(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

Vulpix Yolk said:
Oh I thought of something else a nuzleaf evolution, oh and I don't get were people are getting ninetails from, DOES IT HAVE A TAIL?!?!? No it has a hair thing, goe look at a ninetails really you guys

Nuzleaf and Shiftry have distinct feet, they wouldnt just become fox like and have claws now would they?
That pretty mcuh is what we have to do.See what they have instore for us now.

Lucario's Base Stats Total is 525. It's even more than some Stage 2's...
Just use your brain!!
If it did evolve then we know Nintendo lost there minds.I'm going for Ninetails.There are some things that are the same but for the most part, it coudl be 50-50.
Metalizard said:

Lucario's Base Stats Total is 525. It's even more than some Stage 2's...
Just use your brain!!

so what you're saying is... we should be getting a riolu prevo?
o_O NO! WE shoudl NOT get a pre-evo.That would be horrible.Ist not going to have anything to do with Lucario!
palkia dialga clash said:
If it did evolve then we know Nintendo lost there minds.I'm going for Ninetails.There are some things that are the same but for the most part, it coudl be 50-50.

Id say its going to be Ninetails.
aaroncsmall2 said:
What a lot of you are forgetting is that they would never get rid of a distinctive feature of a pokemon.

Weavile has shards of pink crystal coming out of it, so he is out. Lucario has tear drops from his headband and spikes on his palms and chest, so he is also out. The mouth for Z is fox like, and seems to feminine to be Mightyena or Zangoose.

It appears to be a fox, and it can cause illusions and disguise itself as humans. It is obviously a Ninetails evolution!
There is one pokemon with claws on hands and feet, stands upright, has spikes coming out it's head, and has kind of a pointed face.
You can't really rule anything out at this point. With Lucario, the spikes could be facing us. The tail could be behind the ponytail, or the ponytail could be covering the tail's "shadow"

We don't know if it doesn't have tails or not, the "ponytail" is covering the tail bone area

It could be showing us half it's body, and the pink shards Weavile has on it are on the ear, which you can't see from a silhouette.

Gardevoir can be female, Mightyenna can be male, it doesn't matter how feminine it looks. Does Kangaskhan really look that female to you?

Scyther->Scizor, they kept the same BST, they rearranged some speed into attack. It was a full evolution. Just because you evolve doesn't mean you have to gain 200 stats. if it gained 45, it'd make 600, making a Psuedo Legendary that's perfectly legal. I mean, Electabuzz was good, but then Electivire. Porygon-2 was a walling beast, suddenly, Porygon-Z.

Case in point, don't rule anything out, there are things that apply, and counters for things that apply.
n00b in the house!!! Ill introduce myself then get to my business.

intro: Hi. Im ZodiacSpirit or Zodiac, or Spirit if u want

Business: First, This May not be Z, if you read the most current article on the website, it states a theory that this may not be Z. For me i would say this is a Mightyena or ninetails evolution(although as soon as i saw the silhouette, i though of lucario) but then again this is my opinion. by the way, ive been lurking here for quite a while now and would just like to say that all your drawings are amazing! I do draw pokemon myself, but i wouldnt say im great, although everyone says i am. I think im more mediocre.
Ninetales is a huge possibility imo. Its supposed to resemble the thing in the link below. Notice the section titled "shapeshifting"
Hmm.... Just Like WPM, I Think Its A Completly New Pokemon

Xous said:
Just for the heck of it:


That's how I see it right now. Can't wait to see how it actually looks. Not even going to bother with color schemes at this moment. xD

Looks Amazing!
Hahaha this is so funny, somebody just stupidly said ''Ninetales'' a few pages back and look how everybody now is like; ''I agree (but I don't know why, I just agree)''.

Well trust me guys, I would even bet my live on it that it isn't Ninetales. Even the Mightyena sounded more logical. Neither it is going to be Lucario, Lucario has got enough attention in the 4th gen. Now it's logical they would slowly try to take it out of the spotlights. Which I think is good, I never really understanded why people where so ''OMG ITZ'A LUCARIOOO'' about it. Besides, the silhouette doesn't show any similarities to Lucario (maybe some small, but not enough). So sorry folks Lucario is going to take a long break from now.

About Ninetales... Where the heck did that idea come from? I'm not even going to try to explain why not.

And who ever said it is going to be a evolution or a new forme? It could also turn out it's a totally new Pokemon, which I think is a good possibility.

Anyway I know 3 people would read my post and others will just spam and reply to the last post. Ah well...
Xous said:
Well... This is the best I can manage at this time. xP Probably just going to wait until it's revealed before making any more art of this thing... Can't wait to see how wrong I turn out to be. xD


Wow this could be what it looks like man. That sure looks like the real deal even though I don't think it will be. Anyway awesome drawing though.:)
the reason they said ninetails is because of the kitsune's relation to illusions. Kitsune have the ability to create illusions, And to top it off, This movie is called Phantom(illusion) Champion Z. So there. But what im trying to say is that there is a chance this isnt Z because they never said it was. So there
xxashxx said:
Wow this could be what it looks like man. That sure looks like the real deal even though I don't think it will be. Anyway awesome drawing though.:)

Actually Xous remove the red color and make the red areas the same color of his chest. I have a funny feeling that it is a Mightyena evolution. It sure looks like a Mightyena Also try the colors of a Sandslash to see if that works also. It is either a Mightyena or Sandslash evolution but might be to big for Sandslash though.:)