(5) Product Images, Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6

RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

I think it's great and awsome too! But there'll be a big prob next year, since then more than the half will be rotated out of the format! They should make it like in Magic the Gathering, with diffrent formats for each card group.
1 Group where every card is allowed.
1 Group where only Ex on is allowed.
1 Groupe only DP on, rotation.
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]


RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

Could this be their way of making up to players for banning foreign cards?
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

Heh, I'm probably the only person who not only didn't see this coming, but doesn't like it. The whole reason for rotating sets is to keep things fresh (and so they make more money), but with it being DP-On again, most of the old decks will take over again with newer techs in them. And not only that, but they're giving us deck ideas that are even more simple with this format, like the above mentioned Charizard AA + Typhlosion MT. This probably IS their way for making it up to us for the 'No Foreign Cards' rule, but like I said, I'm probably the only person who dislikes this idea. Although, it doesn't mean I'll stop playing. [/rant] *Waits to be slaughtered*
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

Heh, makes me glad I started pokemon this year.
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

This is bad news for me and my deck. Meh. >:
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

Every single person who INSISTED it wouldn't include GE should now burn all their Claydols and Unown G's.
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

lol i feel so sorry for my friend who traded away all his Claydol's. I'm glad its going to be DP-on next season. there are so many useful techs and such decks like G+G would be lost forever in the modified world.
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

That's kind of a shame in my opinion. Masters in my area has gotten extremely stale and boring. Makes me sad there won't be any change at all.
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

Medaforcer said:
That's kind of a shame in my opinion. Masters in my area has gotten extremely stale and boring. Makes me sad there won't be any change at all.
Stale with DP-GE cards?

I love the fact that POP actually makes a good decision for once :D
This'll probably one of the most diverse formats we'll ever get, can't wait. And I'm so glad unown G is staying, don't know what I would've done without it...

Anyhow, I wonder whether they'll keep the format expanded like this (13 sets at the end of each format), or rotate a whole lot of cards next format to bring us back to the original amount.
RE: (1) Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8]

Funny, considering I've been saying it since February. Oh well.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

Three new news stories!
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

The curse of the terrible English set's name continues. . .
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

150 cards eh? Sounds a bit TOO big for my tastes, but we'll see what will happen.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

150 cards? That's a whole lot of cards. Ugh. My backpack is going to get real heavy now.

I'm happy that there is no rotation for the rotation. But, of course, I have to update my article tons. It's so based on GE-on, and worked specifically away from DP-on. For the AA thing, this just spams up Gengar even more depending on how good Gengar Lv.X is.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]


Easiest ways to get some of the best Lv.Xs in the set. Plus, if you're using a deck with one of those cards, why waste $25-35 on it when you can just get it for $15 with 4 free packs?

And just when you thought Gengar couldn't get better, they release a Lv.X. Crazy. Let's just hope it sucks.
Zapdos G sounds pretty cool, though.
RE: (4) Supreme Victors, Arceus Plushes, Modified Format Remains DP-On Next Year! [6/8-6/9]

Awesooooooooooooooooome new format <3