Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Hm...I've been to Mount Chimney before...and it was amazing...but I really want to see whats inside that tower too..."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Hatman is back. Phew now I don't have to do two characters at once.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

How about we go to the tower than for a quick stop?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: I'll follow you Joey
In: "I'm just gonna agree with whatever you guys want to do, since I'm not really sure where to go."
*Follows Joey*
OoC2: I may be gone again (deoending if the hotel has wifi, and how long I'm going to be at the hotel during the day) I won't be gone until Saturday, and only till thursday, but, should I find another way to knock myself out on saturday?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Either that or put yourself in a sleepwalking state.
In: *Walks in* You know, I heard this place used to have fossils, but they apparently vanished. All that supposedly remains is manuscripts on the top floor.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

In: "Manuscripts huh?"
*Looks closely at them*
"They look farmiliar, like I've seen them before."
OoC: I know how to now, just tell me when you want me to knock myself out for a while. *Stares at Natu*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Who said we were on the top floor? We just entered!
In: (Ignoring Poke''s mistake) Has to be some way up... See any ladders?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"No, but why not use your Natu? It won't hurt me as long as I don't touch it right?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Correct, but I'm afraid the place will collapse, like it was rumored to when the fossils were taken. Unless if Pikachu or another light pokemon got them, we would not be able to get them without physical harm.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I have a Pichu, and I believe you have a Pichu, and Natu isthe lightest Pokemon known, and I think my Riolu and Cyndaquil are light enough too, so we could send them in."
*Grabs Pokeballs from pocket*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Holds hand out* Bad idea. Those pokemon could weigh about me (14- year- old 90 pounder). I think Natu should go, alone. Teleport up, use confusion, come back.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Fine, I'll go with that."
*Looks at Natu feeling a little untustly about it*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Wait, hang on guys! You have one of the most agile girls standing right next to you! Why don't I go?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"You could go, but not sure if it's worth the risk, if Natu goes, if something bad were to happen, Natu could just teleport out."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Fiery Path*
Phew if I had know it was gonna be this hot I would have went to the desert.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: They might be nuking ALL RPGs, including good ones that are as constructive as this one, so everyone, show that this RPG is meant to stay!
In: OK, here goes. Natu, Teleport up, use Confusion on anything you see up there, and Teleport it back down!
Natu: TUTU! *Teleports up*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Okay.
*Sees a emblem on the ground*
Hey what's this?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OOC: You got it!
"Well, as far as I can tell it's somehwat like an Eeveelution stone, but...different somehow..."
Didn't Cyrus tell me something earlier about wanting a stone? I don't know. With my body being reconsturcted, I barely remember anything about ROUGE anymore...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Hopefully, Natu can get the item before the building falls."
*Looks up in worry*
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