A Fakemon Of Every Type-- Round 3

Which type would you look to see for round 4?

  • Water/Ghost

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • Steel/Poison

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Dark/Bug

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Electric/Ground

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Fighting/Flying

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters



It's very simple. You're given a type combination, and your job is to create your very own Fakemon with that type. There is a 2 week submission period, and after that a 1 week vote. Then the next competition begins, etc etc

The types we will be using are of those that have yet to be used on existing, real Pokemon. It should make for some pretty interesting entries, I think. :eek:


1) Your entry must have the correct typing
2) You must submit a drawing of your entry, as well as a name. Supporting art is optional, but not necessary.
3) Final evolutions only, although you may include more members of the evolution line in your supporting art.
4) People can work in groups for now. People may also submit up to 3 entries each.
5) Advertising your entry via PM is forbidden.

You have until July 18th to submit your entry. After that, a voting period will commence that lasts until July 25th. This will be a public vote done via poll.

So what type are we rolling with? Ice/Fight! Make sure to vote for the type combo you wish to see in round 3 as well! : )

Ask any questions you have in this thread.

Previous winners

Igneoatl (Fire/Psychic)
Dragnegoak (Grass/Dragon)
I voted for Dark/Bug for the next round.

My entry is already done, only need to colour it. It wil come soon ;)
Anyone with a concept want to work with me? I can digitally color it, and make supporting sprites. However I cannot draw with a HootHoot. Also i voted Water/Ghost.
I voted Water/Ghost. Charizard. I'm staring a concept now, already had one partially done. Once finished maybe you could possibly digitally color it?
Sure, unless someone beats you to it.

Edit: Well actually Charidude, not sure if I will be entering with you or not. I got a rough sprite for an idea and I am loving it. My brother can draw pretty well so I will see if he might possibly combine with me on this one. But if not I will color yours. Then maybe we can do a second entry using my design. ;)
Sure. I will try to submit one either way. I just can't do the whole digital at which stopped my last one.
As always I'm willing to help out others with artwork, shoot me a PM if you're interested. I can only help up to a max of 3 though.

@SotH: Yup, anyone can join up!
Anyone can enter?

*EDIT* Awesome, already have some designs ready. :3​
Count me in for this one :D


Here is my entry:

Its name is Punchilla (Punch + Chill + Chinchilla)
Hahaha I love that, anyone who can effectively draw a chinchilla (with gloves) gets my vote. :D

Anyways I've been thinking long and hard about this typing, and i've said this for the past three rounds but, i'm gonna try to enter.
That is really really good Full Moon. I'm on edge whether or not to vote for it because...

1. I don't know what everyone else's will be
2. I know it has the word chill and its fur is blue, but its not really ice type...
i have made my entry, here it is:
Name: Abomastrike
Type: Ice/Fighting
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 362 lbs.
Species: The Yeti Fakemon
Entry: It lives up, high in the tallest mountains where it is very cold, and very few creatures can survive. It is very intelligent, yet somewhat brutish, and will defend itself, or its offspring with its life. It is solitary and travels alone, it will sometimes help stranded hikers, and bring them to its lair. Because of its fur, it almost completely blends in with its surroundings making it a good predator.

toille12345 said:
i have made my entry, here it is:
Name: Abomastrike
Type: Ice/Fighting
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 362 lbs.
Species: The Yeti Fakemon
Entry: It lives up, high in the tallest mountains where it is very cold, and very few creatures can survive. It is very intelligent, yet somewhat brutish, and will defend itself, or its offspring with its life. It is solitary and travels alone, it will sometimes help stranded hikers, and bring them to its lair. Because of its fur, it almost completely blends in with its surroundings making it a good predator.


That looks awesome toullie, but might I reccomend putting a
around the URL so it looks like this instead?
Fuzzy hamsters made me think of FIGHTING WEASELS!!!!

This will most likely be my entry, I'm somewhat satisfied with it, never drawn a fakemon or made one. So I probably need to color it which probably won't happen cause I can't color traditionally and I'm to lazy to do it digitally. ^^;

Can we leave it Black and White?


Name: Kooritachi (May change in time when I think of something better.)
Stage: Stage 1
Abilities: Ice Body/Reckless
Species: Fighting Weasel
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 221.5 lbs
Pokedex Entry: Unlike it's previous evolution it loves to start fights and has a great amount of pride. Due to the fact that the ice on the tip of it's tail makes up 60% of it's body weight, it uses it's tail as a major combat weapon. The more ice that's on the tail the bigger the ego.
Here is my second entry:

Its name is Bearate (Polar Bear + karate)
Its the Fighting Bear species.
6-Dimension said:
d00d, I have Ps now, so I'mma enter something not made in Paint.

Lucky guy. :F

I might have to download GIMP again. D:

Ninja bear kicks boxing chinchilla's but. They are both fantastic but its an obvious winner. =)