RE: H: Lv X, Primes, etc. W: Deck and Collection
Do you see anything else on my thread?
Do you see anything else on my thread?
konter_j8902 said:Do you see anything else on my thread?
XanderPitz1010 said:My:
Gallade POP7
Landmin X (if it is land form)
Cirrus921 said:I am going to guess this is an attempt at funny, I didn't see anything on your list. sorry.
XanderPitz1010 said:Oops, yeah I forgot to put CML.![]()
Hikikomori-san said:I don't have any of your wants, but could you CML anyway for:
1x Landmin X
2x T-Tar Prime
4x Jumpluff (HG, 1 RH)
4x Spiritomb (AR)
1x Ninetales (HG)
2x Gengar (CUrse)
Quedus said:CML for Blissey and Meganium Prime (Set).
80baby said:CML for the following
1x Sable Lock (2nd Want)
1x Gengar Playmat (Main Want)
4x Spiritomb (AR)
Luxray_GL_Lvl_X said:could u make a custom mat like the sabelock one but put LuxChomp have garchomp on the right side and Luxray Gl LVL X on the left?
could i do a pokemon collector non foil,and expert belt non foil for floatzel gl lvl x?
Cirrus921 said:Hey, I didn't see anything, sorry!
Quedus said:CML for Blissey and Meganium Prime (Set).
Hey interested in:
Expert belt
palmer's contribution
ampharos prime (when you get it lol)
80baby said:CML for the following
1x Sable Lock (2nd Want)
1x Gengar Playmat (Main Want)
4x Spiritomb (AR)
Heya, those pics are just samples, the Sablelock one was a custom for someone and the Gengar is my personal playmat. I can make them custom, As for what I am interested from you:
1x Garchomp C Lv. X
4x Scizor Prime
Shiny Duskull
3x Vileplume (UD)
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Palmer's Contribution
4x DCE
XX HGSS energies
First question, yes I can put anything on the mat as long as I can draw it, it can go on there.
Second question... I am interested in those for sure. BUt I also have from your wants list:
Floatzel GL Level X (if you still want this)
Roseannes Research x3
Bebe's Search x2
Aarons Collection x1
Premier ball x1
Luxury ball x1
Warp Point x2
Crobat G x2 (let me double check to make sure, if you are interested)
I am intersted in your:
Kingdra Prime
Scizor Prime
Dialga G level X
Pokemon Collector
3x Expert belt
Let me know. Thanks!
Aphotic said:Hey please cml for Shaymin Level X #126, thanks!
eevee said:Do you have any Pokemon Communication and Pokemon Collector?
Quedus said:Well, the Ampharos Prime won't be for trade once I receive it, so that's out of the question.
Now, I did my research on the cards you want and the cards I want:
(NOTE: All according to ebay)
Blissey Prime: $5.00
Meganium Prime: $5.00
PokeTurn: (believe it or not) $10.00
Palmer's Contribution: $1.85
Expert Belt: $5.98
Think you could maybe add something else?
Luxray_GL_Lvl_X said:i need your shaymin land form x if u still have it
Cirrus921 said:Hey, didn't really see anything, thanks though!
eevee said:Do you have any Pokemon Communication and Pokemon Collector?
Hmm, as per my thread, I now laugh at you! hahahah!
Seriously though, I am looking for these, not looking to trade them, sorry.
Quedus said:Well, the Ampharos Prime won't be for trade once I receive it, so that's out of the question.
Now, I did my research on the cards you want and the cards I want:
(NOTE: All according to ebay)
Blissey Prime: $5.00
Meganium Prime: $5.00
PokeTurn: (believe it or not) $10.00
Palmer's Contribution: $1.85
Expert Belt: $5.98
Think you could maybe add something else?
Hey, Poketurn is not $10, that is a BIN that probably won't sell, if you look at what did sell, tehy run about $4 each on average (not that many sold). and the expert belts run average of $3 plus some change. Palmer's I won't dispute only 1 or 2 sold. Let me know if it can still be worked out or not.
Ok well, I replied to you up the thread further, but I'll do it again here:
I have:
Shaymin Level X land form.
Floatzel GL Level X (if you still want this)
Roseannes Research x3
Bebe's Search x2
Aarons Collection x1
Premier ball x1
Luxury ball x1
Warp Point x2
Crobat G x2 (let me double check to make sure, if you are interested)
I am intersted in your:
Kingdra Prime
Scizor Prime
Dialga G level X
Pokemon Collector
3x Expert belt
Let me know.