2012? What do you think? Is it true?

2012 claim?

  • True.

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • False.

    Votes: 99 90.8%

  • Total voters
Pokequaza said:
@ Heavenly Spoon,

Uhm... facts aren't the most important things in science, more one of the less important things, the theories are one of the most imporatant, watch my vid I posted on the previous page (well all trusting that vid, and I can very well agree with it)...

A theory supports itself on facts based from evidence...

Without facts you wouldn't have theories.

Albeit nothing in science is absolute fact, it is always up to the discression of the evidence. And thus, 'fact' is subject to change.
Paper PokeMaster said:
You saying it is a proven fact? BTW, sorry if I offended anyone with my last post... *deletes*

Not at all. I'm saying that I know perfectly well why it's not qualified to be a Scientific Theory.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
And just to clarify, a theory explains the facts, in a sense, it is far superior
I think it's my problem but half of the time I don't get what you're meaning ^^'.

Btw, facts help to explain theories. A theory is based of facts, laws and hypotheses.
DarthPika said:
Not at all. I'm saying that I know perfectly well why it's not qualified to be a Scientific Theory.
Then why believe it? What method do you use which allows you to disregard the scientifically established and believe the unproven, and how is your method any better than the scientific one?
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Then why believe it? What method do you use which allows you to disregard the scientifically established and believe the unproven, and how is your method any better than the scientific one?

I don't believe that everything in the Bible happened EXACTLY like it said. To do so is silly. I look at the big picture. There are several event's in the Bible that are rather special.

Have you heard the story of the 10 plagues of Egypt? I find this one rather fascinating, because we actually KNOW for a fact that they happened. There was an excellent documentation on them on the History channel a while back, but sadly I don't remember what it was called. The Pharos account of what happened is quite interesting. The most interesting part about this was that they scientifically showed how this could have happened. The presence of volcanic activity in the area quite nicely explains why these things happened.

However, the most interesting thing is the TIMING of these events. You and I know very well that when you're counting on something happening at a certain time, it almost never happens. Nature does what it wants in it's own time. The fact that these event's happened so perfectly and in the right timing is amazing. Want to figure out the odds of that? Considering that you're all about the odds of this happening and that happening, you should know how amazingly small those odds are that this would happen.

Furthermore, the story of Jesus Christ. To make the post shorter, I'm just going to skip to the main event at the end of his life.

The romans were the best soldiers on earth. Not to mention the best guards on earth. To tell me that some peasants not only moved the rock aside (which would be quite a task on it's own) but that they did it with the roman guard there is silly. Also, throughout his life, Jeasus did many things that can never be explained. Moreover, what the heck would be the point of his followers making this all up? What do they gain from it? NOTHING. Heck, many of them were killed for this. If they knew it was fake, why die for it?

If you can give me a real, well thought out answer to this, please do. The event's I listed are proven to have happened, so please don't give some silly "don't trust what's in a 2,000yr old book" argument.
Didn't the plagues happen before the writing of the Bible? In which case it's just reciting historical events, which isn't too weird, especially considering the plagues have a perfectly plausible natural explanation.
The 1st testament has so many flaws, contradictions, logical fallacies and messed-up morals, I don't see how this specific thing would even come close to validating belief in it.

The Bible was written decennia after Jesus lived, the Bible is the only book which claims he does unbelievable things (even the outside evidence which suggests he even actually existed is scarce), this just means the Bible is unbelievable to me.
But even if you believe in Christianity, you have to admit people can make stuff like this up quite easily. Look at the Asian religions, those are quite different from the Abrahamic ones, yet just as silly. What were the people who wrote the Shruti thinking?

The Bible, to me, seems like a collection of the "knowledge" of the time, with the current morals, some historical events, some "science" of the time and some pretty funny bedtime stories.
DarthPika said:
Have you heard the story of the 10 plagues of Egypt? I find this one rather fascinating, because we actually KNOW for a fact that they happened. There was an excellent documentation on them on the History channel a while back, but sadly I don't remember what it was called. The Pharos account of what happened is quite interesting. The most interesting part about this was that they scientifically showed how this could have happened. The presence of volcanic activity in the area quite nicely explains why these things happened.

If you can give me a real, well thought out answer to this, please do. The event's I listed are proven to have happened, so please don't give some silly "don't trust what's in a 2,000yr old book" argument.
Ok, kid... now you're using ''prove'' wrong in ''your'' view, you used it the same as me, so don't go complain I was wrong. This is never proven, theoretically it's all possible, comparing all facts/hypotheses/laws and theories and it'll give a clear answer. (And yes I know some events of the Bible are based of real life events, it's hard for people to make up things from scratch that's why they've used real events). But your example with the 10 plagues are never tested in real life, it's never done in real life, it's proven it's ''highly'' possible and no other way so we assume that's the truth. And there's nothing wrong with that, that's how science goes. But the same story is for the evolution theory...
No, the 10 plagues did happen as told in the Bible. They found a thingy that has the Pharos side of the story. So therefore, it's a fact that they happened. Now did it happen word for word as told in the Bible? Probably not, but it's pretty close.


I think that this time Spoon is right.

Last year, my dad took a mythology class, and he listened to an audiobook about mythology.

In it, it said that stories about great floods and magical men that healed the sick, raised the dead, and rode donkeys in one fell swoop have existed since even the times that the Old Testament is said to have happened. In fact, almost EVERY story in the Bible has been recycled from an earlier time period. Maybe, when the 10 plagues "happened," the Egyptians made up a story about a scary wizard that made all these things happen. Maybe those things DID happen, but in a less dramatic way. Maybe the water turned really red because of mud that was iron rich, and it was too dirty for the people to drink or for the fish to live in.

Also, the people would have something to gain from making up a story about them infiltrating a heavily-protected place.
They wouldn't have to prove it, so they could go around saying it as long as the Romans didn't hear.

Basically all religions take the basic divine being created the earth in a laughably short period of time story, and change it to their own ways.
There's an Asian religion that says we all came out of giant pea pods made by some goddess. o_0
I seriously beleave this ^_^. Sue Barker jinxed it. She said 22 years ago that the next time London gets the olympics, we will all die.
Lolmonster said:
The mayans etched what, 3000 years on stone? I bet they were invaded in the middle of writing more.
You can't just say that. I bet they were way smarter than you. They didn't predict the end (as you would know if you read through this thread) they predicted the start of a new cycle, the 5th solar cycle. They even predicted the human will respect the nature more in this cycle and treat it with more respect. And I must say, this can be true. You know, I don't believe in a god/bible whatever soul/heaven and that stuff... but predictions, especcially from the mayans seem to be true very often...
Yeah, fellow true Picker on the poll right here ^ :3

SUE BARKER happens to do lots of sports presenting like snooker and tennis. And she presents the olympics aswell.
The world is gonna end when the world is gonna end. It can be two seconds from now, or in 2012, or in 3,000,000,000 years from now. We aren't going to be prepared for it. There is going to be no way to stop it. Every thing that has a beginning has an end, and there is no way to exactly predict when that is is going to be. The Mayans just thought that the earth couldn't last that long. The same thin happened during the first few centuries. Many people thought that God would come down from the heavens and then the end of the world would happen. Well it didn't. And most likely, the world is not going to end on 2012.
It's a load of bull. Y2k was the same thing and look at that, nothing happened. Nothing will happen when this date comes.
PMJ said:
It's a load of bull. Y2k was the same thing and look at that, nothing happened. Nothing will happen when this date comes.
You can't say nothing, the world wouldn't end, but te Mayans didn't predict that. It's true the Earth will be ligned up with the Sun and center of the Galaxy, the Earth finishes a wobble and the Sun reaches its peak of increasing Solar activity. Especially the last one bothers me, so we can't say there's nothing going to happen.

Joethegreat1 said:
The world is gonna end when the world is gonna end. It can be two seconds from now, or in 2012, or in 3,000,000,000 years from now. We aren't going to be prepared for it. There is going to be no way to stop it. Every thing that has a beginning has an end, and there is no way to exactly predict when that is is going to be. The Mayans just thought that the earth couldn't last that long. No, read my previous post, they didn't predict the end. The same thin happened during the first few centuries. Many people thought that God would come down from the heavens and then the end of the world would happen. Well it didn't. And most likely, the world is not going to end on 2012.

ne68127 said:
Robot Santa will come find that we are all naughty.
Please post some usefull information next time...
lolz at that random last post. :p

Yes, increased solar activity disturbs me even more than serial killers. And NOTHING disturbs me more than serial killers.