(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

RE: L y c a n t h r o p y ?

Hypno68 said:
The posts that mention werewolves got me thinking about Lycanthropy...

I'm not sure how they would work it in... but I wonder if they will go to "monster-like" forms of common pokemon?

So Riolu would evolve into Lucario (stage 1) then Lucario would shapeshift into "Lucario L" ("L" for "Lycanthrope") -- "Lucario L" would still be a Stage 1... just a lil' meaner...

This would open up a door for most any pokemon to go from their cute-and-cuddly forms to a monsterish form.

This could be a new way of expressing "light" and "dark" pokemon.

I like this idea. Perhaps a sub plot revolves around an evil moon or something, so every so often if you train a Pokemon under a New or Full moon they'll change to a different form, and if they evolve while in that for they'll have a permanent "Dark" form

Also I gotta ask, someone said something about speculation of Lucario's silhouette, anyone have a link to the old thread? I'd like to give that a read and compare it to this new Pokemon....
Idea with timing,since we have the clocks, maybe at night (only works if Z is evo of pokemon) it turns into Z and in day turns back forme?
Hehe, we're starting to loose the sight in our speculation :p, we don't even know for sure the pokémon is even a little bit werewolflike.
But whatever. Would be a nice, exept the 'permanent-dark', that sounds just not as Pokémon. That would be more Digimon, but maybe, under special conditions it might be evil for a while...
sideswipe375 said:
WOW! This Thread Is HUGE! But, Why Do Some Say That Sillhoutte Is Related To Mightyeana? Doesn't Look Like Anything Like Mightyeana! Although,It DOES Have A HUGE Stash Of Hair On Its Back, Which I Hope Does Something Important.
I Hope This Is What There Doing.

Besides the fact that both (if you only look at their silhouettes respectively) look like wolves, there's also the un-strategically placed Mightyena on the plastic bag.

Talking of this bag, has anybody else noticed how it looks like a filler? Everything centers Mightyena and it looks incredibly out of scale. Also, the huge empty space around Mightyena is a little suspicious. Anybody got any view on this?
Oh please do NOT let this be a werewolf!!! I'm trying not to pull my hair out as it is with all of the US monster movies. XP We do NOT need pokemon jumping on that bandwagon.

Also, didn't Ken Sugimori (Spelling?) say one time in an interview that he had 1000's of designs? Which means this pokemon may have been designed way before the monster kick. So, that means the chance of this being a bandwagon pokemon is slim in my mind.
Sudowoodo said:
I have this strange feeling that this could be the last evo of a fire starter...

It's possible. Starters have made appearances on cover art before.
Here's my idea on what Z's card should look like...
All Credit to Xous for the drawing, by the way.

Oops, heres real one,
That's my idea on what Z's card should look like...
All Credit to Xous for the drawing, by the way.
Vaan said:
Here's my idea on what Z's card should look like...
All Credit to Xous for the drawing, by the way.

Oops, heres real one,
That's my idea on what Z's card should look like...
All Credit to Xous for the drawing, by the way.

I hope to god it looks nothing like that design. Looks like Shadow the Hedgehog meets Digimon.
Gizmi-chan said:
Oh please do NOT let this be a werewolf!!! I'm trying not to pull my hair out as it is with all of the US monster movies. XP We do NOT need pokemon jumping on that bandwagon.

Also, didn't Ken Sugimori (Spelling?) say one time in an interview that he had 1000's of designs? Which means this pokemon may have been designed way before the monster kick. So, that means the chance of this being a bandwagon pokemon is slim in my mind.

Yeah, it was annouced a few years ago that before Red/Green came out...1,171 pokemon were already made. And you know more have been made when a pokemon was really popular. They probably added pr/evos to pokemon that were either really popular or needed a pr/evo for the metagame. So, who knows how many there are. lol. We're not even halfway done. Heh.
Mm, I'm seriously afraid to keep checking out all the fanart floating around. They're all so neat -- and that's the problem. If this Silhouette Pokémon is revealed, I don't want it to look absolutely horrid in comparison. I'd rather have SOME shred of respect for it, versus thinking of all this awesome fanart that totally trashed its official look.
Because, really, I don't expect it to look extraordinary. From the sounds of sources, this Pokémon is not the fabled Z... and if that's the case, it'll more than likely be a Lucario-commoner. And most know that the really intricate designs are more in favor of the hardcore Legends... post-1st and -2nd Gen (a la Palkia, Dialga, Weather Trio VS. all else).
I would hate an Evo of Ninetales OR Lucario. Lucario already starred in a movie; Ninetales is fine as is. The only way I can imagine liking this thing is if it's a Mightyena Evo. Mightyena doesn't get enough attantion.
No evo... Please no.

I hope this is a legendary Pokémon, or, a standalone Pokémon of the fifth generation.

Mightyena is a Pokémon like Raticate,Linoone,Furret,Bibarel. These are Pokémon that are not the greatest battlers, more like HM slaves or something. So if Z is Mightyena's evo, what comes next? Super Bibarel Ruler of Everything?

I just hope this is a legend similar to Mewtwo/Deoxys, etc.

EDIT: If its Mightyena's evo, lets call it Zightyena. :p
6-Dimension said:
I would hate an Evo of Ninetales OR Lucario. Lucario already starred in a movie; Ninetales is fine as is. The only way I can imagine liking this thing is if it's a Mightyena Evo. Mightyena doesn't get enough attantion.

..how is Ninetales fine as is?
Dheginsea said:
Yeah, it was annouced a few years ago that before Red/Green came out...1,171 pokemon were already made. And you know more have been made when a pokemon was really popular. They probably added pr/evos to pokemon that were either really popular or needed a pr/evo for the metagame. So, who knows how many there are. lol. We're not even halfway done. Heh.

Anyone have a link to this interview? Im going to go with the werewolves guesses.

I think it will end up looking like that. Its spike grew into claws, and it lost the tale. In any case, what else has arms that skinny, if not a Lucario evolution? Anthro Latios? (anthro latios=/=serious speculation, btw) It might also be a Lucario equivalent, but I think it looks too advanced to be just a normal pokemon =/ . It has to be stage three or legendary, and since I don't think it's legendary...
As for the 'but all he does is see auras' deal...well, abilities improve with evolution. What if he creates illusions when he evolves through aura manipulation? You never know.
I now have a new theory. If shaymin got a sky forme, why wouldn't darkrai have a land forme. It is a ghost type so it could cause things like illusions. A darkrai ground form seems very logical to me, although it would be lame.
Has anyone considered that it could be a vulpix evo? Like, instead of evolving into ninetails evolves into this. Similar how under special conditions slowpoke can evolve into slowking, even though a slowbro evo is more common. A way it can tie into the story is that this evo would be of help in seeing the illusions that the legendary master illusion thingy is creating or becoming.