If you keep in mind Japan new format these rules are actually a nice change to the game. Being HGSS on there is no Broken Time Space or Expert belt to be played first turn. The way the have changed Rare Candy is also a good thing as it has become evident that they are pushing for the one thing this game needed again, slower paced game play. Rare Candy, Claydol, Broken Time Space and SP has made our last formats a faster game than ever before. Gone will be the phrase "It's a Stage 2 Pokemon, it's good but it's just too slow." Also, as for the misconception that Vileplume would lock Trainers, Supporters and Stadiums read the cards again with Japans wording in mind. There are "Trainer's - Goods" and with Japans Vileplume text "Neither player can play any Goods cards from his or her hand."
Everything will be fine if not better with this rule change unless some idiot on our side of the ocean decides to implement these rules within our current format. If that happens I'll ram my head through a wall then grab my LuxChomp deck and be saddened that top 32 at Nationals will be 32 LuxChomp decks.
THANK YOU for saying that. I'm so sick of seeing so many complaints about these new rules, so I'm glad that I'm not the only one that is looking at it the same way you are.
These rule changes aren't intended to affect DP/Pt sets. They're meant to target HGSS sets and onward. Even IF SPs survive the weird rotation here in the US next format, they'll lose a TON of valuable support that Pt has given them, and bear in mind that if they stick to their claim about rotating 4-sets at a time, that will mean that Pt WILL be rotated, meaning no more Sprays, Energy Gain, Poketurn, Crobat Gs, Dialga G (and its Lv X), etc, and don't forget that BTS will be gone, too. Luxchomp will struggle to stay afloat without all of the glory that the SP engine gave them.
Personally, I'm not an SP fan, but even IF the rules are implemented here in the US when the nationals and worlds come, it'll only be for a brief time that they can truely shine and give SP-lovers one last moment to savior their legacy before they begin their drastic decline in the next format. That's when the new rules will really become our friends much more than our enemies.
So to everyone complaining over how broken SPs will become, please stop. For one, we don't know whether or not these rules will even MAKE it to our format's nationals and/or worlds. If they do, THEN you might have a mild case to uphold, but even then, complaining won't change anything. All you can do is adapt. We don't even know many cards from BW yet, and for all we know, they could hold a promising way to counter them (or do I need to remind everyone about how Vileplume has made SPs struggle, even if only a little bit).
So in conclusion, don't jump to sudden negative conclusions about the new rules when they haven't even been implemented here yet. We're not even halfway into our OWN format's season. ANY NUMBER of things can change AT ANY TIME. Besides, despite how I'm an SP-hater, I love how they push the limits of non-SP decks. I love the challange and the thrill of facing such a tough, popular deck archetype with a deck that I put my heart and creativeness into building. I only wish many other players thought of this the way I do. This is a GAME, after all, not a "the fate of the world depends on a children's card game" situation like you see in the Yu-gi-oh anime all the time.
That's my rant / two cents.