Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

Isa tries to reach for a pressure point on the man, but can't reach his shoulder.
What do I do?!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

*Joey quickly finds Isa, but hides behind the big man, someone finding the hallway he walked in. He then motioned Pikachu to Volt Tackle the large man*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

She quickly moves out of the way of the attack. The man falls down.
"Thanks Joey! Can you gaurd the base?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

Sure! *Heads to the base*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

She enters the control room and started doing work with the computer.
Okay...WS hardrive...what?!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

*Upon reaching the base, he is greeted by Jessie, James, and Meowth. All the sudden, the room gets locked* Oh-oh...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Okay since I've been off for awhile am I still at the Pokemon Center?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

You should be there. In the meantime, you could slink off into the airship as only Poke' can kill J, apparently.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Sounds good to me.

Me: Well guess we'd better get moving Draco.
*Nods in agreement and the two leave the Pokemon Center*
???: Hold it right there.
Me: You?! When did you catch up?!
Miror B: We still have a battle to finish.
Me: Fine but if you don't mind I'll battle you with Draco.
Miror B: That's good with me. Now... LET THE MUSIC PLAY!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

The door locks behind Isa.
What?! I hope Joey is still okay...
She continues to work with the computer.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

Miror B: Now Sudowoodo go!
Me: Draco it's show time!
Miror B: Sudowoodo use Rock Polish!
Me: Draco end this battle now with Draco Meteor!
Miror B: Wait a minute no fair!
Me: Really no fair? Seems fair to me.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

"Well, no time to battle... I hope there is something in here to use later..." *Bends down and sees a bag of Rare Candies* "DANG! These are good!"
OoC: All right, in OoC, you have to guess something. First gets 5, second gets 3, third gets two. Enjoy!
One pokemon on Bulbapedia is very overused in the video games, but hardly seen in the anime. What is it?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Tyranitar

Me: & %%%%%%%%%%
Miror B: X&& %%%%%%%%%
Miror B: Alright then Ludicolo go!
Me: Dragonite use Fly!
Miror B: Ludicolo use Rain Dance!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

Are we allowed to guess again?

IC:Finally cracked through the firewall...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: I did level-ups! And Dragonite may not be used after this battle except for flight. He was not in your sign-up, so yeah.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OOC: Who was right?

IC: "Torchic! Nuzleaf, try and break the door open while I work through the online defense!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: I'm fine with not using Dragonite after the battle excpet for flight. Besides once Bagon becomes Salamence I won't need Dragonite but untill then I'll stick with Dragonite for flying.

Me: Dragonite come down now!
Miror B: No my Ludicolo! Oh well it doesn't matter I'll still win with my second Ludicolo.
Me: Bring it.
Miror B: Use Swords Dance!
Me: Draco use Fly now!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 2 days! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: Apparantly I missed a lot, yes only I can kill J.
IC: Me: "Come on out Gyrados"
*Really powerful, but old looking Gyrados appears*
"You ready for one last battle before the end?"
*Gyrados nods*
J: "Feraligator, come on out!"
*Old looking Feraligator appears*
"You ready for your last battle?"
*Feraligator nods*
OoC2: So nobody gets confused, Gyrados dies after the fight, so this isn't a new pokemon to my team
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 1 day! These will be sent by PM.

OoC: No problem. And once everyone guesses, I will reveal the answer.
In: All right... *Pushes the three dumbos aside* There has to be a switch in here on something.
Meowth: HEY! Don't you push me!
OoC2: Now the real battle cry.
Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: Make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all peoples in our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Meowth: Meowth, now that's a name!
Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!
Meowth: Meowth, that's right!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, sign-ups in 1 day! These will be sent by PM.

Me: "Gyrados, Dragon Dance!"
*Gyrados uses an odd dance, making him really fast*
J: "Feraligatr, use dragon dance!"
*Feraligatr uses an odd dance, making him really fast as well.*
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