crm103top08 said:You may have quoted the wrong person, I was disproving his method also lol.
hipoke said:But what I'm saying if it WAS Z, they wouldn't pick a random pokemon like Mightyana to grow Psychic Powers
palkia dialga clash said:^He's got a point.*Mightyena-use Psychic-GURRRRAAAAAYYYAA!* If they do then nintendo lost there minds.I don't even see the point of a new generation if all the Pokes are gonna be Evos.
palkia dialga clash said:Ok.Its porven.After translation.Its says: "Thsi Pokemon Will Hold the Key In the New Pokemon Movie".here you go:
ThatCrookedVulture said:Rhyhorn into Rhydon, Bagon into Shellgon, Cyndaquil into Quilava and Typhlosion. They change to walk on different amounts of legs/arms all the time.
GHJamesGH said:What has stealing spirits got to do with illusions? Also, it's not even confirmed that this Pokemon will be Z.
Did you even watch the trailer?
I was pointing out that it's not just a random Poke now.Squid Rooster said:Yeah, they also said a "small, yellow Electric-type would save the world" in the last movie. All Spiky-eared Pichu did was unlock some doors. The only thing that's 'proven' here is that we won't know anything for sure until the movie debuts.
GHJamesGH said:Did you even watch the trailer?
FireMeowth said:Number 1 is wrong. He didn't say anything about it being a completely new Pokémon.
Travis said:Ok, I think we should all go back to square one for a bit and look at the facts we DO know.
1. This Pokemon is part of the new Fifth Generation of Pokemon. It MAY OR MAY NOT be an evolution of an existing Pokemon, this has NOT been ruled out.
2. Jun'ichi Masuda said "the Pokémon that holds the key to the upcoming movie: Phantom Champion Z". Meaning it MAY OR MAY NOT BE Z. Whatever it is, it's IN THE MOVIE.
3. If it does turn out to be an evolution, the Pokemon does NOT necessarily have to be on promotional material thus far, however I would take this with a grain of salt; regardless of whether or not it is Z they DO NOT have any generation 5 pokemon on any promotional material so far, so Ninetales isn't technically ruled out, but I would still say it's chances are slim (if it is they're trying to hide it).
4. Any evolution theories CAN NOT be ruled out, as the fifth generation could stray away from the norm. However, I don't think anything too drastic will take effect.
5. The Pokemon MAY OR MAY NOT be based on a Kitsune due to the use of Illusions and the assumed furry body (the furry body is not a definite though) More than one Pokemon can be based on the same thing.
6. If this is Z, it is the Phantom Champion/ Master of Illusions
7. ???
8. Profiit
34. Unfortunately there will be Pron of this...
Anything else I'm missing?
palkia dialga clash said:Hm..Well,CC has a point.It may takes Ashs form since the movie title.But we don't kwno fro sure.For all we knwo it coudl be a DITTO.