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AbsentGravity [TRADING LV. Xs for PRE-RELEASE SLEEVES] [N]: Slowking, Tomb, Mime

RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

@spartan7987, ah sorry traded away all my Charizard G :\

Really interested in RH Rare Candy though if you still need anything...
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

no thanks on that offer, uxie lv x is worth less then my part but we can work something out, do you have any of my other trainer wants or spiritomb AR, or lugia/ho oh pieces?

RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

@I have a few Roseanne's Research and Rare Candy, but no Legend Pieces or Spiritomb AR.

Interested in your Donphan PRIME though, nothing really else. I don't value it that high either. $13 tops I'd say.
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

I got 2 AR Spiritomb that are on your wants. Do you have any Squirtle, Wartortle, Totodile or Croconaw?
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

@Grizzly - I have a few Squirtle, maybe one Wartortle, and 1 or 2 Tododile
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

I can trade you a Spiritomb for your Squirtles, Wartortles, Totodiles and Floatzel GL. Sound fair to you?
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

sorry then, i rather hang onto the donphans
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

@Grizzly, if you trade both your Spiritomb I will do that, but I value Floatzel GL and those commons/uncommons more than just 1.
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

Alright. PM to finalize.
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

AbsentGravity said:
@coach4312, will in a second.

@Grizzly, sorry I think I confused you a little, I do Have FLoatzel GL (1 holo, 1 RH), but neither the Lv. X nor Feraligatre PRIME.

@UrsaLunarMinor, I will in a second as well.

@coach4312, I don't know if you would do this, but I still value Uxie X pretty high so I would say:

2x Donphan Prime, 1x Claydol LP for it.

I'm not exactly sure on values of those yet, but feel free to counter.

@UrsaLunarMinor - Can you specify which older cards exactly you'd like? I have most Holos from Neo Genesis, but I'm now missing almost a majority. Other than that, I have a very select few of older cards, but a ton of rare's from the Neo sets. I don't know if those are what you're looking for, but that's all I got.

I am interested in:
2x Pokemon Communication HGSS
2x Pokemon Collector HGSS
1x Claydol LP

All my older card wants as listed in my trade thread. From Neo Genesis I'm interested in: Feraligatr #5, Lugia #9, Meganium #10 and both typhlosions. All the others are in my thread :)
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

@UrsaLunarMinor, sorry but i don't think there's anything I really need for those :\

unless you'd be willing to do your x2 Pokemon Collector and Communication as well as a DCE for a Neo Holo?
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

Bump - still looking for some PR sleeves :)
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

Bump before my thread goes 2 weeks old D:

Got a Luxray GL Lv. X, not sure if I want to trade it or not though :\
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

CML for your:
Sealed Ultra Ball Playmat
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

hi, i'm interested in x2 charizard PA if you've got any.
i have x1 spiritomb, x2 DCE.
RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!

@soundsnake0108, I have 1 Charizard PA I believe (I might have to double check that).

I would trade it for a Spiritomb though and maybe something else? PM me.