Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Oooughf.... Wha? Huh? Joey? What happened? *Remembers everything* Oh! Porygon! *Porygon: Pory... Porygon...* *Porygon looks at Nate* Poor thing...

Thanks for coming Joey. *Tries to get up* OH! OW! My leg and one of my ribs are broken... *Grits teeth* I can't get up... *Lies there helplessly, with his cuts and bruises swollen*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Trainer name: Nicky Stones (Yes I'll be a girl for this RP because I happen to feel like being one in this RP)
Pokemon: (All Level 5) Torchic, Eevee, Wurmple, and Snorunt.
Special Moves: Torchic can use Ember, Eevee can use Shadow Ball, and Snorunt can use Icy Wind.
Strategy: She is really observant and is open when she is trying to find a weakness. Her battle style is a combination of contests and battles.
Weakness: She doesn't like being in a big crowd of people. She isn't much of a social person because she doesn't know how to start a conversation. She would much rather listen and add on to conversations then to start and revive them.
Background Story: She lived in the peaceful town of New Bark, in Johto, but that time came to a complete end during the break out of ROGUE. Her family was soon decimated by ROGUE, which forced her to flee to Littleroot.

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Piplup: Piplup! *Sends a healing Bubble into Nate* Feeling better? I'll get Norman otherwise.
Ooc: Accepted.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Trainer name: Talons
Pokemon: Steelix, Giratina
Special Moves? Steelix knows shadow force (OMG WTH)
Strategy: Always different
Weakness: Nothing. Except. A nuke.
Background Story: Talons commands the sinnoh defense force, how did team G survive? he answer is simple, all power drained out somewhere in December, and team galactic dominated them.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Thanks. My cuts seem to be healed, but my bones are still broken. I don't think I'll be walking anytime soon... *Lays there helplessly in the broken glass, and moans*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ooc: I know I am not in charge of the game, but I can tell that Joey won't except the form you just submitted, Nod. The character you submitted is a Mary Sue. Everyone has weaknesses, we are not all perfect. A nuke to the head isn't much of a weakness. Anyone knocks out from a hard hit to the head. The Pokemon your character has on hand also signals a Mary Sue. No one would magically have a Giratina on their team, it's just unrealistic and its not even logically possible for Steelix to know Shadow Force. Shadow Force is Giratina's signature move and it will always be its signature move unless the game creator goes crazy and makes it available to a handful of Pokemon. I think Joey should have been more precise with strategy because a strategy can change and be different, but the catch is that the strategy has to appeal to the person's style of battle. In my opinion Joey should have put Style instead of strategy. Change your background too, it also indicates an over powered character. I mean really, a commander of the defense force? If he was the commander then where was he during the events of Team Rogue? It is like he left the region to die and just magically decides to come back. This is just my opinion, but I think Joey will agree with me.

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OOC: Can someone recap the events for me please?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Wow, thanks NZ! Flare, we basically took care of Devon. You are still there due to my Pikachu. And yes, jump in whenever. I will do level-ups soon!
In: Hold on, let me get Nurse Joy! And where is my Chikorita that looks like a Slowpoke? *Runs to Petalburg*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ok... *Starts to cuddle with Pory-Pal*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

The dust finally cleared on the battle. Xavier uncovered his eyes that he blocked from the debris and looked around. Pokemon were spread all over on the ground, all KOed except for Dratini, which Xavier was proud of. Xavier noticed that there was no sound at all. Which also made him notice that Joey, Nate, and the others were gone.

"Joey! Nate! Anyone?!" Xavier called out as he walked around with Dratini at his side. He had had no luck in finding his friends. Xavier and Dratini rounded a corner and saw. Pikachu digging into a bag that he recognized as Joey's.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Trainer name: Cody
Pokemon: (All Level 5) (Up to 4 for now): Eevee, Murkrow, Tyrougue, Bagon
Special Moves?: Eevee knows Ice Beam
Strategy: We just fight till our last pokemon falls we never give up.
Weakness: Trainers that have more experience in pokemon
Background Story: Cody is a Pokemon trainer that always wanted to be he is 11 now and has now gotten to hoenn where he starts his journey to win his 3rd Pokemon League title. He gets stop in the way of Littleroot.

~ rotom-cut
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Nicky sighed as she exited her house. It was time for her to leave the humble and peaceful town of Littleroot. She would have much rather left on a journey in Johto, but that wasn't an option ever since the appearance of Team Rogue. She started to walk in the direction of Odale, where her journey would begin.

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Pikachu is not in the building. The only Slowpoke there is my Chikorita. And accepted Rotom! Jump in!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Cody with eevee at his side notices all of his other pokemon are gone! * Gasp *

~ Rotom-Cut
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*As he lied there, he thought he saw one of the 'realistic statues' peeking out from the forest.* *His heart raced, and before he could let out a scream, he blinked, and it vanished...*

This is beginning to creep me out...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Finally returns* Here Nurse Joy! He was kidnapped in that truck and almost fell in the ocean! He is also dillusional. *Nate is rushed to the pokemon central* I will go with them, you guys get Briney!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!


OoC: You realize, I'm going to hang that statue thing over your head the whole game, right? lol
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: With your facinations, I would say so.
In: *Waits for all of Nate's pokemon to be healed with Nate*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ooc: I edited my post, you ninja. LOL :3

In: Hey! OW! That hurts!
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