(5) Lost Link Mini-Set, HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Loki said:
Yes haha, and like many agree, More Pokemon = More $ = Happy Nintendo

More Pokemon = More $ = Happy Nintendo= happy fans also :D

this is great news i have been patiently waiting for gen V
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Well well well.I can translate some stuff from the main article.But it could take awhile.Anyway,YES!I give you a bet they'll use PMJs mole thingty that i still see in my nightmares.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

I hope Celebi doesn't have a new forme. That would be pretty lame if they went back and redid a bunch of old legends. :\
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

No no no no!! Not a new Celebi forme, please no.

About the fifth generation, okay, awesome, BUT; Please not a bunch of legends en evolutions.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]


I just can't believe it. I had lost the hopes of a 5th generation for this console, and now you're telling me that there will be! I couldn't be happier!!

All I'm hoping for is new moves, new Pokemon, NEW METAGAME, and something to make Dragonite more awesome (as if that were possible), something like "Speed Orb"? xD
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

There's no way it is a new 5th gen game. In the past, there had always been Pokémon revealed a good two years before the games were. (Ex. Munchlax, Lucario, Manaphy). Three years went by with Pokémon slowly trickling until the game was released.

Especially with the Nintendo DS successor coming out quite soon, they wouldn't spend all of their energy working on a game for a soon-to-be retired system.

We would have at least one movie in order to take in this information. So hold up and look at the information with devil's advocate, as done on Bulbapedia and Serebii. You don't have to be completely negative, but it is very unlikely that it would be a 5th generation game, logically. Where's the hype from Nintendo?
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Firemaker said:
There's no way it is a new 5th gen game. In the past, there had always been Pokémon revealed a good two years before the games were. (Ex. Munchlax, Lucario, Manaphy). Three years went by with Pokémon slowly trickling until the game was released.

Especially with the Nintendo DS successor coming out quite soon, they wouldn't spend all of their energy working on a game for a soon-to-be retired system.

We would have at least one movie in order to take in this information. So hold up and look at the information with devil's advocate, as done on Bulbapedia and Serebii. You don't have to be completely negative, but it is very unlikely that it would be a 5th generation game, logically. Where's the hype from Nintendo?
Uh sorry, but it says there are new Pokemon and that it is a main installment. Put two and two together. And just because for D/P they advertised new Pokemon years in advance doesn't mean they have to do the same thing for the next generation. DS2 also doesn't have a release date yet and could be over two years away - are we going to have a 6-7 year gap between generations? I don't think so.

The big news could come in two weeks anyway, and if the games come out in mid-September, that's over seven months of advertising.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

5th gen....? Already? @.@

Seems a little rushed.....but who am I kidding? This is GREAT news!!!
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Keep in mind that with D/P, it was on a system that Gamefreak didn't have much experience with. They probably have a pretty good handle on how to make games on the DS now after making five games for it. Remember, D/P was delayed for a long time - it was announced at the end of 2004 in this same sort of manner as this announcement but didn't come out until late 2006, most likely because they were still trying to get a grasp on programming for the DS. D/P was supposed to come out in 2005, so if everything had gone right back then, the time between the initial announcement and the games' release would have been exactly what we are expecting now (announcement late in the previous year / early in the current year, then games released at the end of the year).
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

here's what is scaring me. since you only have 1 Ho-oh Legend can you then tell us if its 1 in a packs or both halves. if its 1 per pack legends just got a ton harder to get.

And the set is great.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

amisheskimoninja said:
The fact that he has only half of Ho-Oh posted scares me. I really hope they don't break up the halves in separate packs in our english set. That would suck so much.

LOOL. My thoughts EXACTLY.


Anywho, I'm kinda upset that the Beedrill line is absent in our release of HGSS. That's just speedy evolution right there... and Beedrill itself averages 1 for 50.


And the new games? I'm excited. That's all I can say about that.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Something I noticed from Bulbapedia that hasn't been mentioned here or anywhere else I've looked.

At the end of Junichi Masuda's blog entry, he says, and quoted from Bulbapedia;
"On the 7th of February (Sunday), on Pokemon Sunday, Masuda will appear in an emergency video?
Now that you know, please watch it. You should be able to get some news!"

Now, as I don't know the slightest bit of Japanese, I can't confirm, so could someone else? If it's right, there's a chance it could be related the the games, since it's from the same post he used to announce the vague information. But, who knows? It could be something completely random.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

does anyone know the ratio in HG/SS boxes for the primes?

EDIT:Why would you want the legends IMO they suck
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Kaitou Cooro said:
Something I noticed from Bulbapedia that hasn't been mentioned here or anywhere else I've looked.

At the end of Junichi Masuda's blog entry, he says, and quoted from Bulbapedia;
"On the 7th of February (Sunday), on Pokemon Sunday, Masuda will appear in an emergency video?
Now that you know, please watch it. You should be able to get some news!"

Now, as I don't know the slightest bit of Japanese, I can't confirm, so could someone else? If it's right, there's a chance it could be related the the games, since it's from the same post he used to announce the vague information. But, who knows? It could be something completely random.
I'm not sure but I think Masuda edited that into his post. It wasn't there when we first translated it or we for some reason missed it, which I doubt. But yes, he will be on PokeSun on February 7th.

As for the LEGEND cards, as I said in the previous thread, we don't get our cards from booster boxes so we don't know what the ratio is. However, a TO that was talking to me on AIM the other day said that the ratios are supposed to be higher for this set. I didn't post the info in the story since it's from a TO but I guess it doesn't really matter too much anyway since it's just a small tid-bit. Since we have scans of all of the Prime Pokemon, I'm assuming they are much easier to get this time around anyway.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Been following whatever news I can find about Gen. V and the Nintendo DS successor... and in a way, it makes some sense. Even if there is a Nintendo DS successor in the pipeline... here are some things to think about:

1. Nintendo has a HISTORY of backwards capability. Who says that Gen. V won't work on the Nintendo DS successor?

2. The Pokemon franchise has been playing around with their graphics so much recently. We first saw some 3D in DPP, and then even more in Rumble!, Ranch, Ranger, etc. While Nintendo has admitted that the graphics of Pokemon is a major thing that sets it off from other RPG, it seems obvious that they have been testing the PokeWorld's reaction to these changes with these other games.

3. There will probably be a 6th, 7th, etc. generation since Pokemon is one of Nintendo's cash cows. Yes, we might not like the fact that it is so formulaic, but look at other similar series that decided to change up their style (Anyone remember the outcries about Digimon... I haven't seen it advertised at all recently. YuGiOh seems to have also gone the way of Digimon too). Pokemon has stayed around out of these 3 the longest because, when you boil down humans, we like control and safety and repetitiveness.

4. The games are never going to be 100% perfect. Yes, I would love it if Gen 5. had Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh in there, but I would much rather see that in an online community version of Pokemon. Perhaps something where the DSi (or the DS successor) works with your computer, so through the WiFi community of Gen 5, you can upload and store all of your game, so that you can either play online, or on the handheld. This combination I feel would allow players (new and old) to experience adventures, storylines, battling, collecting, trading, etc. in so many new and unique ways (which combats the formulaic haters, but still provides that repetitiveness.

Of course, this is all speculation and would be great if Nintendo and GameFreak did somethings similar.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

im hoping so if its closer to the unowns in UFO that would be nice
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Do we get one energy in each pack then? What is the deal with that?
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

I am hoping for some more cool dragon pokemon. Drageon as a new Eevee evolution maybe?
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

Wow, the HGSS Scans look really nice! FINALLY!!!! 5th generation games are coming out, I've been waiting for 5th generation news, but I wonder what kind of Pokemon will be featured in the upcoming games.
RE: (4) HGSS Scans, New 5th Gen Games, Less Important Stuff [1/29]

. There will probably be a 6th, 7th, etc. generation since Pokemon is one of Nintendo's cash cows. Yes, we might not like the fact that it is so formulaic, but look at other similar series that decided to change up their style (Anyone remember the outcries about Digimon... I haven't seen it advertised at all recently. YuGiOh seems to have also gone the way of Digimon too). Pokemon has stayed around out of these 3 the longest because, when you boil down humans, we like control and safety and repetitiveness.

YGO? Yu-Gi-Oh! is still alive and well, and Digimon is having yet another game released this Spring in Japan, and all of the DS games before it were translated. It's not like ZOMG SUPER POPULAR, but it's still alive, while YGO is doing nice. At least it's not in season limbo. But, Bandai is still releasing Digimon products (mostly CDs and the occasional game), so that's good. Neither are dead.

Pokemon and YGO both overwhelm Digimon, though (YGO is the best selling card game, Pokemon is best selling RPG series). I will point out something that backs up your main point (aside from YGO and Pokemon keeping the core game the same while innovating a lot).

The next Digimon game that's coming out is Digimon Story... 3, as in, it has the same core gameplay as two earlier titles. Why? Because it's what works and actually got new fans. They were actually somewhat good; they tried changing it up to a V-pet thing after DS2, but that didn't go well at all. So, they are back to what people liked and what is widely considered the best Digimon games ever made (which isn't saying much, but Digimon games that are actually enjoyable are win by default).

Doesn't mean it will sell better than YGO and Pokemon, considering the other two are STILL somewhat popular while Digimon is, uh... Not very popular. Anyways, back on topic.

I hope they do add some more Dragon Pokemon, I like Dragons. I wonder what innovations they'll bring this time? We'll see.