Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

*Follows Isa and Tyler*
OoC: We need to get to Petalburg sometime within the next 3 days so I can narrow down the registrations and have 6 people play along. I want to keep things limited now. When was the last time I did level-ups? Oh yeah, Rare Candies! Jirachinick did not respond, so I will take the third prize. The winner is Culex, getting 5 Rare candies. Feed them to whoever. Aggie gets three. The answer was Jirachi, making only one real appearence in the anime, all the other times being spirit-like cameos.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC:Cool, thanks man.
I give one to Torchic, one to Togepi, and one to Nuzleaf.

Maybe we could Teleport there instead of hi-jacking a van or something like that.

Also, I will be pretty inactive after today, school is going to start.


She reaches the edge of the airship.
"Anybody see some parachutes?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

No not on my end. We'll keep looking though.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Okay...that's cool!"
She spots some jetpacks in the corner of the room.
"You guys want to try those out instead?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: I am using both of mine on Numel. How about you Culex? How are you using your 5?
In: "Here you go Numel!" *Numel eats the 2 Rare Candies, becoming level 26* "Let's take the jetpacks, although I am wondering how my pokemon that do not have pokeballs will do..."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Not yet I want to save them. Never know when they'll come in handy.
In: Alright I'm good with the jetpacks.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: No prob! I will just mark a picture of a rare candy and put x5 by it so I can remember. And Isa, you never picked items from the bag I found at the Jagged Pass.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Oh. What were the items?

She tosses Joey, Poke and....(Culex).
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Whatever you want. I will add pictures of the items with exception of items that do not exist in the games, like angel wings, by our names.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM. many? 5...was it?

I found 1 Sun Stone...1 Thunderstone...
3 Revives...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Yep! I will add pictures for you on the front.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Woops, sorry, forgot to respond, to late to answer?
IC: "Now Gyrados, use Earthquake one more time to finish Feraligatr!"
*Gyrados slams his tail one more time and KOs Feraligatr*
J: "Good job Feraligatr"
*Feraligatr smiles at J, and slowly turns to dust.*
Me: "You did great Gyrados."
*Gyrados smiles at Poke, then slowly starts to turn to dust. Feraligatr and Gyrados have now disapeared from the world*
"Now J, it's time for you to leave this world. Set your pokemon free, then I'll finish you."
*Poke looks at J with a dark evil look*
"You know I'm not afraid to finish you without your pokemon being let free, so do it now."
J: *Grabs pokeballs, and sets Pokemon free*
Me: *Grabs knife from pocket*
"You remember this, don't you? This was Dad's knife. It has saved us plenty of times, but this time, it won't be saving you."
*Stabs knife into J's chest*
"You killed Dad with this, so know it kills you."
*Walks away and looks for Joey*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

OoC: It is too late.
In: *Fires up jetpacks*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

*Walks around*
"Joey! Isa! Where are you guys?"
*Notices Joey with a jetpack*
"Joey? What are you doing?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

Me: Phew that was alot of fun. You okay Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika!
Me: Well that's good.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"I'm getting the jetpacks fired up to fly to Petalburg! Come on!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"OK, I'm coming!"
*Runs over toward Joey. Grabs a jetpack, and puts it on.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Everyone ready?"
OoC: So you know ahead of time, I am not blasting us straight to Petalburg.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Ready whenever."
OoC: Yep, not straight to Petalburg
RE: A New Dawn RPG. New sign-ups start today! They will end when the 4 playing hit Petalburg. These will be sent by PM.

"Let's go!" *Joey's jetpack takes off along with his pokemon's jetpacks. Pikachu is flying and Numel is floating along with his wings*
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