(3) More CoL Scans, B/W Preorder Bonus, Dub Titles [1/29]

Wonder will someone give out the Reshiram and Zekrom Keychains that Japan got? That would be awesome....
The cards look pretty cool/ I can't wait to get some of these but don't know when since I can usually get cards about once a year due to the economy. However. I can't wait for the B/W games but I will have to wait until I get HG/SS first though. Then after I get those I will get B/W. Awesome news though.:)
I seriously hope they have the same pre-order bonus for GameStop, I already pre-ordered my copy there. I'd be really disappointed if I didn't receive a pre-order bonus two games in a row. (I didn't get a SoulSilver pre-order bonus because I didn't pre-order ahead of time.)
I certainly hope other stores offer better pre-order gifts than clings!
Somebody had posted a unconfirmed rumor on Pokemon Collectors LJ, that Gamestop won't have a preorder bonus for BW, due to its release being earlier
than usual. So we will half to wait and see. Anyway I hope its the wall clings!
How is Gamestop releasing it earlier? It all comes out March 6th. >_> I really hope that rumor is false.

dmaster out.
@Dmaster: If I recall those who pre-order the game get it two days earlier than everyone else. Since that is exactly how the release of B/W in Japan was with the pre-orders, I expect the same to be for the international releases as well.
Agreed with Kuromu. But I don't think it's case here, at least in Europe. I pre-ordered english Platinum it even came a day later than release. I have no idea for US tho :\
Shiramu Kuromu said:
@Dmaster: If I recall those who pre-order the game get it two days earlier than everyone else. Since that is exactly how the release of B/W in Japan was with the pre-orders, I expect the same to be for the international releases as well.

I don't think that's true at all - when I pre-ordered Diamond, Platinum, and SoulSilver, I was never told of an option of to pick up the game earlier than the day it was being released. Unless it's something they don't advertise (not even on the receipts you get when you pre-order), I don't think that's true.

And if GameStop doesn't get the wall clings, that'll be pretty sad. Hopefully they do have some kind of other pre-order bonus if that's the case.
all this before stuff reminds me of how the bestbuy store I worked at had the wii stuff out before it was supposed to. I bought twilight princess like a month before the wii was even out. =)
I've never ever heard of picking the game up early when you preorder. Preordering normally just gets you a special gift and a GUARANTEED copy of the game the day it comes out. Just because they give it out early in Japan doesn't mean they do it here.

dmaster out.
Well I live in the UK and preorder my games from GAME.co.uk and I always get my games delivered to my house at least a day early. I even got my Platinum three days early. They say that they post/mail it early to make sure it gets to you on launch day.
Charizard3712 said:
I know CoL sucks but why haven't all the scans of this set been put up yet?
They have not all been sent in yet. PB has a few scans (to date, about 4) that we still don't have.
if you REALLY must know what the other cards look like, google it. Google is your friend. Pokebeach's user base is usually more on the ball than this thoug.

must be a general lack of interest on the reprints, althoug they look great (especially ninetails)
What about the Nintendo World Store in New York City? Are they giving the same wall cling as well? Or the Pokemon Company isn't doing anything for people who are reserving either Pokemon Black or White?