Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Plus, I can just do this. Xatu, Omninous Wind. Blow those moves away while attacking!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Alakazam is knocked out by the force of Ominous Wind while Quagsire get's nailed with the attacks*
Jake: This isn't going the way I wanted it to.
Me: Might as well give up now while you still have a chance.
Jake: Now way! This is the most fun I've had in my entire life! Gengar, Blissey come out!
Me: Weavile quick use Ice Punch on Blissey!
Jake: Blissey use Aromatherpy to wake up Gengar so it can use Shadow Ball!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Nope! Psychic to nail Gengar and use Blissey to slam into Gengar!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Jake's last two Pokemon go down once Gengar is hit by Blissey*
Jake: Remind me not to mess with you two.
Me: Noted. Now let's find the others and head to Mossdeep City.
Jake: I'll check by the Pokemon Center.
Me: Alright. Joey you get Rudy and tell him we're leaving when he's ready. I'll go look for anyone else.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: He must know where he's going.
Jake: Yeah. Anyway check the Depratment Store just to be safe. Who knows where any one could be.
Me: On it.
*Tyler runs full speed tword the Department Store while Jake heads for the Pokemon Center*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Isa decides to follow Joey, she's realized through this adventure that generally Joey can be to cocky for his own good during battle, and also, Joey generally ended up in bigger messes than he could handle. Isa felt that Tyler most of the time knew what he was doing, but didn't always go down the most exciting track.

"Where's Rudy?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Still in the tunnel I believe."
OoC: In the famous words of Cat from Victorious, WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?!?!?!?!?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Okay...not very detailed, but you never are."
She continues run.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Lilycove Department Store*
Me: Hello anyone here?
Me: Nothing. Guess I'll just have to keep looking.
*Meanwhile at Lilycove's Pokemon Center*
Jake: Hey is someone here?
Jake: Nada. There's gotta be someone here somewhere. Maybe Tyler's having more luck then me right now.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Rudy gets out of the Museum, with his father on his back. "Nothing left to do, but walk." said Rudy to himself.

He didn't walk long until he saw Isa and Joey.

"There you guys are. We need to take my dad to a hospital, or something."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*2nd Floor*
Me: Still nothing. Why isn't anyone here? Wait I have an idea. Weavile!
Weavile: Wea.
Me: Help me look for anyone in this building. I'll check the 3rd floor. You take the 4th and 5th floors as well as the roof.
Weavile: Vile.

*Lilycove Contest Hall*
Jake: This place was really trashed.
Alakazam: No sign of anyone here Jake.
Jake: Crud. There's gotta be someone in this city besides us. Check the Pokemart.
Alakazam: I'm on it.
*With that Alakazam teleports to the Lilycove Pokemart*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Hey Rudy. We need to get Jake and Tyler. Come on you two! They should be near the department store and the pokemon center."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*3rd Floor*
Me: Still nothing. Where is everyone?
Weavile: Wea.
Me: Did you happen to find anyone yet.
*Weavile shakes it's head*
Me: Great. We've serached the entire place and not a trace of anyone. Let's head down to the front of the store.

*Front of the Pokemon center*
Jake: Hurry up Alakazam.
Alakazam: I'm sorry but there was no one at the Pokemart either
Jake: That figures. Well let's just wait here. Maybe someone will show up.
Alakazam: Agreed.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Finds Jake* "Hey, what's up?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Jake: Not much I'm afraid. Alakazam and I haven't found anyone yet.
Alakazam: It's so strange. It's as if everyone just vanished into thin air.
Jake: Yeah... Maybe Tyler's found someone though. I have high hopes for him.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Well, I heard that people fled to Mossdeep, the only place not being touched recently."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Jake: Guess that makes sense. Alright then let's find Tyler and head for Mossdeep.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Alrighty! Sounds good!"
OoC: When we hit Mossdeep, an old player, Porygon-X, shall be returning to the game.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Now there's a surprise. Also is it just me or is this game starting to be a talk fest between me and you?
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