Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Rudy walked the lowly streets of Ever Grande City. He had managed to save his mother, and carefully maneuvered through the alleys. He tried to estimate how much longer it would take for Joey and Culex and Jake to wipe out the Elite 4. Probably not much longer.

He met a dead end, and sighed. He started to walk back when a voice stopped him.

"You can't help but submit."

Rudy quickly pivoted, and saw nothing but the empty alley. However, he kept hearing the voice.

"I'll keep coming after you. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Rudy looked around, and was baffled as to where the voice was coming from. He looked high and low. "Show yourself!"

The voice laughed, and said, "Can't you see I was always here?" Suddenly, Rudy spotted the source of the voice. A shrouded figure was leaning against the wall.

Rudy made a clenched fist, and aimed at the figure, but his hand went straight through him. His fist collided with the wall, and he winced from the pain.

"Huh. It's just a shadow." He began to walk back out, when the voice came again.

"I may be a shadow, but I've got more life than you'll ever have." The figure came off of the wall, and was now a 3-Dimensional object.

Rudy was dumbfounded. "What do you want."

"I want your blood."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

*The Jynx faints very fast with the other Xatu right after that*
Will: "Seriously?!? Looks like you win..." *Will walks through the part of the door marked "Will" and runs into Rudy*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

*Air Slash hits Heracross a little after it get's hit with Stone Edge*
Aaron: No not my Heracross! Scizor go!
Kate: Togekiss return for now. Ninetails go!
Aaron: Scizor use Swords Dance!
Kate: Ninetails use Sunny Day!

*The electric attack knocks out Lapras*
Lorelei: This is just great. Dewgong your up!
Me: Seriously another one?! Alright Raichu you know what to do.

*Wood Hammer hits Crawdaunt and Crabhammer connects with Torterra but Crawdaunt faints*
Sidney: This more fun then I thought it would be. Shiftry go!
Jake: Torterra come back. Entei go!
Sidney: Shiftry use Dark Pulse!
Jake: Entei use Flare Blitz!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

OoC: How did you end up where I am?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

OoC: Not me, Will. He got embarressed from being destroyed by a Pikachu and ran out of the building, reaching you. Will is under your control Boddy.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Lorelei: Ugh this is getting old. Jynx get that Raichu!
Me: Finally something that's not Water and Ice! Raichu come back. Shadow go!
Lorelei: Jynx use Lovely Kiss!
Me: Shadow use Night Slash!

Sidney: Alright time to step it up a notch. Cacturne go!
Jake: Entei use Flare Blitz again!
Sidney: Cacturne use Counter!

Kate: Alright Ninetails use Fire Blast!
Aaron: Scizor use Superpower!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

"Kate, allow me to help out once Scizor faints."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Kate: No thanks I got this.
Aaron: Not my Scizor! Vespiquen go!
Kate: Ninetails use Fire Blast once again!
Aaron: Vespiquen use Defend Order!

Me: Sorry Lorelei but that's game.
Lorelei: I can't beleive I lost to a kid like you!
Me: Huh guess you didn't hear that I'm Red's kid.
Lorelei: Wait your Red's son!?
Me: Yep.

*Cacturne survives with it's Focus Sash and knocks out Entei*
Jake: That's one powerful Cacturne. Umbreon go!
Sidney: Cacturne use Swords Dance!
Jake: Umbreon use Dark Pulse!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

"Does anyone need my help or can I move on?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Me: Well I'm ready to ahead. We'll let those two finish up here.

Jake: You do that.
Sidney: Great down to my last Pokemon. Absol go!
Jake: Umbreon use Toxic!
Sidney: Absol use X-Scissor!

Kate: I'm almost done here.
Aaron: Alright Drapion go!
Kate: Ninetails return. Hippowdon go!
Aaron: Drapion use Ice Fang!
Kate: Hippowdon use Earthquake!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

*Joey and Tyler walk into the second room*
?: "Hello darlings. I'm Bertha."
?: "Bruno is in the 3rd room right now, so there is only 3 of us. I'm Koga, former gym leader."
?: "As for me, I'm Pheobe."

"I'll take on Bertha."
Bertha: "Splendid! Hippowdon, let's go!"
"Empoleon, let's act like Pikachu in the last round!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Me: Alright then. Pheobe you mine. Don't worry Koga someone should be battling you shortley.

Kate: Yes I won!
Aaron: No way I lost! Well go on ahead your friends are waiting for you.
Kate: Sweet see ya later Jake.

Jake: Alright see ya. Torterra go!
Sidney: Absol use Swords Dance!
Jake: Torterra use Seed Bomb!

*Second Room*
Kate: Hey guys! Wait why are there only three...
Me: Bruno is in the third room.
Kate: Alright so that means I'm fighting Koga right?
Koga: Correct. Now Ariados go!
Kate: Another Bug? Alright Sudowoodo go!

Pheobe: Well then Tyler let's get started. Banette your up!
Me: Ghost huh? Shadow let's go!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Bertha: "Use Earthquake on the Empoleon please."
"Sorry Bertha, one of the best Contest Coordinators right here! Empoleon, use Surf to rise above the Earthquake, then use Ice Beam when right above Hippowdon!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Jake: Great I won!
Sidney: I'd head over to that second room. Sounds like the battles got started.
Jake: I will. Thanks for the battle.

Me: Shadow use Night Slash on Banette now!
Pheobe: Banette use Shadow Sneak!

Koga: Ariados use Spider Web!
Kate: Sudowoodo use Mimic and then Rock Slide!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

*Hippowdon gets hit with the Water and the Ice, freezing it's head. Hippowdon is considered to have fainted*
Bertha: "Well done child. Hmm... let's try my Whiscash. Cashy, same thing. EARTHQUAKE!"
*Joey notices a pubble of water the Whiscash is resting on* "OK, same thing Empoleon! This time however, freeze the puddle that Whiscash is in!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Jake: Phew I made it. Hey how come you three are fighting people and there's no one left for me?!
Kate: Bruno's in the third room so you get a by.
Jake: Okay I'll see you guys there.

Pheobe: Alright Mismagius go!
Me: Shadow once again use Night Slash!
Pheobe: Mismagius Thunderbolt!

Koga: Ariados go!
Kate: Seriously another one?! Sudowoodo use Rock Slide!
Koga: Ariados use Bug Bite!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

*The door has a note stating that no one may enter the next room until someone is defeated. Whiscash suffers the same fate as Hippowdon.*
Bertha: "GAH! You're amazing! Come on Golem! Use Earth Power!"
"Empoleon, Spinning Freeze!" *Empoleon creates a giant glacier, headed for the other side of the field*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Jake: Oh well. Guess I have no chocie but to watch.

Pheobe: Alright Dusclops go!
Me: Shadow use Night Slash again!
Pheobe: Dusclops use Curse!

Koga: Muk go now!
Kate: Sudowoodo use Earthquake now!
Koga: Muk use Acid Armor!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

*The glacier knocks out Golem, but also knocks out every other pokemon battling right now except for Empoleon*
Bertha: "Sheesh! Umm... Sudowoodo! Try Wood Hammer!"
"Freeze the Hammer with Ice Beam, then do a Surf!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Welcome back Porygon-X!

Me: Shadow!
Koga: Muk!
Pheobe: Dusclops!
Kate: Sudowoodo!
Jake: Was that really needed Joey? You knocked out your friends Pokemon as well.

Me: Yeah thanks Joey. Shadow was my main Pokemon till now.
Pheobe: Sableye go!
Me: Alright then. Shelgon go!
Pheobe: Sableye use Power Gem!
Me: Shelgon use Dragon Breath!

Koga: Crobat your turn!
Kate: Jolteon your up!
Koga: Crobat use Sludge Bomb!
Kate: Jolteon use Thunderbolt!
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