(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

Joethegreat1 said:
The new pokemon is definitely a Mightyena evo. Mightyena is even in the middle of the image on the bag. And what will mightyena do in the movie? Its a pokemon that does not belong to ash, and it was never featured in the commercial.

Mightyena is going to create an evil Ash.

Anyway, that's one top notch drawing Xous. I wouldn't be surprised if your interpretation wasn't at least close.

dmaster out.
Mightyena will probably be throughout most of the movie and evolve at the end into a Pokemon that helps Ash defeat Z and whoever is using it. That's my theory, at least, if it is indeed a Mightyena evolution. I mean, Z is probably a legendary of some sort, and I honestly doubt they'd reveal a legendary first. Just doesn't seem right. Z will be revealed soon, I'm guessing, but I doubt it's this Pokemon.

If it's not a Mightyena evolution? Eh, we'll see. I doubt this is Z, however, it seems much more likely that this is a "mascot" for this gen, such as how Munchlax and Lucario (particularly Lucario) turned out to be for 4th gen when all was said and done, regardless of whether or not it's an evo.

EDIT: I think it's the Pokemon that defeats Z because it's the "key to Z". I see that as being the key to the mystery of Z instead of being Z itself. We'll see in a couple weeks. Could be Z itself, though, we really have no idea, though it'll be good no matter what it is. However, I'm just saying, don't rule out the possibility of it being an evolution, especially since it's the first revealed Pokemon.
I'll post this again 'cause nobody said anything the first time round.

I think it could be possible for it to be the master of the Legendary Trio of Ho-Ho, Lugia and Celebi. This is because they don't have one yet. It could also be annother one of Giovanni's little experiments, but that's already been used before.
i dont think this new pokemon will be a legendary, as when the first couple of 4th generations leaked they were all like munchlax, mime JR. ect. diamond-pearl...platinum, ruby-sapphire.....emerald,HEARTGOLD-SOULSILVER.....CRYSTAL!!
Maybe the silhouette isn't Z and could be a mighteana evo, i mean look at PCP, old Pokemon, new forme, remember when we first saw that there was some weird ideas it was new Pokemon. It probably is Z but lets not jump to any conclusions yet.
(I personaly think that our creature we have already is Z and other new poke is a new Celebi forme, just my thoughts, though.)
By the way, Xous, you should work for The Pokemon Company International, your drawing skills are impecable.
Xous said:
Well... This is the best I can manage at this time. xP Probably just going to wait until it's revealed before making any more art of this thing... Can't wait to see how wrong I turn out to be. xD


They could call call it FireFox. Oh wait. That is taken, never mind.
kriffix said:
You're forgetting that this silhouette isn't necessarily Z. Even if it most likely is.
In the case that it IS infact Z, then it is indeed unlikely to be an evolution of Mightyena etc

My guess is that the silhouette is not Z, but Mightyena when it evolves during the battle with Z. Mightyena is in the movie you know!? Also, Munchlax evolved into Snorlax in one of the movies.
HEY!!I said it might not be Z first >:O.Anyway....with Xous/New Updates coming soon...we'll brake the record 10 fold.
I would say, based on the latest CoroCoro image that WPM posted on the site, it's either one of the legendary duo/trio, or a final stage of an starter Pokemon, featured in the boxart of one of the 5th gen games...

I decided not to draw in the other hand... and this is just what I think the colouring and Typing might be.
Also, his body is just covered up by fur, not the fur itself.
Wait! Guys! The second arm is what we've assumed is the waist. This pokemon's torso isn't connected to it's legs!
RuinsofPoli said:
Going to take a long shot and say... Its Shuckle evo guys. I mean can't you see it? Whos with me!


i hope its not though, cuz I love shuckle and I hate it when my fav pokemon have evos because then I can't just have the pokemon on my team non- evolved.

for example, Some of my favorite pokemon are meowth and poliwhirl and electabuzz, and shuckle

Lobsterlair said:
Wait! Guys! The second arm is what we've assumed is the waist. This pokemon's torso isn't connected to it's legs!

not really, in everyones drawings the arm is going up or facing us.