(5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

AnimeUSA said:
I thought I saw something on, I dare say it, Serebii about a PMD game, but I think it was only for Japan's WiiWare or something. It could be fake.
I hope it's a new PMD series. We haven't had a reboot to that in a while, no, Explorers of Sky doesn't count, and we just had a Ranger game. It could also be a new Battle Revolution or as stated somewhere above, a Gale of Darknness remake. Any one would please me, but I really want to see a new PMD, maybe even for the Wii.

That PMD picture was fake.

Anyway, Serebii seems to think that it's fake, but then again, nothing is for certain. Imagine if it could be a Pokemon XD Game for the 3DS, or if it is a highly improved Mystery Dungeon for the 3DS.
I would really like to see a new PMD, maybe split between the systems or on the Wii. But honestly, we need a game that is reeeally good. I'm not saying Black and White weren't good, they were awesome, but we have yet to see a good spinoff like PMD in a long while. I'd love to see PMD apear for Wii, but not for 3DS, because of the many people who can't afford it, like me. But, don't you remember when you opened up your first Mystery Dungeon, or Pokemon Ranger or whatever (only talking spinoffs here) and your first thought was: Wow. This is just great.
That's how I felt when I first tried Explorers of Time, and PBR. I want the feeling again and PMD is the perfect game for that. I'm almost certian it's gonna be a spinoff, but not ruling out remakes (which would make me want to hug everyone in town) or main games, though it seems unlikely.
Ok, pokemaister899 has officially confused me now! In the other thread ("The Future Games Speculation Thread") he posted this video which shows Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza in what looks like a 3DS version of the 3rd gen games. I don't know if the scan is real or fake, but it contradicts the image posted a few posts back in this thread (the one with Reshiram and Oshawott). Here is the video:


What do you guys think about this?
Timeshift, that scan is fake. The person who made it used my artwork for Kyogre and Rayquaza, and the Groudon pictured there is from an old Sugimori piece featuring Kyogre, Groundon, and Rayquaza facing off.
Thanks for clarifying, Xous. It makes sense now. And as that was your artwork, it looked very convincing! So that proves you're an awesome artist! ;)

I'd put money on this game being a spin-off as it seems too early for another main series game to be announced, plus there are a number of spin-off games which we've been waiting for. It could be a new spin-off series or it could be a sequel to games in an existing series (like PMD or Pokemon Pinball, for example).
XieRH said:
HypnoticLuxray said:
Personally, I hate the idea of getting a third version. I didn't even finish White yet, and I got Black for Easter. Didn't eve start it yet. So I'm not looking for a new main game anytime soon.

I don't mind if a third version came out. In your case you could simply not get it till you felt like it anyway.

Mmmm.... Yeah but....
Hypnotic tries to come up with a n00bish counterarguement, but can't trumph XieRH's awesomeness.

^That's the reason why.
Darkvoid57 said:
I for some reason want the Typing Game. I hope that the new Pokemon game is for the 3DS. Gosh, that'd make me happy
[se /quote]

the only reason i say they wouldnt do this is because since pokemon is still universal and people play it on all systems in the ds family if they made another main series game only for one type of ds they would loseee alotttt of bussiness because not every one might have it just a thought =)
I REALLY don't think it will be a main series game. They have never done a main series game less than a year after the start of a generation. Enough said.

Also I REALLY don't want a R/S remake. Think about it: those games, however you look at it, were the least popular generation, and the low point of the franchise. G/S was WILDLY popular and absolutely needed a remake. We still had no reliable way to get the Johto Legendaries before they came out. Resetting in Colos/XD is a crapshoot and the beasts in FrLg sucked. Not to mention that we currently have access to our 3rd gen Pokemon in our 5th gen games I could trade a Ruby Groudon to my Ruby remake, if I wanted. That seems to epitomize pointless.

But we all know that it would sell anyway. -__- I'd hate it, but I'd still buy it.

I'm hoping it's a console game a'la PBR. My friends and I want to hold tournaments that can actually have spectators.
XieRH said:
Chibi Pika said:
I'm hoping it's a console game a'la PBR.

My sentiments:

Console game: yes please. A'la PBR: Oh god no please.
Well, yeah, PBR sucked. :S

But I'm not getting my hopes up that they'll make a better one. :< I just want to battle people on the TV, I'm not picky. xP
omahanime said:
TheDarkLucario said:
[opinion] I seriously hope they don't make a sequel to PBR. That game was so horrible and boring. [/opinion]

They could make a 3DS version of Pokemon Snap.
it makes me sad thinking about this and every fiber of my being is screaming no, but i think your right. that would be a perfect first pokemon game for the 3ds what with the built in camera and 3d capabilities.

AnimeUSA said:
Don't rule out the possibility of a new spinoff series.
that would also make sence. a new spin off series that has never been done before and that nobody would even think of at the moment.
well i really hope its a 3rd game like pokemon Gray lol, but it would make sense to remake Ruby/Sapphire now since it would be easy to do;and i just hope its not some mystery dungeon or ranger sequel. but has anyone thought of . . . POKEMON TRADING CARD GAME REMAKE! XD
I' m pretty sure that this "new Pokemon game" is gonna be a Pokemon Emerald Remake (If not, then Emerald Remake will come later, maybe after the third game to complete the trio of Pokemon Black and White [[Ex: Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.]]) I just hope an Emerald Remake comes out, that was my favorite Pokemon game!
While it's not "new", I'd love a Colosseum/ XD remake or spinoff for the 3DS. It might even be enough to make me buy the console.
It won't be Emerald, Staraptor. I think it's a little early for any main series games, so probably a spin-off. Hopefully a PBR with plot.
For all we know, it could be Grey Version. I think it will be, because the main series games come usually a year after, and BW has been out in Japan for 8 months. If we have 4 months of CoroCoro scans, then the game should come out around then.
I personaly think that they should hold off the PBR type of game release till PROJECT CAFE comes out. Pokemon in HIGH DEF QUALITY is going to be bad a**
for everyone talking about a third generation five game listen up,
i found this while searching for pokemon grey on google;

In an interview with gaming site GameTrailers, Pokémon game developer and director Junichi Masuda spoke about Generation V of Pokémon. Among the many things that came up during the interview was the rumor that Black and White would not a have a third version.

This rumor came to be after the Spanish site Meristation published an interview with Pokémon designer Mana Ibe in which it was denied that there would be a third version of Pokémon Black and White. Junichi Masuda stated that he did not recall ever saying there would not be another version, and that he was very surprised to hear about the rumor.

It is unknown why Mana Ibe and Junichi Masuda did not make similar statements. The former was also present during the more recent interview with GameTrailers, but she was not asked about her previous comment.

[here is another;]

In an interview with Spanish site Meristation, game developer Mana Ibe indicated that a third game for Generation V will not be released on the 3DS.

During the London press demonstration of Black and White on Feb. 10, the Spanish game guide site obtained an interview with Ibe, who designed some of the Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Black and White Versions. When queried about the eventuality of a “third version” sequel to Black and White on 3DS, Ibe replied (note: this was translated from Japanese to Spanish to English, so a number of mistranslations may have occurred): “No, not at all. We’ve finished this installment with Black and White Versions.” — Mana Ibe (translated)

Many fans have taken this statement to mean that a third title in the fifth generation, the fan-given moniker of which is often “Gray/Grey” (derived from the mixing of Black and White), will not exist at all. Whether this is a translation mistake is unknown. Each previous generation has concluded with a third version that has a slightly different plot (and new gameplay elements) from the original paired versions. Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon Emerald and Pokémon Platinum are such games. If “Gray/Grey” does not eventuate, then this generation will be the only one without an enhanced follow-up game.

However, there are some lingering doubts over Ibe’s statement. Gamers who have investigated the coding used in Black and White have reported that there are hidden data not used in the game. These include two moves—Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare, both of which are speculated to be learned by Kyurem in the future, an Ice-type legendary Pokémon similar to the Black and White mascots Zekrom and Reshiram—and an obscure key item called a God Stone. Could these be special mechanics for a third version plotline and mascot? Perhaps. But they could also be beta objects, or involved in an upcoming Wi-Fi event. If Ibe is to be believed, then this might have to be the case.

In addition, a marketing undertone could be used here. If Ibe said that there would be a third version for sure, then many fans would wait to purchase Black and White, as the third version generally encompasses parts from the original pair.

[found this interesting so i thought i would post it ;) ]