(2) Platinum Coverage, New Rotom Formes Revealed! [9/10]

Kevin Garrett said:

Everything about this game is win.

Short, sweet, and to the point. A perfect Kevin review. :// I love the Rotom forms too. Too bad they're all the same types. ;f They look uncanny to the appliances as well. :D

dmaster out.
Not quite because they made Dive a move tutor but YOU CAN'T USE IT THE SAME WAY AS IN EMERALAD plus we don't know if the underground will have Wi-Fi yet though. Then it will be a full win plus we are not sure on how to get the last 3 Pokemon now.:)
I thought it was supposed to? What did they do ditch that idea? Just wondering because I was hoping for this because that way I could do flag tag with my friends but oh well.:)
It looks like the Trainer Card is unchanged from D/P. You get a Star for each of the following achievements:
Beating the Elite 4 (first time)
Completing the National Dex
Getting a 100-battle streak in the Battle Tower
Obtaining Master Rank in all contests
Winning 50 games of capture-the-flag in the Underground.

Hm? I have 3 stars on my trainer card but I've only met the requirements in bold. Although I have won the master contests for all expect Tough (only Ultra). lol my Kricketot can't win master as it just fails at the appeals.
Hey guys

From pokemon japan yahoo


Anyone see that befrore?
Curious because it shows his sugimori o.o

Sorry if this doesn't have to do with the post o.o;