(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

My random guess at what it looks like (sorry for crappy scan and coloring):
I think that it will be an existing evolution of a Pokemon that we know, here those that I thing that may fit with the "Z" Pokemon:
1.- Mightyena 'cause it may be a werewolf evolution and it's a Dark type Pokemon that would make sense that it took the "Dark Ash" form, because it can create illusions.
2.- Completely New Pokemon 'cause in all(or almost) the cases, in the new Pokemon movies has been showed only completely new Pokemon and later evolutions of another Pokemon, for example:
In the Mystery of Mew and Lucario, Lucario was one of the first showed Pokemon, and later they showed Weavile.
3.- Sableye 'cause it foots and its Pokemon Data/Information, but, the head doesn't resemble it. =/
4.- Zangooze... who knows? Maybe it will be appearing at its evolution form and will have added another type, maybe Normal/Dark? who knows, Pokemon can create anything.

That's what I think, but, who knows when it's a new Pokemon, they already created a Pokemon with a Z in its name... Porygon-Z.
Um, I'm just gonna take a wild guess.

An evolution of Linoone? Either that, or a new Pokemon altogether...

Maybe, it's not even a Pokemon...{D}
I think it's just a brand new Pokemon. This could be generation 5's version of Lucario and have a pre-evolution in the new games.
ThatCrookedVulture said:
Yes I did, explain how that is relevant.
There is a dark ash and I think Z took over ash and cloned him into a dark ash. The illusion is that "Z"ableye can make people think that he is the real ash.

Illusion-an instance of being deceived.


What the heck are you talking about?

That Ash could well be an illusion, but what has that got to do with stealing peoples souls? Which is supposedly your main link to Sableye?

Cloning? The films have done that. That Ash is probably just an illusion.

And 'Zableye'? That's the lamest thing i've ever heard. Game Freak would NOT call him that.

Its called theory. My whole thing is just a theory. I was just using that name so you would know who I was refering to. You're a jerk.
Hm...If it is a Pre-Evo I don't know what they are thinking.They made enough Pre-Evos.Let get soemthing NEW.
palkia dialga clash said:
Hm...If it is a Pre-Evo I don't know what they are thinking.They made enough Pre-Evos.Let get soemthing NEW.

It's not going to be it looks to big for it to be
Hopefully..I liek Pre-Evso and all but it just gets annoying.Stuff they added when they ran out of ideas.Hm....this topic grown quite big.I have the most posts in it! 8D
In many if not all movies Ash has made some conection with the main pokemon. first movie Mew2 tured ash to stone, Heros Ash and Latas were friends from the start and let Ash use there bond many times, Lucrio Ash's Aura was simaler to the fomor hero's Aura so Lucrio thought he was his master, Entie Ash conviced Entie that the Unown were destroying not creATING THEN THEY got rid of the unown. So this clone could be a conection?
New Idea

Everyone is so off... this obviously going to be an evolution of my favorite Pokemon OF ALL TIME!


Don't you guys all agree?
No.If its a Ditto form I will Kill myself with a shotgun.
palkia dialga clash said:
No.If its a Ditto form I will Kill myself with a shotgun.

Thats a litlle harsh. I just hope its some kind of wolf, mightyena evo or not.
For some reason, this Pokemon just does not strike me as Z, the ruler of illusions.

dmaster out.
There seems to be little or NO ACTUAL speculation as to who or what type the new pokémon is what so ever in this thread. But I was the first to think Mightyena and maybe even some resemblance to Shifty so maybe a Fe-Male split from Nuzleaf like they did with Snorunt to Glalie or Froslass and Kirlia to Gardevoir or Gallade. My other friend said it looks like Infernape which is don't really see.
MaxHarrison24 said:
i don't know why but i think it could be a golduck evolution

Golduck has claws on hands and feet, stands upright, has spikes coming out it's head, and has kind of a pointed face.
CommonCandy said:
In many if not all movies Ash has made some conection with the main pokemon. first movie Mew2 tured ash to stone, Heros Ash and Latas were friends from the start and let Ash use there bond many times, Lucrio Ash's Aura was simaler to the fomor hero's Aura so Lucrio thought he was his master, Entie Ash conviced Entie that the Unown were destroying not creATING THEN THEY got rid of the unown. So this clone could be a conection?

I think he might have some "connection" to all of them because he's the shows protagonist, therefore he is the "Chosen One" for every single Pokemon Legendary Occasion. Seriously, why can't any of his friends ever get any legendary time? Oh wait, stand corrected, May got Manaphy, but still....

Sudden realization: IT'S A VENASTOISE!!!

All jokes aside, am I the only one who feels some sort of connection to Spiritomb? I know I'm probably way off, but when I heard "Phantom" and saw the strange shape I somehow came to that conclusion (like the "fur" is actually part of the ghostly mist or something) Guess I felt like an Odd Keystone was inserted into some sort of armor chestplate and "grew" an ethreal head and legs.
Travis said:
I think he might have some "connection" to all of them because he's the shows protagonist, therefore he is the "Chosen One" for every single Pokemon Legendary Occasion. Seriously, why can't any of his friends ever get any legendary time? Oh wait, stand corrected, May got Manaphy, but still....

Sudden realization: IT'S A VENASTOISE!!!

All jokes aside, am I the only one who feels some sort of connection to Spiritomb? I know I'm probably way off, but when I heard "Phantom" and saw the strange shape I somehow came to that conclusion (like the "fur" is actually part of the ghostly mist or something)

Well May got Manapht but Ash got to be The Sea King.
It could be a an evo to spritomb but i doubt it because....well I already said this so I will copy past :D kidding. just go back a page.
CommonCandy said:
Well May got Manapht but Ash got to be The Sea King.
It could be a an evo to spritomb but i doubt it because...well I already said this so I will copy past :D kidding. just go back a page.
Rofl ya I read it. Isn't Ho-oh suppose to be the keeper of the three dogs though? (aw man, now I'm thinking the sihlouette is a combination of the dogs *facepalm*)