(2) Dragon-type Symbol Revealed, Raikou EX from 'Dark Rush' [12/9]

Seriously?? *rage is building inside*
@DNA & Zyfalir: No! Charizard isn't a flying lizard! Charizard is a D-R-A-G-O-N! Are you blind? Look at Charizard, look at an european dragon, then look back at Charizard, then look back at an European Dragon, and repeat this until you understand that Charizard is a Dragon!

Now, regarding the type: I agree about Gyarados, it would be too overpowered. But Charizard? Really? That stupid flying-type ruins Charizard! Giving it the Dragon type, besides being fair, would make it be at least usable, and I don't know if it would still be good enough anyway (look at Flygon). I don't care if it would be broken in Red/Blue or not or if it is a starter! Like xxashxx said, It still woudn't do much for it agaist water-types...
No, it shouldn't be a Dragon-type just because it can learn Dragon-moves. But your example of Whiscash and Crawdaunt is stupid! They just learn Dragon Dance and that's it! You must agree that Charizard learns enough Dragon moves to see they are referencing the fact that it is a dragon.

Just because something looks like a Dragon, (...) does not mean that it should be.
LOOOOOL! Does that really make sense to you? If the fact that a pokémon looks like a is dragon isn't enough to make it one, then what the hell makes it to be one??? Being a bird (coughAltariacough)? A sea-dragon (who actually doesn't have anything to do with Dragons, it's just a fish!)? Most Dragon-types don't even look like Dragons! Charizard is more dragon than half of them!
Yes, dragon-type is supposed to be special. Charizard is a starter. Doesn't it make special enough? Oh right, Altaria is a much more special pokémon... Who the hell is saying that everyone should be Dragon-type? We're just saying that it would make sense (and would be fair) for Charizard, that single pokémon, to be Dragon-type, because... It. Is. A. Dragon!
Being a bird (coughAltariacough)?

@DNA & Zyfalir: No! Charizard isn't a flying lizard!
Charizard's Japanese name means "lizard king", and even in English you can see it's "char lizard". Who are you calling blind?

LOOOOOL! Does that really make sense to you? If the fact that a pokémon looks like a is dragon isn't enough to make it one, then what? makes it to be one???
Being really REALLY hard to find helps, as well as great movepool and high base stat total. (That doesn't explain Altaria, granted, but it explains everything else.)
And who cares if Gyarados would be overpowered? He deserves it more than the Energy Burning king of Base Set.

By the way, it really helps if you calm down while posting. You shouting like that effectively nullifies every point you made.

It still looks more like a bird...

Charizard's Japanese name means "lizard king", and even in English you can see it's "char lizard". Who are you calling blind?

There are examples of names that don't really reflect they appearance. Doduo isn't based on the Dodo...
btw, Charizard's french name is Dracaufeu, basically meaning, Fire Dragon...
And I'm calling you blind because Charizard looks like a Dragon which is something that you seem to neglect. But I'll help you:



Being really REALLY hard to find helps, as well as great movepool and high base stat total. (That doesn't explain Altaria, granted, but it explains everything else.)

Yeah because Trapinch, Horsea, Swablu (all pokémon that evolve into dragon-types) and Druddigon are really hard to find. Coincidently, all of these pokémon evolved forms (except Kingdra) have a lower BST than Charizard. Plus, Charizard has a relatively good movepool, better than the other mentioned pokémon...

And who cares if Gyarados would be overpowered? He deserves it more than the Energy Burning king of Base Set.

I never said Gyarados didn't deserve it. I just agreed with what YOU said about it becoming overpowered if it was. And lol, now you say, "who cares?", but in the posts before "eh, they would be overpowered". You just sound even more biased than me as if Charizard didn't equally deserved to be a Dragon-type as Gyarados...

By the way, it really helps if you calm down while posting. You shouting like that effectively nullifies every point you made.

No, it doesn't. It just means I hate when some people can't understand what's logical...
Dude, I understand why they didn't make Charizard a dragon, and I know they won't probably change that ever but that doesn't change the fact (and this is the point of this discussion) that Charizard is a dragon and should be a Dragon-type...
Even the ranger game has that quest or something where you have to fight 4 dragons and 1 of them is Charizard. So, even Gamefreak knows that Charizard is meant to be a dragon, they just screwed it all up in Gen 1...
No, it doesn't. It just means I hate when some people can't understand what's logical...
Then stop sounding like xxashxx when trying to make your point.

Seriously, you're both ticking me off to levels I didn't even know I could reach.

Besides, as much as you want to whine about it...Charizard is not designated as a dragon, and nothing you say or do will change that.

...This is the biggest derailing of a topic I have ever seen.
Then stop sounding like xxashxx when trying to make your point.

I don't really know what you mean with this... but my previous post was way calmer than the first...

Seriously, you're both ticking me off to levels I didn't even know I could reach.

You know, I could say that about you too...

Besides, as much as you want to whine about it...Charizard is not designated as a dragon, and nothing you say or do will change that.

First, I'm not a kid to "whine"... Second, so what? People are always complaining about several choices made by GF regarding some Pokémon and it's not like they can do something about those either. Why can't I complain about this too?
Like I said, my main point is, just because they didn't made Charizard a real dragon-type, it doesn't mean it couldn't have been one... And I thought that was a common conclusion between the pokémon community but I guess not...
And as much as you want to convince me you're right and I'm not, Charizard is an european dragon, and as such should be a dragon-type. period. end of discussion. I see, you don't get it. Whatever. I know I'm right...
So please explain to me what Charizard has to do with the news story.
I am raging a bit inside, but now isn't really the time to be angry. If you can't hold the anger inside, don't let it out on the Internet. Let it out by stomping or hitting something. ;)

Back on topic:
I'm very happy that the Dragon Symbol has been finally revealed. I really want to get the TCG set. :)

Off topic:
Metalizard, please calm down. I don't like it when someone is angry. He is just trying to make a point, not arguing with you. DNA, nor xxashxx, did not want to start a argument. You're starting a argument. While I do agree that Charizard is dracion, I don't think that he should change. It has always been that way for years, and Charizard is one of the most famous Pokemon. Just because he looks like a dragon, doesn't mean he should be one. Fire and air, combined together, are Dragon-type. But Fire/Dragon would be too obvious. Look at Dragonite. He looks like a Dragon-type. He can learn Fire-type moves, yet he isn't Fire/Dragon. And look at Gyarados. He looks like a sea dragon, and I liked him as a Water/Dragon type. It wouldn't make sense if GameFreak removed the Dragon type from Gyarados. And besides, he looks like a Chinese dragon. Did all of them have arms? Nope, the serpent dragon didn't have legs. Gyarados is a water serpent.

But, however, is Charizard anything special? Nope, and the Eurporan dragon has a horn on his nose. Did Charizard have a horned nose? Nope, and did many Dragon-types exist in Gen. 1? Maybe that was why Charizard wasn't picked as a Dragon-type.

I hope I taught you a lot about Dragons, Metalizard. ;)
@DNA: lol, I meant "this discussion" as in this Charizard being a dragon-type or not thing (which I didn't even started btw), not the main news story, of course...

First of all, you people gotta stop telling me to calm down.
Now, I didn't start anything... I was just agreeing with xxashxx and counter-argueing what DNA said...
And let me tell you whole post is a total fail!
I knew someone would come here telling me fire and flying make sense because dragons fly and are known to spit fire. Let me slap you with this: Reshiram!
the Eurporan dragon has a horn on his nose. Did Charizard have a horned nose? Nope
Are you even serious? Does dragonite have a horn on its nose? Does Salamence have a horn on its nose? Like I said, fail...
European dragons don't have to have horns on their noses. And LOL! You teach me anything about dragons? That's the funniest part...
About Charizard being special or not, that's arguable... Being a starter pokémon, I think he's more important/special than things like Altaria, Flygon, Druddigon, among others (and btw, just because I'm saying this, doesn't mean I don't like those pokémon! Stop putting words in my mouth.)...
Like I said before, I understand why he isn't a Dragon-type. They wanted to keep it exclusive to the Dratini line in gen 1. I get it. But also, like I said before, (again,) that doesn't mean he shouldn't be one. Is this really so hard to understand?
I know you didn't start it, and I think this little discussion about Charizard and Gyarados gone far enough. We could argue about it all day and get nowhere, and will get nowhere if we keep going.

Let's just stop it now; agreed?
Agreed, it's starting to get very offtopic.

But still, I love the new Dragon-type symbol. It's a tail-- exactly what I predicted. Why haven't they invented it by 2001? It had to come up sooner or we'd explode with anger. :p
I agree on some of Metalizard's points but I don't ever remember Charizard being flawed during R/B/Y as I only got to play those in the E4 as my friend would only allow me to do it at the time XD.

But yeah. Metalizard is right about the part that Charizard is a Dragon. Nuff said XD.:)
*randomly jumps in* um um charizard could or could not be a drgon in my eyes I could go either way I mean it looks enough like a dragon to be Fire/Dragon but it also makes alot of sense that they made it Fire/Flying (he does have wings and the dragons that I think your comparing him to -I could be wrong so don't blow me up if I am- are ones like salamence and dragonite which are dragon flying but since charizard is a fire type there was no room it was one or the other)

anyways there's no use in arguing what they did 16 yrs. or so ago..... soooo back on topic:

does anyone know the general release for the dragon set in Japan? I'm really excited for this one ^o^ (the American release would be about 3 months after Japan right?)
Yeah guys, this Charizard/dragon-type tangent has gone on a bit too long. Stop. =)

Now that the symbol was released, I'm anxious to get an image of a Dragon-type card to see the texture and get a definitive color. It's obviously gold, but I'm intrigued to find out what exact shade. I wouldn't mind having a slight sheen on the cards as the Metal-types did in the Neo/e-card eras.
CMP said:
Yeah guys, this Charizard/dragon-type tangent has gone on a bit too long. Stop. =)

Now that the symbol was released, I'm anxious to get an image of a Dragon-type card to see the texture and get a definitive color. It's obviously gold, but I'm intrigued to find out what exact shade. I wouldn't mind having a slight sheen on the cards as the Metal-types did in the Neo/e-card eras.

agreed :D I think that there are going to be awesome artwork and I have solid faith in nintendo :3 (I wonder if they'll make dragon Full Arts/EX cards :O)
The Pikachu Mafia said:
does anyone know the general release for the dragon set in Japan? I'm really excited for this one ^o^ (the American release would be about 3 months after Japan right?)

According to the info sheet I received inside my Umbreon blisters, the release date is set for January 27th.