Can anyone point out where we can see the shiny Magneton? I might be able to obtain a screenshot, though the quality I can get is kind of crud. I will neither confirm nor deny that I have Giratina and the Sky Warrior recorded on my video capture device, squash credits and all. Was it this?
This is when everyone is holding off the Magnemites and Magnetons as Newton tries to hack into Zero's systems. Shaymin just wrecked a Magnemite with an Energy Ball.
I really can't tell though. Often, the Magnetons are really tiny, and the frames are too blurry to make out their magnetic pole paint. I was looking for the more yellowish color a shiny Magneton would have, but I couldn't find them in any of the four points in the movie I looked for them in (where they chase our heroes down an alley, the train car, them pursuing everybody around Zero's ship, and during the credits).
One thing I DID like, however, was Magnezone trying to get in. It couldn't fit through the train car window. One thing I wonder, however, was the abrupt shift from the train to the boat. When the Magnemites, Magnetons, and Magnezone tried to attack Shaymin on the train, they broke a lot of the windows, significantly damaged the frame, destroyed some of the furniture, and probably sustained a bunch of damage from Pikachu, Piplup, and Shaymin too. Yet with all the explosions going on over there, no one from the train came to check, and no one really seemed to care one of the cars has been wrecked. (Either that, or that family they met on that train has gotten in some really big trouble they didn't deserve.)
Another curiosity: How did Newton sustain himself for three years in the Reverse World? There seems to be an abandoned town of some sort, but what did he get to eat and drink? And how did he know those toxic clouds are lethally toxic? I suppose he used to have more Pokémon than just Shieldon...He's also pretty skilled at jumping to have been there all that time and never fall off of anything.
The voice of L from Death Note is Alessandro Juliani. Viz brought him in from Battlestar Galactica, so I highly doubt Nintendo did the same.
Man, I was so disappointed about Infi! I didn't even know what her name was until I read it on this site. The poster makes it look like she'd be some central figure, since she's standing at the top of the crowd with an expression and posture like, "Yeah! I'm cool, and you know it." Instead, she's just an image on Zero's computer systems...She doesn't even move, except for those bouncing hula-hoop locks.

This is when everyone is holding off the Magnemites and Magnetons as Newton tries to hack into Zero's systems. Shaymin just wrecked a Magnemite with an Energy Ball.
I really can't tell though. Often, the Magnetons are really tiny, and the frames are too blurry to make out their magnetic pole paint. I was looking for the more yellowish color a shiny Magneton would have, but I couldn't find them in any of the four points in the movie I looked for them in (where they chase our heroes down an alley, the train car, them pursuing everybody around Zero's ship, and during the credits).
One thing I DID like, however, was Magnezone trying to get in. It couldn't fit through the train car window. One thing I wonder, however, was the abrupt shift from the train to the boat. When the Magnemites, Magnetons, and Magnezone tried to attack Shaymin on the train, they broke a lot of the windows, significantly damaged the frame, destroyed some of the furniture, and probably sustained a bunch of damage from Pikachu, Piplup, and Shaymin too. Yet with all the explosions going on over there, no one from the train came to check, and no one really seemed to care one of the cars has been wrecked. (Either that, or that family they met on that train has gotten in some really big trouble they didn't deserve.)
Another curiosity: How did Newton sustain himself for three years in the Reverse World? There seems to be an abandoned town of some sort, but what did he get to eat and drink? And how did he know those toxic clouds are lethally toxic? I suppose he used to have more Pokémon than just Shieldon...He's also pretty skilled at jumping to have been there all that time and never fall off of anything.
The voice of L from Death Note is Alessandro Juliani. Viz brought him in from Battlestar Galactica, so I highly doubt Nintendo did the same.
Man, I was so disappointed about Infi! I didn't even know what her name was until I read it on this site. The poster makes it look like she'd be some central figure, since she's standing at the top of the crowd with an expression and posture like, "Yeah! I'm cool, and you know it." Instead, she's just an image on Zero's computer systems...She doesn't even move, except for those bouncing hula-hoop locks.