3DS Discussion Thread

Teeboy23 said:
How did you guys like the past PMD installments?

I only beat Red/Blue Rescue Team, never really got any farther because I lost it. Explorers of Time/Darkness was pretty great, of course. And Explorers of Sky, while even more same-y than a main-series third version, had enough new story stuff to make me satisfied.
I played both Blue rescue team and Explorers of Darkness.(but only have darkness because blue rescue team belonged to my friend) They're both great games, but I enjoyed Blue rescue team more than Explorers of Darkness.
Explorers Of Sky was good. I like all the new features and new areas. Especially, the Sky Jukebox, and the Special Episodes. But I think Gates To Infinity will take all the cake.
PellOfTheTundra said:
I am not buying GTI because I hate the english name, and for no other reason.

There's many a reason to not buy a game.

This is not one of them.

SheNinja said:
I don't get the point of the 3D. All it does it hurt my eyes and drain the battery.

Good 3D is amazing. Bad 3D does just what you said. And even then good is on a case-to-case basis. For example, I can play Fire Emblem on 100% 3D for three hours straight just because it adds so much depth. The battles look better, the maps are given a neat little look, and it's just pleasing to the eye. Not the case for my brother though. He just doesn't like it.

Or in less rambly terms, it's not a waste for everyone. Some love it (me) while others may hate it.

Teeboy23 said:
How did you guys like the past PMD installments?

Sky was the best gameplay wise, but Time/Darkness holds many memories (both in-game and just real-life things that happened around then). Same for Red and Blue. I don't quite remember how much I enjoyed the games themselves, though the memories are certainly good ones. So I'm just gonna' say I liked them all quite a bit.

Teeboy23 said:
Explorers Of Sky was good. I like all the new features and new areas. Especially, the Sky Jukebox, and the Special Episodes. But I think Gates To Infinity will take all the cake.

Let's hope!
Finally got around to playing the GTI demo, and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm still sad that they got rid of the personality tests (that was, like, the best part!), and the Pokemon selection is a bit lacking, but still, I'm definitely getting the game after it's released. Eventually.
Re: RE: 3DS Discussion Thread

SotS said:
PellOfTheTundra said:
I am not buying GTI because I hate the english name, and for no other reason.

There's many a reason to not buy a game.

This is not one of them.

It doesn't do much justice for the game when the name sounds like garbage compared to the Japanese one. Making a name isn't that hard. Either KISS or go all out. They did neither, and it makes me doubt the game overall.

The lack of playable characters isn't doing it any favors either.
So I've been behind on my demo playing for a few weeks now. I decided to do all 6 of the ones I had not played yesterday, and here are some thoughts (why? I don't know):

Naruto Powerful Shippuden - Feels like a decent fighter. Tons of 4th wall humor. I don't know what I was doing, but it was kinda fun.

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed - Goodness the framerate. X.X

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - Yeah, I'll reflect what others said. It feels like the Wii demo all over again; it looks great, it runs well, and it feels great in general... but it's a horrible demo for those are completely new to MH. I had no idea what I was doing. ._.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity - I was kinda nitpicky at first. Ew, fuzzy, imprecise maps that have rooms that are filled in immediately. Eck, I shouldn't be able to shove these Pokemon in Post Town around. But... it's Mystery Dungeon. The way the first dungeon is broken up is cool. And the story seems to be going the way of the Rescue Teams, since there's no guild. Should be cool.

HarmoKnight - YES. I'm enjoying it just as much as I thought I would. It's harder than I thought; I'm still having trouble ringing the triangles that are up in the air. But it seems great.

Etrian Odyssey IV - YES YES. I've heard good things about the series, but this demo is really great. Probably the longest on the eShop. Like any RPG, I'm still a little weary about everything going on in the battle system, but the mapmaking is right up my alley. And the music, hahaha.
I have a SwapNote question: is there any way to save notes if you delete Swapnote? I was trying to send my friend something with the new Luigi's Mansion stationary, but I realised I must have an outdated version: I can't use color, save sounds, or use different stationaries. To top it all off, the eShop says that there are no updates for anything. I would delete it and redownload it, but I really want to save the notes with the Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion stationaries. Worst that happens is I call Nintendo's customer support.
Try a System Update, Robot? I heard something along those lines. If that doesn't work, then maybe redownloading Swapnote help. Just have a friend send you some notes with the Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion stationary so you can have them again.
Now Toys"R"Us will be doing a sale on the Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL. Apparently it will be $149.99 starting on Sunday.
Robot said:
I have a SwapNote question: is there any way to save notes if you delete Swapnote? I was trying to send my friend something with the new Luigi's Mansion stationary, but I realised I must have an outdated version: I can't use color, save sounds, or use different stationaries. To top it all off, the eShop says that there are no updates for anything. I would delete it and redownload it, but I really want to save the notes with the Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion stationaries. Worst that happens is I call Nintendo's customer support.

Are you sure the eShop won't let you update? I've found the actual update section to be faulty, or at least slow (like when I'm updating my NES Ambassador games). Instead of the update section, try Your Downloads, find Swapnote, and see if there's a button to update it there.

Teeboy23 said:
Now Toys"R"Us will be doing a sale on the Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL. Apparently it will be $149.99 starting on Sunday.

That is suddenly much more appealing than $159.99. :O
Chariblaze said:
Robot said:
I have a SwapNote question: is there any way to save notes if you delete Swapnote? I was trying to send my friend something with the new Luigi's Mansion stationary, but I realised I must have an outdated version: I can't use color, save sounds, or use different stationaries. To top it all off, the eShop says that there are no updates for anything. I would delete it and redownload it, but I really want to save the notes with the Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion stationaries. Worst that happens is I call Nintendo's customer support.

Are you sure the eShop won't let you update? I've found the actual update section to be faulty, or at least slow (like when I'm updating my NES Ambassador games). Instead of the update section, try Your Downloads, find Swapnote, and see if there's a button to update it there.

Teeboy23 said:
Now Toys"R"Us will be doing a sale on the Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL. Apparently it will be $149.99 starting on Sunday.

That is suddenly much more appealing than $159.99. :O

They wanna sell these fast!
Why do I not have $150.
Those are going to sell out.
And be worth $300 in a week.
And I don't have the money.

crying now ;-;
I'll be out super early on Sunday. I wanna get there as fast and soon as possible. Get what I need and leave :D
Teeboy23 said:
I'll be out super early on Sunday. I wanna get there as fast and soon as possible. Get what I need and leave :D

The Pikachu 3DS XL seems really cool. They're probably gonna sell like fast. Especially with all the sales stores are starting on the 24th. PMD: Gates to Infinity may get more sales because of this coming out on the same day.
Yeah. This should at the very least slightly boost Gates To Infinity's sales. But I wonder how fast these will really sell. I know that I'll have mine the morning it's out, along with Gates To Infinity.
I looked around in the eShop several times for the Swapnote update: nothing. I also tried to update my system, but that didn't work either. I finally accepted giving in and deleting it to redownload, but it kept the data (good thing) but is still outdated (bad thing). I think I'll just contact Nintendo somehow to ask about this.
Robot said:
I looked around in the eShop several times for the Swapnote update: nothing. I also tried to update my system, but that didn't work either. I finally accepted giving in and deleting it to redownload, but it kept the data (good thing) but is still outdated (bad thing). I think I'll just contact Nintendo somehow to ask about this.

I looked this up, actually, and in order to receive stationary, you need to send 5 notes to people and then you can buy them with Play Coins.
I don't remember if I even had to send the notes back when it first came out. I feel like I remember just writing up a bunch of notes once I realized it was unlocking things. But you're (Bolt) probably right. If that is, then the next best option would probably be to ask a friend if you can just send a lot of quick notes to them, lol.