Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

TUTU! *Natu comes back with 9 tablets and 1 item, a Zap Plate* *Grabs the Zap Plate* I think I can use it. Anyway, these tablets look like a standard puzzle at the Ruins of Alph, meaning we have to put them on something as we put it together.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I think they go together in somthing from.."
*Looks at the tower.*
"There. That could be what the manuscripts are for. They could be telling us where these pieces go, or, when the pieces are put together, the manuscripts appear, or.."
*Stops. Confuses self with ideas that might never even work.*
"Ah, I got nothing, I'm just confusing myself, unless you guys have a better idea, we might as well leave."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Stares at the manuscript for five seconds*
"Possible Output Answer. Possible Output Answer."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Huh? Is there anywhere we can put these tablets? They have shapes on them, so they must be like the Ruins of Alph.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*shakes head*
"Sorry. I was in a smart mode...I guess. Let's go. I have a feeling this place is going to collaspe."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Yeah, maybe we can find out what they say from someone else. Let's go."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Exits, but looks up and sees shadows through the upper window, human shadows...* Guys, I think someone is up there. I saw a shadow of someone pacing up there. Whatever it is, it cannot be good. Go up?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I got it this time."
*Jumps up and into the tower lightly and see's a (Joey, you come up with something, your the GM*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Natu, Teleport up with me and everyone!
Natu: TUTU!
Top Floor: Oh my gosh... It's you! You're the lady that screwed me up back in Rustboro! I've been waiting to get my revenge on you, Ariana!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Yeah, what are you talking about?"
*Looks around, then stares at Joey, puzzled.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

This stupid lady here tied me up back in Rustboro! There was a major crisis there... This lady is an Executive of Team Rocket.
Ariana: Shut your trap! You don't think I would come alone this time, would you? My lady grunts have been following your every movement, so we know of your Natu and Pikachu/Numel combo, along with Bayleef and Prinplup being used for dire situations. That's why I brought these four with me! *Giovanni, Archer, Proton, and Petrel step out*
Giovanni: I remember a kid like this one *Kicks Isa* back in ROUGE training. Now, *throws a punch at Isa, but stops short as a warning* this traitor is with these n00bs!
Petrel: Ah yes... finally, I get to meet these baboons Ariana keeps blabbering about.
Proton: Shut up! They are not celebrities! Archer, if you would please explain...
Archer: Sure. While Jessie, James, and Meowth are following those baboons in the Fiery Path, we are here setting up our 5th detondator device. We already have one set up in Mauville, Rustboro, Slateport, and Dewport. This device also has a certain control. One of these buttons sets them off while one deactivates them all, while another makes them have a bigger radius of explosion.... It's simple if you are super smart. However, we need to move to that waste mountain town where Flannery is living. Try to stop us now, try us. We will have you tied up all over again.
Me: SHUT YOUR PIEHOLES! I have had enough of this sass from Team Rocket! Giovanni, you are pathetic, being beaten up by a 10 year old who is currently in the Sinnoh League for no good reason! You four in labcoats, you're a joke! You let 3, yes 3, kids beat on you! And for what? For you to make a bigger mockery of yourselves? Well no. I have had enough! Time to destroy you here, even with your bomb device! Fortunately, I, a person who was about to try for a radio position to give the DJ who is in charge of music a break and add more to his show, know enough about this tower to know that even if I blow it up, the tower will rebuild in days! So, I will take my chances. Natu, Numel! Time to show these people a lesson!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Meanwhile at the Fiery Path*
Me: I get the strangest feeling we're being followed, but why is that?
???: It's because you are being followed.
???: Yeah now hand over your Pokemon so we can give them to the boss.
???: Meowth that's right.
Me: That sounds to familier.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Wait, I still can't see them
In: *In background where nobody can see me. Changes into Team Aqua costume. walks up to Ariana*
Ariana:"Finally, the grunt we asked for is here. Take the detonator, and set it u."
Me: "Roger."
*Goes to place where bomb is supposed to set up. Whispering*
"My plan is going good so far, but, how do I.. stop.. the bomb from exploding... uh-oh."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Well, they were on the top floor after I spotted their shadow.
In: Isa, Poke'... *Notices Poke' disappeared and an Aqua Grunt is here* Poke' disguised as an Aqua grunt? OK, Isa! Help me out here!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

In:*still whispering*
"Can't seem to find a way to stop the explosion, so I'll just make it faster than."
*Idea pops in head.*
OoC: Cool music in background.
In: *Brings out Tarpinch, hits bomb really hard, then throws it out of the window. Starts to yell.*
"Tarpinch, go outside and use sandtomb around the bomb till it explodes!"
*throws trapinch out of window, trapinch uses sand tomb around the bomb. 30 seconds left.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Are you insane?!?!? We are in the building!
In: Say, that grunt seems to be messing with that bomb...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: I threw the bomb OUTSIDE of the building, , and the explosion is being blocked by sand tomb.
In: *Brings out Pichu, whispers again.*
"Use Volt Tackle on Giovanni's back"
*Pichu obeys, and uses Volt Tackle on Giovanni*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Nostalgia time right here.
???: Prepare for trouble.
???: Make it Double.
???: To protect the world from devastation.
???: To unite all peoples within our nation.
???: To denounce the evils of truth and love.
???: To extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie.
James: James.
Jessie: Team Rocket blast of at the speed of light.
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Meowth: Meowth that's right.
Me: What do you three want?
Jessie: Plan and simple. The boss told us to follow you two into the Fiery Path.
James: And steal your Pokemon.
Me: What happened to taking Ash's Pikachu?
Meowth: We were gonna do that but the boss called us and told us to take your Pokemon instead.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: @Culex: NICE! @Jirachinick: Oh...
In: Giovanni: Gah! *Falls down* Stupid Pichu! Nidorina, come out to KILL this thing!
Me: Now you don't! Natu, Confusion on Numel to slam it into Giovanni!
Executives: Oh no you don't!
Ariana: Gloom, now!
Petrel: Murkrow, please!
Proton: Golbat, let's go!
Archer: Wow... I thought we could do a Dark quad. Oh well. Houndour, now!
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