(3) More CoL Scans, B/W Preorder Bonus, Dub Titles [1/29]

YAY LOST WORLD IS COMING OUT IM SO HAPPY! I CANT FREAKING WAIT!*starts shaking like crazy and explodes*
Umbreon UD has already been confirmed to be in this set, MasterGallade.

The artwork is nice and all, but the only card I'm seeing is Lost World lol.

dmaster out.

But Lost World is an Uncommon? Wow. This is gonna boost the value of Gengar Prime by a lot.
If anyone goes to prereleases today please send-in your scans ASAP! :) Ask your friends too!
Gengar prime is $42 in trollandtoad!!!!!!!

man that is a lot... oh lost world.

and that slowking is awesome.
that Feraligatr is freaky... nothing as cool as that "Phanphy" though.


I also just noticed that the Vulpix is a reprint of the HS one, right? Not sure, but you know what that means.
Outside of the killer art work of this set it is nigh unplayable. A few cards jump out Mr. Mime, Paracharisu, Lost World, PONT(Reprint) and a few others. But this set is showing one thing and only one thing. This is just my opinion that we are about to see a hgss on format. Are we ready for it? I don't know but I have a feeling if and when it hits alot of players will revolt.
that totodile really is super high damaging. Too bad it takes 3 energy to maybe do 90. But in a slower format next year, even more so in 2 years time, it'll donk like a madman.
that totodile really is super high damaging. Too bad it takes 3 energy to maybe do 90. But in a slower format next year, even more so in 2 years time, it'll donk like a madman.
Well, even with Feraligatr Prime, it wouldn't need to be a main attacker. It seems a bit unnecessary, but you could always Memory Berry a Croconaw or Feraligatr to use Totodile's attack whenever you feel like it.
Prerelease fail. I didn't pull a single SL, Lost World, Smeargle or anything close to playable.
The cards are cool, but I'm so happy that the dubs aren't puns! I almost cried when I heard the tittle, "The Brockster is In!"
They look great.
I was stunned by kawayoo's new awesome artwork for the already awesome Feraligatr HS. But i won't unterstand why you all continue to consider this set a useless bunch of reprints - you knew it!
It is something like the "Best of HS-Collection", so i think.

So far, i won't give up hope on new Primes until someone desillusionate me.

I'm seriously glad that names are going to be better! First two dub titles are very like to original title, yet have their own thing. I like that very much.
Preorder bonus - Nice^^
Scans- Am not fan of TCG tbh
Hey WPM, have you given credit to whomever you got that Lost World scan from? You know, cuz when you zoom in the quality is way lower than the rest of the scans....