(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

I can only assume it to be a new legendary pokemon since it seems to have such a huge influence on the next coming movie....that is if it is Z, otherwise, this might be another lucario and the mystery of mew were a non legendary becomes pretty much one of the main characters in the new movie that might be involved with whatever is to come in the new movie.

Thanks alot for posting all that, it's revived my pokemon fandom just a bit and a whole lot more when new info arrives.
It can also be a non-legendary Pokemon and be in the movie. I'm hoping it is a legendary that would be awesome.
Xous said:
Well... This is the best I can manage at this time. xP Probably just going to wait until it's revealed before making any more art of this thing... Can't wait to see how wrong I turn out to be. xD


It's Shadow the Hedgehog!!! Either that or a new Celebi forme. I'll choose the latter. ;) Okay so that is ridiculous. But whatever it is, it looks amazing.
Lol, why do you guys waste all your time predicting what "pokemon Z" will look like? Can't you just wait until the pokemon image is released?
Olliek said:
Lol, why do you guys waste all your time predicting what "pokemon Z" will look like? Can't you just wait until the pokemon image is released?

And just what would be the fun in that?
This wasn't made to look good, but here's how I imagine it could turn out:


Essentially, it could be a Ying-Yang Pokemon. The little Ponytail's color could change depending on whether it's male or female.

And the reason for one arm is because it's just jumped out of the air, and it's arm is lifted up, hidden behind the hair. So the arm that you can see is actually it's left arm. It's twisting it's waist.
Olliek said:
Lol, why do you guys waste all your time predicting what "pokemon Z" will look like? Can't you just wait until the pokemon image is released?

I think it might be (and of course, I may be wrong) for some, it's fun to speculate and share views with fellow fans. It's the continuation of a series that people like, so I guess it's something to be happy and chatty about. *Shrugs* Plus, to people like that, they might not consider it "wasted time". I guess it's really just one's view on the matter. xD
Its good to see what people might be coming up with and to also get a chance to see their artistic abilities. Also its fun.
That picture looks amazing.

Anyways, please listen to all of what I have to say!

Firstly, this new pokemon could not be Lucario because of you look at Lucario's stat roosters, it has a total of 525, which it's evolution can have any higher. The max any non-legendary, non-psuedo-legendary, and Slaking pokemon has is a total of 555, and that's Arcanine. The pokemon trailing behind it have a total of 540.

See for yourself:http: //www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/stat/all.shtml
Just see where Lucario is, and there is no room for Lucario's "potential" evolution in that chart. THEREFOR LUCARIO IS OUT OF THE PICTURE.

Secondly, earlier in this thread, I saw a link of a grocery bag of all the Pokemon that will be featured in the 13th movie. I was shocked to see a Mightyena. There is a small possibility that this pokemon could be mightyena's evolution though i cannot see how this pokemon's evolution will take over such an incredible role and possess supernatural powers, afterall, this is just a dark pokemon.

its ubsurd: like saying meowth, a normal pokemon, will evolve into a jirachi, which is a psychic and has a psychic ability (bringing wishes). put some logic and sense into this.

thirdly, this pokemon has more non-ghost features, it appears as if it were a fox, a canine, or feline, maybe a rodent, and as u can tell it has hair/fur. this pokemon could be somehow related to the 3 cats, but im just sayin that LOL. uhhhh and the only types this pokemon would most likely be is (from greatest chance to least) dark, normal, psychic, fighting.
I have a feeling that it might be a Mightyena evolution. There are some things that are making be feel that it might be the evolution of that Pokemon.
dexedxboy said:
That picture looks amazing.

Anyways, please listen to all of what I have to say!

Firstly, this new pokemon could not be Lucario because of you look at Lucario's stat roosters, it has a total of 525, which it's evolution can have any higher. The max any non-legendary, non-psuedo-legendary, and Slaking pokemon has is a total of 555, and that's Arcanine. The pokemon trailing behind it have a total of 540.

See for yourself:http: //www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/stat/all.shtml
Just see where Lucario is, and there is no room for Lucario's "potential" evolution in that chart. THEREFOR LUCARIO IS OUT OF THE PICTURE.

Secondly, earlier in this thread, I saw a link of a grocery bag of all the Pokemon that will be featured in the 13th movie. I was shocked to see a Mightyena. There is a small possibility that this pokemon could be mightyena's evolution though i cannot see how this pokemon's evolution will take over such an incredible role and possess supernatural powers, afterall, this is just a dark pokemon.

its ubsurd: like saying meowth, a normal pokemon, will evolve into a jirachi, which is a psychic and has a psychic ability (bringing wishes). put some logic and sense into this.

thirdly, this pokemon has more non-ghost features, it appears as if it were a fox, a canine, or feline, maybe a rodent, and as u can tell it has hair/fur. this pokemon could be somehow related to the 3 cats, but im just sayin that LOL. uhhhh and the only types this pokemon would most likely be is (from greatest chance to least) dark, normal, psychic, fighting.

Except that the Masuda said the new games would be so different we wouldn't recognise them. They could radically change everything. Think about what RS did to the formula. This gen could change things even MORE! Pokemon could take on a realtime battle system. It couldbe an action RpG. It could even go RTS. I hope none, of this happens but it might...
Here is what I think of Z:


Okay I got the Tail from Chimchar - Chimchar's Flame!
Since it is the "Master of Illusion" maybe it's made of like - shadow? Still, I dont believe Z has a headband. It makes it look strange.
I think the first spike is Z's ear. That would make sense. the rest of the spikes could be the hair.
i also think both arms could start in the hair. it just seems right for me.

Im pretty sure that this is either Ghost or Fire type, from its name and tail :).
Hm..I guess it COULD be a Weaviel or soemthing...but...I rather think not.If all of our previous Pokemon evolve what will the Metagame come too?
I've just finished a design for a Vulpix evolution, that evolves when male at night.


The Illusion Pokemon

Description: A special attacker that has exchanged its focus on beauty for speed and special attacking prowess. It is very swift and hunts at night by confusing its prey into seeing illusions to destroy it's mind; then corners it's body with intense flames.

I'm not saying this is what the Pokemon will be, but I thought this would be a fun idea to put forward.

Will scan in in a moment.
It looks like Sonic the Hedgehog with a fox tail :p
Or something else, I might shade the silhouette son and post it here.
Most of the drawings make me think more and more of Renamon, one of the main Digimon in Digimon Tamers... And since she is kind of a fox, a Ninetails evo, or a secondary Vulpix evo (or a completely unrelated fox Pokemon) seem more likely lol
It looks like Shadow... And it's amazing how this draws so many new PokeBeachers.
after further regard and looking at xous's sexy rendition, i'm going with the sexy Sasquatch Z. cya
dexedxboy said:
Firstly, this new pokemon could not be Lucario because of you look at Lucario's stat roosters, it has a total of 525, which it's evolution can have any higher. The max any non-legendary, non-psuedo-legendary, and Slaking pokemon has is a total of 555, and that's Arcanine. The pokemon trailing behind it have a total of 540.

See for yourself:http: //www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/stat/all.shtml
Just see where Lucario is, and there is no room for Lucario's "potential" evolution in that chart. THEREFOR LUCARIO IS OUT OF THE PICTURE.

And who's to say that the evolution will go beyond the psuedo legendary threshold? 555 is quite an improvement over 525. There are also evolutions of previous Pokemon that keep the same base stats, but just redistribute them (Porygon-Z, Scizor).

dexedxboy said:
Secondly, earlier in this thread, I saw a link of a grocery bag of all the Pokemon that will be featured in the 13th movie. I was shocked to see a Mightyena. There is a small possibility that this pokemon could be mightyena's evolution though i cannot see how this pokemon's evolution will take over such an incredible role and possess supernatural powers, afterall, this is just a dark pokemon.

This Pokemon hasn't been confirmed as Z just yet, although if it is then the Mightyena evo is indeed unlikely.