Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Alright let's go then. Ready Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika Pi!
Me: Okay then.
*Steps outside*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OOC: Just don't accept n00bs who can't use grammar. Alright?

IC:"Okay, but I think we should be safe."
She walks out and looks for danger in the surrounding area.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: It's okay most of the time!
In: *Joey rolls into the grass area and spots a shady character by the cliff* "Hey! What are you doing?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

*Looks at shady character*
"That looks like..."
*Stares at shady character really confused*
"No, it can't be. Come on guys, let's go check it out."
*Runs toward shady character*
OoC: Expect me to only post in the morings or night, school has started up
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Expect me not to be on tomorrow since I'm gonna be at Dorney Park most of that day.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Isa starts to walk over thier slowly, trying not to make any sound...
I wonder if this is another trap...

Same with me, school is going to be an issue from now on.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: I will have school too.
In: *Crawls toward the character*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Me: Huh who's that?
Pikachu: Pika Pi. Pikachu.
Me: Hmmm it could be. Let's find out. Excuse me but can ask who you are?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

???: ....You have seen me before...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Come on! We've met TONS of people before! Just tell us who you are!!!"
She no longer quietly steps. She starts to walk towards the figure.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

*The person turns around, holding a rocket launcher*
???: You remember me. You saw me a while back, statue-like...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

She immediately ducks down and flings her legs around around, causing the man to fall. She then grabs thee weapon.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Giovanni: "Gah! What are you doing, you ungrateful child!"
Me: *Motions pikachu* "Apologize now, or blast into the underwater areas."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Ungrateul Child?!
She stomps her foot against his chest.
"You're...calling me ungreateful?!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Giovanni: "YES!" *Shoves Isa into a wall*
Me: "NOW!"
Pikachu: "PIKA!!!!!"
*A huge explosion occured, blasting everyone towards Petalburg*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

She groans and gets up after landing.
"Why did you do that?! We could have defeated him!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Think... he was in the center of the explosion... Where are we?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Killing him is only going to make this worse! ROUGE is going to be enraged! They will seek revenge! Defeating him would have left them humiliated, and NOT enraged at us!!!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Let them hunt us. We will retailiate. We are at key skill level right here." *Stands up* "Weren't we here quite a while ago?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Something like that..."
Isn't there supposed to be some guys waiting here for us?
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