "Im gonna use my Sawk in this battle!"

Other Kid: "Oh yeah, well my Throh will throw your Sawk!"

Kid: "Hey, I love my socks. They are red with blue stripes!"


I dunno, I think the name Sawk matches with him quite nicely. A short name for a cool looking Pokemon- at least it's spelled exotically.
And lol at constant Sock references- get over it people. I like Bert (or is it Ernie?)
At least "Throh" and "Sawk" have different spellings from the actual words. The Japanese have even worse names. Ex. "Hog that watches/sees." That is a literal reading/translation of Miruhoggu. It's not even a pun, it's a freaking clause.

And Throh and Sawk fit them perfectly; Throh looks like he throws as his main battle style, while Sawk looks like he mainly punches.

Punny names generally work much better in English because we can use cool spellings, but it doesn't work that way in Japanese due to how their language works.