(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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Ganman3 said:
Gallade said:
If the leaker is legit, do you think they is saving the Quilladin evo for last because it's the one people are most anxious about to see if Quilladin has a turn around?

That's a pretty major "if". Not only do I doubt the artwork, I'd question how anybody would obtain any of this information at this point, since Nintendo's not revealing anything. They have one minor announcement slated for tomorrow.

The whole thing just looks wrong, and I wouldn't put any stock in it. You can do what you want, of course, but if those are the final forms, then I'm Hugh Grant.

Weren't demo copies sent out or something? I mean a french website leaked Aurorus and IGN leaked Pyroar and Tyrantrum
In case you haven't noticed by now, I'm not the original leaker. I'm just a troll, but so far this website has received over 100,000 views! Great job everyone! Now, on all of your forums... Did you like any of these ideas?

He now freely admits to NOT being the person who sent WPM the original info.

We can now stop arguing about the classification of insects vs bugs vs aracnids.
However, Hedgehog vs Porcupine is still fair game xD
halfrican said:
Blob55 said:
YOU HAVE IT BACKWARDS! See, we can use caps too.
noun: insect; plural noun: insects
1. a small arthropod animal that has six legs and generally one or two pairs of wings.

Definition of BUG
a : an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate (as a spider or centipede)

I'm so sick of reading you being wrong about this. Stop. You are wrong.

Well don't blame me, blame my education.
Ganman3 said:
jstar21 said:
I'm not saying I believe these pics but that's not a good reason to disclaim those pics!

Ivysaur - Venusaur
Every Generation 2 starter
Marshtomp - Swampert
Pignite - Emboar

It's very possible for the final stage to look very similar to the first starter evolution!

I've covered Ivysaur. The Gen II starters all change in body structure, and their faces generally look more hardy and meaner. Marshtomp, again, fits the above qualities, in addition to its becoming quadrepedal, and so does Pignite. It's never just a matter of slapping on a detail or two. There are always two very different features, at least, even if the Pokemon strongly resembles its previous form.

Bayleaf looks mean?
Blob55 said:
halfrican said:
YOU HAVE IT BACKWARDS! See, we can use caps too.
noun: insect; plural noun: insects
1. a small arthropod animal that has six legs and generally one or two pairs of wings.

Definition of BUG
a : an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate (as a spider or centipede)

I'm so sick of reading you being wrong about this. Stop. You are wrong.

Well don't blame me, blame my education.
B-but... you've been arguing for like 20 pages... It can't be this easy... Is this a trick? :(
Gallade said:
Ganman3 said:
That's a pretty major "if". Not only do I doubt the artwork, I'd question how anybody would obtain any of this information at this point, since Nintendo's not revealing anything. They have one minor announcement slated for tomorrow.

The whole thing just looks wrong, and I wouldn't put any stock in it. You can do what you want, of course, but if those are the final forms, then I'm Hugh Grant.

Weren't demo copies sent out or something? I mean a french website leaked Aurorus and IGN leaked Pyroar and Tyrantrum

I think gamefreak sends them those clips that reveal new Pokemon in advance so they have time to edit in any watermarks and upload them as soon as possible. I don't think anyone actually has the games yet.
Blob55 said:
Ganman3 said:
I've covered Ivysaur. The Gen II starters all change in body structure, and their faces generally look more hardy and meaner. Marshtomp, again, fits the above qualities, in addition to its becoming quadrepedal, and so does Pignite. It's never just a matter of slapping on a detail or two. There are always two very different features, at least, even if the Pokemon strongly resembles its previous form.

Bayleaf looks mean?

No, but it looks much more formidable. That should have been "hardier"/"meaner". Although I guess I saw some details in Meganium's sprite that aren't present in all artwork (the slight hardening of facial detail, which I saw because of the sprite where it's apparently yelling), the color scheme is different. It's larger. There are substantial changes to the overall design, and the base facial design changes in the form of eye color. Bayleef's eyes are red, but Meganium's are yellow.

I revised that to be meaner/hardier/larger, by the way, because one of those things is always true. Meganium is substantially larger than Bayleef.


halfrican said:
Blob55 said:
Well don't blame me, blame my education.
B-but... you've been arguing for like 20 pages... It can't be this easy... Is this a trick? :(

I fight for what I think is right and sadly, I get mislead by a lot of idiots.
Ganman3 said:
Actually, yes. Typhlosion is bipedal. If you can find a legit image where Typhlosion isn't standing on two legs, then I'll give this one to you.

Standing on two legs =/= bipedal. Bipedal refers to their locomotion, it runs and walks like Quilava on four legs, and Pikachu, yes, Pikachu is a quadruped as well. Even GameFreak recognises this. Although it is said it is capable of bipedal movement, this is limited.
Blob55 said:

Okay. So it looks like there's substantial debate on this. You can throw out the bipedal bit, as it's apparently bipedal/quadrapedal. However, I still see substantial changes in base design. The face of Quilava is gentler, but Typhlosion's face resembles Tyranitar's. I think this is due to the shrinking of the pupils. The eyes have also changed in position relative to the facial design, as its eyes are on the lower-colored portion of its face... the white, beige, or tan portion as opposed to the sort of dark-blue part. I define the base design as the most basic model onto which all other changes are added. There's some subjectivity to this, but I'd apply body shape and color scheme to this. Blastoise's cannons, for example, would be extraneous details, but its shell would not. The petals around Bayleef's neck would be extraneous details. Even the position of the flames on Typhlosion/Quilava's body would be extraneous. I realize that this is not foolproof, that there are exceptions, and that it becomes a bit blurry on where to draw the line, but you can tell if something's changed on the most basic level even if there is a strong resemblance. It would be akin to a man growing a beard; although he now has a beard, he is the same person, and he's recognizable under the beard as the same person. His eye color and definitive facial shape haven't changed. Humans vary much more greatly than Pokemon; the guy could work out, gain weight, or lose weight, and by the same standards that I apply to Pokemon, his "base design" would have changed, but Pokemon don't really vary in physique.
Typhlosion is bipedal for the most part, except it usually goes on all fours to run or dash, as seen when it uses Flame Wheel. Swampert is somewhat analogous to this, though Swampert walks around more like a gorilla than actually having its back erect.

Kitana Coldfire said:
We can now stop arguing about the classification of insects vs bugs vs aracnids.
However, Hedgehog vs Porcupine is still fair game xD

They're still a lot different, but...yeah, I'll concede that. Porcupine quills generally tend to be a lot larger, however. Though Quilladin, at least to me, looks like it's based on a burr. But if it's hedgehog vs porcupine we're talking about, I'd side with porcupine for this guy, because the quills are longer, and more pronounced.
Hedgehogs...well, their quills are very short, and dispersed evenly across the body. Just look at Shaymin. That is basically exactly what hedgehogs look like.
Yveltal said:
He's not a very good troll if he actually admits to being one.

It seems he just wanted attention and to draw traffic to his website.

He's not the same person who sent info to WPM, so the rumors on the front page are still unconfirmed fake/legit.
halfrican said:
bogaboy said:
Reminded me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD2RC1Lw6tQ

But yes, I am aware, and have already seen fake CoroCoro's for X and Y. But nothing that seemed even remotely real. Was there any that were widely believed?
There was this one time before the starters in Gen IV, i think, that a dark/psychic/fighting trio was revealed. They were a kangaroo, a gryphon, and something else. They were pretty convincing IIRC. And last gen, the starter evos leaked and no one believed it. They were even confirmed fake for a brief moment.

I would love to see pics of the Gen IV fakes, if anybody knows where they can be found.
The supposed final evolution of froakie was not from this troll's website, right? Meaning it still can be real. Gods I hope it's real cause I'm in love with it
Jaime Runt said:
The supposed final evolution of froakie was not from this troll's website, right? Meaning it still can be real. Gods I hope it's real cause I'm in love with it

That is correct. This guy being a troll does not affect the legitimacy of Gallantoad.
DNA said:
They're still a lot different, but...yeah, I'll concede that. Porcupine quills generally tend to be a lot larger, however. Though Quilladin, at least to me, looks like it's based on a burr. But if it's hedgehog vs porcupine we're talking about, I'd side with porcupine for this guy, because the quills are longer, and more pronounced.
Hedgehogs...well, their quills are very short, and dispersed evenly across the body. Just look at Shaymin. That is basically exactly what hedgehogs look like.

I was making a joke, hon. I brought up the fact that Hedgehogs and Porcupines aren't the same waaaaay back near the start of the thread, when people were screaming about how 'GF wouldn't put two of the same animal in the same generation'.

And bogaboy, if you dig deep enough into the forums here, you'll probably come across some old threads that might still have pictures up. Just go back to the summer of 2010 or so for Gen V.
Blob55 said:
But it was already confirmed fake...
I don't think it was necessarily confirmed fake. It's not very likely that it's real, because these things don't just pop up out of nowhere. As such, we can't find the actual source to confirm or deny. I followed the bread trail as far as it went. Just a dead end, no proof of anything. It certainly didn't COME from 4chan, it just ended up there.

@bogaboy, it does confirm the fraudulence of the name "Gallantoad," though.
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