5 Gen Competitive Play

I've got a Rain Dance team I'm testing on Pokemon Online, and I'm doing very well with it. Does anybody have any ideas on how Rain Dance teams will work in the 5th Gen?
More like the same in Gen 4. Only Politoad will be a rain starter this time. Instant rain means Kingdra can destroy more. Although with the unbanning of Manaphy and Tail Glow giving a +3 boost now, things aren't looking good.
@pokemaister899: You can't just throw a bunch of sets on your team and expect it to work. There are skills you can only obtain through experience. You can try seeing if someone will tutor you. You could join one of the VG groups in the groups subforum. Many of them offer tutoring. I mainly tutor ubers because it is my best metagame.
PDC said:
More like the same in Gen 4. Only Politoad will be a rain starter this time. Instant rain means Kingdra can destroy more. Although with the unbanning of Manaphy and Tail Glow giving a +3 boost now, things aren't looking good.

Well, the Team's record is 10-2, and it's relatively new. It's an offensive Rain team. Pokemon like Parasect, Armaldo, and Vaporeon all got great Dream World abilities, and they work very well together. Not to mention the Beastiality of Zapdos and Borutorosu (Thunder Genie) with the use of thunder. I could post the team if you'd like, and we could pick apart how it takes care of threats in the 5th gen.
I have been playing around with Zuruzukin, and I love him. He's got epic defence stats, good attack, and two awesome boosting moves in Bulk Up and Dragon Dance. He has fairly good typing as well, and he looks plain awesome. I mean, a hoodie and a mohawk?! How cool is that?? Here is the set I've been using, and it has proved to be AMAZING so far.


Zuruzukin @ Chesto Berry
Adamant Nature
252 HP/ 252 Att/ 4 Spe

- Dragon Dance
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Rest

The porpoise of this set is to boost as much as possible with Dragon Dance, then Rest off the damage. Drain Punch is a great move move in general on Zuruzukin. It provides him with a direct recovery move and a solid power move, with STAB and at least +2 Attack after DD boosts. Crunch is also a powerful Stab move that has fairly good coverage with Drain Punch.
Gonna sing me some of Jojo's praises right now


Jojo @ Life Orb
Jolly, 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
- Fake Out
- U-turn
- Hi Jump Kick
- Stone Edge

This is most likely the bread-and-butter Jojo set, and for good reason. Jojo works best as a lead and, combined with Regeneration, makes for a fantastic scout.

Fake Out is a great move. Busts sashes and outprioritizes all other priority attacks, which is awesome for revenging. Life Orb, in addition to Jojo's great Attack stat, actually makes Fake Out do decent damage considering its restrictions, and trololol if it crits.

That said, I rarely, if ever, use Fake Out right off the bat, and here's why: U-turn is a better play almost every time. Everyone loves switching in stuff to take Fake Out and they wind up taking a powerful U-turn instead. Jojo is wonderful at attracting ghosts such as Gengar and (arguably more importantly) Shan-Shan to eat Jojo's fearsome Hi Jump Kicks only to be faced with Scarf Tyranitar instead. Should Shan-Shan have the balls to stay in and Energy Ball, it won't 2hko, while Pursuit does 2hko. If he runs, well, nice knowing you. Tyranitar also ensures that, in the event Shan-Shan revenges another of my mons with insert Fire move here, Tyranitar will laugh like a pirate while Shan-Shan messes in his drawers as he tries to run and then it's like NO YOU DON'T *is revenged*.

But I digress.

LO HJK is just brutal. Once the ghost is gone, Jojo is free to spam HJK with impunity. It can even muscle through things that resist it, depending on the mon. Sadly, Hippowdon only takes like 45% max from LO HJK, but that's still pretty nuts given Hippowdon's physical bulk.

Stone Edge is coverage, and that's about it.

Just don't try to U-turn Erufufu for the Stolen; you will get Stun Spored. Ignore that part if your team has a cleric.
As long as we're on the subject of Useful Movesets, let me show you this one:


Impish Nature
252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SpDef
Dry Skin Ability
-Leech Seed

Can you say "Rain Dance"? I've been using this set on an Offensive Rain team for a while now, and he's just amazing. Even with just one offensive move, Parasect can tear apart a lot of pokemon.

As long as Rain is pouring, there is just no way to kill this guy. Setting up subsitute and leech seed saves him from the most devastating sweepers, while Dry Skin and Leftovers restore huge amounts of HP. That's around 1/4 of his original HP per turn. Crazy right?

But there's just no getting past his pathetic HP. Plus there's the 5x weakness to Fire moves. Sad, but it won't hold him back. I think parasect will be a great addition to the UU (or maybe even OU perhaps?) metagame. Thank you.
Considering that he works best on a rain team, the Fire weakness is pretty much negligible, I think. Plus you're behind a sub most of the time anyway so you've got that as a buffer.

His low HP is also not that much of an issue, because with Leech Seed, Leftovers, and Dry Skin, you will actually be netting like 27% a turn minimum. Land that first seed and you can sub forever.

Also since subseeding tends to force switches, hazard support is appreciated.
Yes, he works well with Tentacruel and Starmie.
The team's record is now 15-5, I believe.
I don't know if this was mentioned before, but LO Genosect is a fantastic Pokemon. With an extremly powerful U-Turn after a download boost and a great deal of coveredge moves to go with it means it's a great Pokemon on offencive teams. Lead LO Geno is also a very good Pokemon. Since Tyranitar and Politoad have become so popular leads Geno can easily wear eliminate them. U-Turn is great for many purpouses including sub breaking.
Well heres a Sazandora set I've been running that has been working out well:


6 HP/252 AT/252 SPE @Choice Band Ability: Adamant

Fire Fang
Thunder Fang
Ice Fang

This set can take out everyone weak to Sazandora, except Fighting types. Thats why there is a thing called switching out. But however with Breloom I don't need to switch out, I can just use FF. TF and IF can also take out stuff, Outrage is mainly for last resort, or when I absolutly need to KO something.
I am very meh on that Sazandora set. Although it's Outrage is indeed strong, it seems a bti outclassed by the mix set. Skarmory can take Fire Fang and Roost it off while Mix LO has it's more specisl potentional with powerful Draco Meteors and Outrages. It also can hit steels much easier with Fire Blast. It overall has better potentional. The fangs are really sucky moves too. They can barely do anything even when you absolutely need to hit something.
Alright I've got a couple of toys I've been using.

Tyranitar (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 88 SAtk / 168 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Fire Blast
- Payback

TTar is pretty antimetagame imo. Causes switches pretty easily, many of which end up with a nattorei or sometimes doryuuzu being inplay. Fire Blast does a ton to Nattorei, but doesn't quite OHKO - maybe with more investment? Focus Punch works great behind the sub, and payback is for general stab, and is used over crunch since ttar will be moving last most of the time anyways. Fire Blast also hits Skymin really hard for those who are playing on Smogon's PO server.

Icebeam could easily go on the set since gliscor is a common switch in. Lum berry is nice with toxic spikes, boil over, Dark Void, etc, but can get redundant with sub. Stealth Rock could go over sub, in which case Lum would be the best option.

Scizor (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Superpower

Also pretty antimetagame. Destroys a ton of the suspects in Smogon's current tiers. It has a pretty easy time setting up, and with all the people running protect on various pokemon, you can sometimes sneak in a 2nd or 3rd Swords Dance. Once the metagame settles down though, I think SD Scizor will decrease in ability.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 172 HP / 156 Atk / 180 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch

Some of you may remember this from Pride's and my Team X, but it's definitely back. This thing screws so much stuff over with Thunderwave it's ridiculous. Iron Head does plenty of damage to everything, and combined with paralysis and hopefully a sub makes Jirachi next to impossible to break.

Idk what banlist you guys are playing with, but I've been playing with Smogon's, so these Pokemon work well with Skymin Darkrai and Deoxys-A being around.
I dunno whether this set has been published here before but :-

Kerudio @ Leftovers
Trait: Justice Heart
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Mystery Sword
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Electric]

^ That pony works wonders in my SS team. Still no loses for it. I use a Dual Screen SS team. Normally with the screens on Kerudio is capable of getting some CMs out. Sure Dragons and Jarooda with it's damn Perversity is still a problem. Still after 1 CM. It does around 74.2% - 87.6% to Jarooda with a 6% chance of OHKO. Hydro Pump works normally with Dragons and after a CM there is a 49% chance of OHKOing normal Garchomp with 252 ATK and 252 SPD. Basically after around 2 CMs (which is entirely possible with screens) it can destroy anything that doesn't resist it. The main problem I had is with Breloom. I once tried changing the HP to Flying. However then it becomes set up bait for Gyarados and other bulky water set-up Pokemon.
I haven't even glanced at Kerudio competitively; it just looks so stupid.
Do you think it'll be OU, or possibly Uber? It apparently has sweeping capabilities.
I don't think Uber, but it will fit quite nicely into almost any Ou team. There are oppurtunities for a special sweeper (Holy Sword, Hydro Pump, Mystery Sword) or a physical sweeper (Aqua Tail, Aqua Jet, Close Combat, Stone Edge). Like said before, a CM set is also viable. I personally love picking up surprise KO's with a CB Aqua Jet. Mystery Sword is also an epic new move, its a special attack, but it deals physical damage. In other words: OHKO's Blissey and Chansey.
Exactly as Chillarmy says. Won't be Uber. It doesn't quite have the standards for the Uber. It has a severely limited movepool. I once tried a Specs one and was bewildered on what to put after Hydro Pump, Mystery Sword and HP, of course I didn't want to put something like Surf or the same type moves I have already put.
I've seen a few Kerudio, and their sets have all been what HeroOfSinnoh posted. He has great coverage with his STAB options, with HP Electric to stomp down Gyarados and the water ghost, who otherwise would wall him all day long. Venusaur makes a nice check if you can get in there fast enough.