5 Gen Competitive Play

Psycho Break is unexpected to the general public, so I'd at least give it a try. It's Mewtwo; unpredictability is what it does.
Agreed. Besides, having 10 more base power more than Psychic doesn't hurt :p.
I personally run the Calm Mind Set. After 1 Calm Mind it's nearly unstoppable by anything but that darned scarfed metal bug with Bug Buzz.
I've been using Reshiram with Groudon, and Blue Flame in the sun is scary good. I love it. Mewtwo continues to dominate. A new poke that has found a niche is Forry. With a SturdyCustap set, he is guarenteed to set up 2 layer of TS. I run a set of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth rock, and Explosion. Lugia continues to wall. Scarf Ononokusu has also faired well for me, usually getting a 1 or 2 KO's with Outrage. Groudon is still beast. (Shoot, I just gave away my team, didn't I? :p) On another note, my RMT just went up. Give it a rate!! :)
You run SR, Spikes, T Spikes all on Forry? Does that work on the Cutsap set? I never use 1 Pokemon to use the hazards 'cause if it fails, BAM!, no hazards on the opponent's field.
Forretress is a BEAST of a lead, but you should only two hazard moves on him; he'll still need Rapid Spin and some offensive move. And Shadow Arceus, if you need to know what some more abbreviations that you commonly see in Comp. Battling are, check the link in my signature.
You can't make mistakes when speculating and discussing future events. I personally think that he did a good job with the list, with only a couple of small edits that could be (most of which already have) put into the list. Let's keep the discussion going everyone.
Yes, obviously he has done a good job. A very good job I must say.

Ok .. discussion,

Do you guys believe that Mamanbou is the Physical Blissey? There are lot of rumors like that on the main chat of PO.

While it can sport a massive 534 HP Stat is can also sport a 284 Def stat at the same time. Not impressive as Blissey however with the abilities it may just be worth.

In rain = Hydration + RestToxic Moveset
Support = Healing Heart +WishSupport Moveset
Dual Screen = Regeneration +ScreenWish Support moveset.
I haven't really looked into it. From what I've heard, it makes a pretty decent Support Pokemon. However, it basically just looks like another Bulky water with no offensive capabilities whatsoever. But feel free to argue.
No offense is correct. It's movepool is severely limited to only Support. Also, it has better ATK stat than SP.ATK. So Aqua Jet might be nice but definitely not promising at all.
I have been running a Rock Polish Goruggo to much success. Goruggo hits around 480 speed. Add No Guard to that, and you've got a powerful sweeper on your hands.

Gorrugo @ Life Orb/Focus Sash
No Guard
Jolly Nature
252 Att/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP

- Rock Polish
- Dynamic Punch
- Earthquake
- Shadow Punch

What can I say? Perfect accuracy DPunch is absolutely devastating. Huge base power, and the 100% confusion rate is awesome as well. Earthquake is the STAB powerouse move that provides coverage against Shandera, Heatran, and Doryuuzu. Unfortuneatley, Shadow Punch is Gorrugo's most powerful physical ghost move, so it has to be the last moveslot.
On the topic of mamanbou, have you seen the move it learns at level 33? This move (called submersion) changes the foes type to pure water. Do you have any clue what this could potentially do to opposing walls?
Submersion is very gimmicky, and isn't even effective when executed. Submersion + Electric/Grass move + Stat booster + Other attacking move could possibly force a switch on opposing walls, allowing a free turn, but the system is flawed from the start. Skarm is already scared of by tbolt, blissey brushes off super effective special attacks (No users have physical Elec/Grass moves), and most other walls have their own system build around them. The pokes who get this attack all have pathetic stats for what this would be used for, so I don't see this going anywhere.
Submersion isn't popular anywhere. Basically it changes the type to water, hmm, that's peachy.

I don't know whether this has been covered in this thread but what do you guys think about "Inconsistence" ability? I agree that it's luck however it won't be much long till the Pokemon can get a +4 evasion stat or and pass it to a different Pokemon. Yet again "Inconsistence" ability is only received to one good baton passer and that is a Smeargle.
Gosh, Inconsistent is annoying. Blurgh. Most Inconsistent users just spam Sub/Protect then attack. They are easy to wreck with Whirlwind, Haze, and Unaware, but still annoying as heck.
Indeed. Not every team run phazers. Obviously rage quits are far common when Inconsistence comes into play. The worst part is ... it seems to be easier to use than weather. Just give a Pokemon with Inconsistence Sub and Protect and 2 attacks and voila ... you have an instant annoyer / sweeper / wall everything in one if you get good stat boosts.

Also, another fact is that when a stat is risen it's risen by 2 stages and when lowered it's lowered by 1 stage. Maybe it would be fairer if both stats are raised and lowered by an equivalent amount.