There is a dark ash and I think Z took over ash and cloned him into a dark ash. The illusion is that "Z"ableye can make people think that he is the real ash.ThatCrookedVulture said:Yes I did, explain how that is relevant.
palkia dialga clash said:Hm...If it is a Pre-Evo I don't know what they are thinking.They made enough Pre-Evos.Let get soemthing NEW.
palkia dialga clash said:No.If its a Ditto form I will Kill myself with a shotgun.
MaxHarrison24 said:i don't know why but i think it could be a golduck evolution
CommonCandy said:In many if not all movies Ash has made some conection with the main pokemon. first movie Mew2 tured ash to stone, Heros Ash and Latas were friends from the start and let Ash use there bond many times, Lucrio Ash's Aura was simaler to the fomor hero's Aura so Lucrio thought he was his master, Entie Ash conviced Entie that the Unown were destroying not creATING THEN THEY got rid of the unown. So this clone could be a conection?
Travis said:I think he might have some "connection" to all of them because he's the shows protagonist, therefore he is the "Chosen One" for every single Pokemon Legendary Occasion. Seriously, why can't any of his friends ever get any legendary time? Oh wait, stand corrected, May got Manaphy, but still....
Sudden realization: IT'S A VENASTOISE!!!
All jokes aside, am I the only one who feels some sort of connection to Spiritomb? I know I'm probably way off, but when I heard "Phantom" and saw the strange shape I somehow came to that conclusion (like the "fur" is actually part of the ghostly mist or something)
Rofl ya I read it. Isn't Ho-oh suppose to be the keeper of the three dogs though? (aw man, now I'm thinking the sihlouette is a combination of the dogs *facepalm*)CommonCandy said:Well May got Manapht but Ash got to be The Sea King.
It could be a an evo to spritomb but i doubt it because...well I already said this so I will copy pastkidding. just go back a page.