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AbsentGravity [TRADING LV. Xs for PRE-RELEASE SLEEVES] [N]: Slowking, Tomb, Mime

RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

No thanks Shyrulo and Grizzly, didn't see anything equal to what you're asking for.

Sorry Brawler, but I wouldn't trade those X's out for anything you listed.

Pokefan4000, I pm'ed you.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Would you do my 2x rare candy for the playmat?
lmk or cml and counteroffer
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Do you have either Typhlosion from Neo Gen? I'm looking for one (Either or, really). I have Mewtwo LA RH, but since I know that's not enough (assuming you have one) CML?
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

No thanks wonderer.

Crystal Hikara, I'm interested in Spiritomb PA if you have any? Also saw Uxie Lv. X on your list. Not much else I really wanted. Not really looking for T/S/S.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Snorlax Dude - I have Meganium, but the only thing I saw was Azelf Lv. X unless you have reverse holo Galactic trainers :\

flygon . - I'll do Absol G Lv. X for Snorlax Lv. X? PM me if you wanna confirm.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

I'll trade a RH call energy for Luxray GL x3 if you have that many.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

I do, but they're definitely not worth that? I don't know why you think Call Energy is valued that high.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

c ml for the ultra ball mat if its in good shape
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

I dont have any of your wants, but will you cml for either Infernape 4 Lv X OR Mesprit lv X please??

RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

AbsentGravity said:
I do, but they're definitely not worth that? I don't know why you think Call Energy is valued that high.

I meant x2 sorry luxray gl around $4 each RH call around $8.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Radical144- Sorry, but I still don't value it that high. Maybe it is that price, but it's not one of my major wants at the moment, so I don't want to go that high.

shadoworganoid - sorry, but I didn't find anything I wanted for the value of the cards you listed. Maybe if I was a verified seller we could work something out, but I'm not :\

tyranitar77 - The mat is mint, but looking for big time X's like Flygon and Luxray for it. Sorry, nothing I found there that would be equivalent unless like 3 or 4 X's, which I'm assuming you wouldn't do.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Call energy RH x1 and rare candy x2 for Luxray GL x3? If not what are some of your major want?