#4: Is intelligent design a viable argument for the existence of God?

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Ok, before we start...

You don't have to be a divine all knowing being to forsee that some people can take things a little bit too far when it comes to discussing religous matters. In this thread, I do not want to see things such as "the bible is stupid" or "scientists are from hell". Use that magical thing known as logic to make your points.

So, the fourth discussion thread will be asking the following question,

Is intelligent design a viable argument for the existence of God?

Things evolved to be as they are. Things change to suit the enviroment. You don't need intelligent design to prove how things are so unique/perfect and stuff.
I would have to say that intelligent design could be a main factor used to prove God. I am a firm believer in God, I don't see how a single cell organism can become EVERY living thing on this planet. Lets face it this solar system is somehow perfect for us to live in, can all of this happened by chance? (Btw the chances are very minuscule) or did someone create everything good enough for humans to live in?

I don't think this would be a good argument as the majority of people on pokebeach are atheist but I will keep to my argument :p
God hasn't magically appeared and put more melanin in my skin. So no, it's not viable.

EDIT: Btw I am religious. Kinda.
My faith in a higher being is beginning to waver, but that aside, is God responsible for adaptation?

It was a monk who founded modern genetics.
who is to say that animals adapted, we cant watch adaptation right in front of our faces now can we? Also why would an animal have to adapt, if it was random then why or what made it change? Did the brain say 'ok I am not doing well in this environment I must evolve'?
Logic and religion are over rated. OMG I JUST SO WON THIS THREAD about man's stupidity and seemingly endless search for control over the brainless masses....
Just because we can't see something in front of our faces does not mean it does not exist. Is China nonexistent because it's on the other side of the world? Intelligent design is not a viable argument for the existence of God because the existence of intelligent design presupposes the existence of God Himself, creating a circumstantial argument.
kashmaster said:
Lets face it this solar system is somehow perfect for us to live in, can all of this happened by chance? (Btw the chances are very minuscule)

if this happened by chance, maybe thats why where the only planet with life around here.

if god exist, why does he let all this cruelty happen, older man Stolen little children, how in the name of ... could he let that happen.
and don't come with arguments that the little children's fathers have been bad, because if your father did something wrong, you don't need to get Stolen for it either. things like this statement, aren't the worst, it goes far worse.

i don't want to get banned for it, but if theress a god, well then **** him/her for letting all of this things happen.
@ red blaistoise Well Im how do you know that there isnt life on other planets, have you scoured each one of them? We cant have been here by chance as the odds are way too small for us to even be a single celled organism.

Also this life is a test, so what if that man Stolen the child (obviously thats cruelty to the next level) then he will spend his time rotting in hell.

God can't intervien with what he has given to us, he has said that we must be responcible for future generation and the Earth's welfare. He will decide there fate when they contemplate him on the day of judgement.

Also Red Blastoise that was the most irrational, distgusting and most vulgar thing you have just said, what if I said your family are all ****, do you like that, thats what you have just said
xD I can't believe you'd actually venture into the realm of this with a thread... Even with the disclaimer about no flaming, it's almost bound to happen... But I have faith in the members of the forums... Don't let us down, and be sure to keep your cool.

Anyways, on the topic, I'm with both sides - I recognize their validity and respect the opinions of anyone that feels the need to discuss it... Really, though, I think it's more of a topic for one to ponder on their own, without the influence of others' opinions... But, that's kinda unavoidable with a thread being made, now isn't it? xD
I was kind of hoping that everyone could talk about this maturely (don't let me down guys :[). But hey, I guess this is getting off topic lol
Wait, ID is a synonym for creationism, therefore, religion is a sub-category of ID, it's not proof :S

Did you mean Irreducible complexity? Because that's like the silliest argument for anything, ever. It basically states that, because something cannot be made in steps, it has had to be made through creation. Like, for example, the eye can't work when you remove even one single part (like the lens). So basically, it claims that, because we don't know how something got to be (yet), it has had to be God. However, the 2 main things used for this argument are the bacterial flagellum (a sort of motor for cells, it's pretty complex) and the eye.
For the eye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEKyqIJkuDQ
for the flagellum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdwTwNPyR9w

And if you have a lot of free time on your hands, I have a pretty cool playlist of how pretty much everything, from the universe to human beings, could have formed through means of natural selection.

These people explain everything way better than I ever could, and with images, yay! :D
I'd love to debate about this, though ;D
Just ask Togeshroom.
I'd say that it isn't a viable argument. The theory isn't a good argument compared to natural selection and evolution, which pretty much make perfect sense. Sure, the theory of evolution has it's flaws, but they aren't as big as those in the theory of intelligent design.
There is no viable argument. Thanks to a little concept as Infinite Regression that my Dad told me about. Science and religion are pretty much helpless against it.

Let's take Religion first. God. He created the universe. Well, who created God? If you answer that, then you can ask, Well who created that? The Catholics tried to bypass this by saying Uncreated Creator. However, you have to ask, Then how did he come into being. Infinite Regression tears the concept apart.

Now for science. Science tells us that the universe was created in the Big Bang. What came before that? You meet Infinite Regression again. And again. And so on until infinity.

The problem is we ask the question of Why. We know How things work, but we want to know Why. Why do Stars fuse Hydrogen into Helium? What causes Plants to perform Photosynthesis? We ask why and we meet the unconquerable behemoth of Infinite Regress.

That is all.

EDIT: Didn't see the title change. Ignore this plz.
jboy said:
If people say we evolved from monkeys, How come thats not happening right now?

We didn't. Somewhere along the line we branced off into Hominids, while Primates went there own path. And there are 2 reasons as to why it's not happening atm.

1. Evolution takes a LONG time to happen
2. Humans don't need to evolve because we have no need for the process of Natural Selection, the engine of Evolution. Since we don't compete to survive, we don't have to evolve. So we don't.
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