(2) Platinum Coverage, New Rotom Formes Revealed! [9/10]

Water Pokémon Master said:
I went to Spear Pillar to check if Dialga and Palkia were there (since in Emerald you could catch Kyogre and Groudon), but the place is empty. I wonder where they went. Maybe they are not catchable in Platinum?
No(for five pages.)
Water Pokémon Master said:
That's not a toaster. It's an oven. I don't know any toasters that have pull-down doors. Toasters have open slots where bread pops out from the top.

LOL WPM! That is pretty funny! Anyhow i love the new forms especially the one that looks kinda likea phone!
I wonder if they'll release a patch or something that allows the new formes on pbr(pokemon battle revolution). I wanna own noobs with my toaster rotom...
Sweet, so now that we know Dialga is catchable that should mean Palkia is to correct? Or maybe the portal depends on your gender cause you know how the blue portal is dialga, maybe with the other gender it will be a pink portal with Palkia, well we'll just have to wait for the updates.
WPM- Could you maybe post some screen shots and or videos of the game
Like the Elite Four oppening scene, some of the music to the girantia fight ,ow the E4 and gym look.
I can't see any sprites....

Anyway, I like the fact that you can catch Palkia and Dialga at the same place and almost same time. SO much easier than trying to hunt Kyogre and Groudon down in Emerald...

Platinum is shaping up to a sweet game. A little disappointed with Shaymin's stats, but 127 Speed....WOOF!
ya I fixed my R4 so I just played platinum. I think it will be a lot better when it comes out in english because I can't read Jap but it is pretty cool how the trainers have animations too.
I for one refuse to believe that Rotom's formes are all of the same type until I hold all five in my hands and see for myself. I just keep hoping it was some technical error... :(

Kevin Garrett said:
Doesn't Platinum have a random Wi-Fi feature? I believe it does...

I can't be sure, but I went to the Jubilife GTS center, opened a Wi-Fi terminal, and noticed a Vs. button. I pressed it, and it appeared to initiate a search over Wi-Fi. I just squealed with the possibility of this being a random battle finder.

The Crystal Shaymin said:
Platinum is shaping up to a sweet game. A little disappointed with Shaymin's stats, but 127 Speed...WOOF!

Disappointed that they're borderline Uber?
It has yet to be decided. But yes, I am a bit disappointed. I wanted to use it!

When I say disappointed, I was talking more about its Defenses than its other stats.
i like cut rotom. mainly because it looks psychotic.
platinum keeps getting better and better. love the photos pokebeach has up. kind of sucks that the rotoms aren't part ghost and something else that would go with their look. also kind of disappointed about sky shaymin's defence stats.
and i was scared for a moment that dialga and palkia wouldn't be in the game. glad to know they are now.
Just wanted to announced that there will be a DS Lite featuring Giratina. I sound like a noob, but it's true. You'll see it, eventually.
Thanks WPM for all the great coverage.

I'm really excited about this game. I can't wait to play my copy when it comes in the mail next week.
What the heck happened to Saturn? It says that all other Team Galactic heads were gone when you talk to Pluto, but only Mars and Jupiter took off >.>

Looks like a fun game.
a move tutor that teaches synthesis? thank you platinum! now my other mew can get a recover move.
*Twitch* This... game.. just... gets... better... and... better...

I'm glad to see you can capture all of the Dragon Trio as well as the Bird Trio! EDIT: And now the Regi Trio (but we knew about that already xD). Very, very cool. I'm also happy with the continuation of Team Galactic's role in the game.

Again, thank you for your fantastic updates, WPM! :)
InuMimi said:
a move tutor that teaches synthesis? thank you platinum! now my other mew can get a recover move.

You can give you Mew Roost. HeHe. My Mew has Synthesis and Teleport HeHe.:)
I don't know if someone has already asked this, but does anyone no how a shiny rotom would affect it's formes?