Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Let's go everyone! Pikachu, Fly with Numel! Numel, you know what to do! *All this happens with an additional Ember, damaging the machine badly* Piplup, pound Chikorita as it tackles the machine! *Machine busted*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: The machine that's creating to portal?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: There is two holes, both gone now that Team Rocket came out, Archer in charge of three grunts. The last pokemon in each party will level.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: BUMP! Sorry for not making it clear, so I will explain. There will two portals, one with ROUGE's Team Rocket members and the other with the machine spewing Magnemite. Through the process of all attacks, we busted the portals and machine, but Archer and three gruns jumped out in time, making it just like the Gym Battles. After I have dinner, I will level-up pokemon.
In: Archer! *Immediately sends Numel and Pikachu for battle. Alledgedly from Petrel, Archer sends forth Koffing and Slowpoke*
Me: You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why! Joey-claus the assassin of ROUGE is here!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"That was really lame," Xavier said. "But true. Go Dratini!" he yelled, and his main Pokemon shot out.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Glances at Pory-pal* Get ready. GO ROTOM! *Sends out Rotom* *Porygon and Rotom prepare for battle*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

As Numel went to jump on Koffing, Slowpoke stopped it with Confusion. Pikach then used Thundershock to propel Numel again.
Me: Numel, Ember! *While flying, the Numel looked like it was using Fire Spin. This subdued Slowpoke as Pikachu and Numel crushed Koffing, breaking some of the gas pipes*
Me: Wow, that was phenominal! *Thinks about trying a contest out with the devastating combo*
OoC: All grunts will have two Koffing and Zubat. If you want to see level-ups, check the front page. Tomorrow is a half-day special! Two level-ups for your team!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OOC:Hatched into a Togepi

Runs over there.
"Ralts! Seedot, please come out!"
*ralts and seedot come out*
"Ralts, use confusion on one to stop the attacks, and seedot! Use Razor Leaf!"
Team Rocket Grunt: Doesn't she look familiar?
Isa:After this battle, you'll remember me for a lifetime!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Well, I guess it's my turn," Xavier smirked. "Dratini, use Wrap on Koffing!" Dratini nodded and lunged at the Koffing, coiling itself around the Pokemon until it could barely breathe. It fell on the ground, KOed. "Now use Thunder Wave on Zubat, then Extremespeed!" Xavier called out, the battle plan formulating in his mind. Dratini launched the electricity, hitting the Zubat hard and dropping it on the floor. Dratini then quickly rushed up and hit it square on, sending it flying into the wall.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Eh, what the heck... *Uses Pikachu's Thundershock on Seedot's leaves to severly damage Zubat and hurting the Koffing a little more than usual* You guys battle, I will look around.
Pokemon: Pika! Num num… Piplup! Chika! *Run after eager Joey*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Fine.... but make it quick," Xavier yelled over all the noise of battle. He turned his attention back to the enemy.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Secretly disguises Chikorita to sabatoge the grunts*
Me: Chikorita, you need to wear this and act like a Slowpoke, okay? *Gets a nod and walks over to the grunts*
Me: *Walking* Halls seem clear in th-
???: Hold it right there! My name is Ariana, the Ariana. Let me let you in on a secret… See the switch? This can set off the mines below your friends right now. One false move and… KABOOM! Turn back now!
Joey: …
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*In the heat of battle Porygon stopped attacking, floated over to me, and would not take any commands.* Porygon! What are you doing!? Porygon: 'Pory!!!!!! PORYGON!!!!!' *Porygon kept pointing at the ground beneath their feet* *As Nate pondered, a grunt's Zubat zipped past his face, and around to Pory-pal, knocking it out* PORYGON! NO! *Picks up Porygon, and returns a newly fainted Rotom* All I have left is Magnemite...

GO MAGNEMITE. *Sends out Magnemite* MAGNEMITE, USE- *Before he could get the words out of his mouth, the grunt used some kind of super combo, and knocked out Magnemite*

NO!!!! *Three grunts grab him, and start heading for the stairs* HELP!!! H- *The grunts gag his mouth with a cloth, and tied his hands with a few zip ties as they escorted him* *Glances back and the fainted Porygon, lying there helplessly*

*They took him to a prisoner escort, disguised as a delivery truck, tossed him in the back, and drove off*

*Porygon wakes up, and sees all the battling going on* *Porygon gets up, and floats down the hall where Joey went* *Porygon sees Joey*
PORY! PORYGON! *He pointed out the window at the prisoner truck disguised as a delivery truck, driving North* *He then sees Ariana, and hides behind Joey's leg, shaking*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Looks down*
Me: *Got to keep this secret, got to get out of here...* *Piplup tells Porygon to take him with him to free Nate, then Joey*
Pikachu: Pika! *Slams Pikachu into a wall with Fly*
Ariana: You little brat! *Sends out a Lv. 8, maniupulated "Shiny" Oddish and Houndour*
OoC: More detail then you thought at Devon, huh?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Back in the Prisoner truck: *Squirms around until his Pokegear fell out of his pocket* *Struggles to push some buttons on the pokegear with his nose* *Sends a message to Porygon through the Pokegear*

Back at Devon: *Porygon suddenly stops moving, as if processing something* Pory! Porygon! *Porygon points to a computer* Pory! *Porygon tells Piplup to jump on his back*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Pip… *Hops on*
Back with Ariana: How do you like it? Your friends will blow up if you even tell your pokemon what to do! Haha! *Pikachu flies with Numel on it's back* *Ariana has Oddish thrown into the air to try to suck Pikachu's Fly power. Epic fail. Oddish somehow levels up, then uses Acid, causing Pikachu to go into a tailspin. The combined force of the two pokemon was countered by Ember weakly. At this time, Houndour also levels up, but is destroyed by the tailspin. Both of Joey's pokemon hardly survives. While Oddish is still in the air, Pikachu goes into Joey's bag and uses the last two Potions he has, one on itself and the other on Numel*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Porygon: Pory! *With Piplup on his back, he quickly jumped into the computer which he stood in front of*

*They tumbled through cyberspace, for Piplup was hard to keep on his back. Porygon flew past many exits until he found the right one.*
*They shot out of a computer somewhere at a cell tower. Dodging the guards, (the cell tower has a strict NO POKEMON policy. Lol) they went up stairs to the main antenna.

Some guard: 'Stop those pokemon!!' *came from the stair-well, where Porygon and Piplup just came*

*Porygon glanced at Piplup, and hopped into the antenna.* *The cyberspace they where traveling in was not like any Porygon had traveled in before. For they where traveling through radio waves.*

Back in the Prisoner escort: *Nate watched as Porygon with Piplup on his back launched out of the Pokegear*

*Porygon floated over to Nate, and asked Piplup to untie him*

*Coughs a bit* *Takes a breath* Fwew... Thanks for coming Pory-pal. And thank you, Piplup. Keep down, the wall to the cab is thin, and they might hear us.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Numel had enough and used Ember, burning both Ariana and Oddish, knocking it out. Seeing the opportunity, Pikachu flew into Ariana, knocking her unconcious. Pikachu goes to Joey, who took a nap*
OoC: Back after dinner.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Back in the Prisoner Truck: Alright, Piplup, if you would use Pound on the wall to the cabin...

*The wall collapses, and the two guards in the cabin look back at Porygon's Thunder wave, paralyzing them both.*

Ha ha! Take that you-

*The truck begins to spin out, and crashes into a pole, knocking Nate over, an Porygon and Piplup unconscious.* ... Ow... *Looks at the scrapes and bruises on his skin* Porygon.... You ok? *No response* Poryg- *Passes out*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Whew! Thanks Pikachu! *Takes note out of Ariana's pocket* Prisoner truck to Captain Briney's? What could that mean? *Remembers Piplup* Oh… my… god! *Storms out of the building, flies to Petalburg, and rushes to the house. Before Joey makes it…* The truck! *Tries to arouse Nate*
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