Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Frank: *Sees the opening on the mouth* "Perfect! Seiviper, Poison Fang now!"
Me: I have 3 screen up. No way to break through. Therefore... "Xatu, use Psychic to have Pikachu do a heart formation of electricity!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Are fifth generation Pokemon included?
"Champ! Champ!" Machamp rushes towards Absol and gives him a heavy punch.
"Sol!" Absol gets knocked into a case, and cracks it. A Root Fossil falls onto theground, and the ROGUE agent quickly snotches it up, takes a small vial out of his pocket, and puts a couple drops of the fluid inside onto the fossil. The fossil transforms in to a Lileep.
"Lileep, destroy them!" The Lileep uses vine whip on Samuel and Batui, constricting them.
"You will come with me," *Evil Laugh* The ROGUE agent says.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: No 5th Generation pokemon.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MS Sarah: "Wow! How gorgeous! Frank loses 10%! That's it folks! The win goes to Joey!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Never Gryados use flamethrower!"


*It misses*

"Nghh"*Breath comeing out of him spirit then passes out*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Sarah: "Round 2 will combine both rounds of people in their room! The matches are...
Water room: Tyler vs. Kid!
Grass room: Jessilina vs. Maylene!
Fire room: May vs. Lillian!
Center stage: Joey vs. Harley!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Wow. What a good match. Now to center stage to watch Joey battle Harley."
Connor sits down in the center stage with Croconaw and Flaffy cheering for Joey.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: Well I think we're ready. What do you guys think?
Weavile: Wea!
Monferno: Monferno!
Me: Great then let's head to the Water Stage once more.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Steps on stage only to see a flamboyant Harley* Harley: "Oh dear me! Just connecting with my fans! Wigglytuff, Cacturne, now!"
Xatu: EWW! Gay guy! Take me and Camerupt in to kick his butt!
No problem. "Xatu, Camerupt, let's go!"
Harley: "My darlings, Needle Arm Camerupt! Wiggly, Body Slam that Xatu!"
Me: "Xatu, will you please set up the screens? Camerupt, begin using Eruption so that we may still attack."
Harley: "Full force, fast!"
OoC: Judges?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: So your names Kid huh? That's real original.
Kid: Well my name may be weird but my Pokemon are powerful. Buizel, Pichu go!
Me: A Pichu huh? I'll introduce you to my Pikachu later but for now... Weavile, Monferno let's go!
Kid: Buizel use Aqua Jet on Monferno and Pichu use Charm on Weavile!
Me: No way. Weavile use Ice Punch on the water and Monferno you use Mach Punch on Buizel!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Sarah: Buizel just gets the upper hand on Tyler! Weavile has becomed charmed, but not without Weavile freezing the water! -5% to Tyler!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Kid: Using Weavile to freeze the water, not bad now try this! Pichu use Nasty Plot and Buizel defend Pichu with Water Gun!
Me: Nice try Weavile use Icy Wind to stop the Water Gun cold and Monferno you use Flame Wheel on Pichu!
*Buizel launches it's Water Gun which get's blocked by Weavile's Icy Wind. Monferno absorbs some of the Icy Wind creating Flame Ice hitting Pichu*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Tyler, judge me please. I will judge you, you judge me.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Sounds good to me
MC: Harley's Pokemon move in fast for an attack but Joey's Camerupt blocks with Eruption! Giving Xatu the ability to set up the screens!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Percentages from now on please.
In: Harley: "Oh, brava! Wigglytuff, Reversal! Cacturne, hang tight!"
Me: "Oh no you didn't! However, I got this. Xatu, Mirror Coat the screens back at them at double speed! Camerupt, take advantage and use Earth Power!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Moans*"Spirit, where are we?" Samuel and Spirit are in a pitch black room, and Samuel hears a motor turn on.
"What's that?" He whispers.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"I think its an engine or something."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Five similar Pokemon walk through a door, into Samuel and Spirit's "room". "RO-TOM! RO-TOM! RO-TOM!"
"Ugh! If only I could get Umbreon!" Samuel says, struggling with the metal coil holding Samuel and Spirit together.
The Rotoms make an ear-piercing, mechanical screech. "ROTOM!!!!!!""I see that you have met my little friends," Charon enters the room.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Alright.
MC: Wigglytuf trys to pull off a Reversal but Xatu's cleaver move stops the attack! Meanwhile Camerupt's Earth Power hits both Pokemon!

Kid: What was that!? No matter Buizel use Sonic Boom on Weavile and Pichu use Thundershock on Monferno!
Me: Monferno block Thundershock with Ember and Weavile use Fury Swipes to send the Sonic Boom back at Buizel!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: List it like this:
Person 1: _%
Person 2: _%
MC Sarah: "What a good finish for Tyler... kinda. Pichu hit and Paralyzed Monferno! However, Sonicboom was aimed right back at Buizel, leaving this result!
Kid and Tyler: 80%
In: "Alright! Xatu, use your new secret screen: Ominous Wind! Surround Cacturne with it! It should scare the heck out of Wigglytuff! Camerupt, use Flamethrower to shrink the screens around them!"
Harley: "Oh please, you have no idea what this hair goes through! Cacturne, shoot the Ominous Wind Away! Wigglytuff, Doubleslap the screens!"
Xatu: He realizes that hitting the screens will cause a chain reaction of hits, right?"
Me: Apparently not... :D
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