RE: AbsentGravity [N]: Old PR SLEEVES! [H]: Flygon X, Uxie X, Ultra Ball Mat!
@coach4312, will in a second.
@Grizzly, sorry I think I confused you a little, I do Have FLoatzel GL (1 holo, 1 RH), but neither the Lv. X nor Feraligatre PRIME.
@UrsaLunarMinor, I will in a second as well.
@coach4312, I don't know if you would do this, but I still value Uxie X pretty high so I would say:
2x Donphan Prime, 1x Claydol LP for it.
I'm not exactly sure on values of those yet, but feel free to counter.
@UrsaLunarMinor - Can you specify which older cards exactly you'd like? I have most Holos from Neo Genesis, but I'm now missing almost a majority. Other than that, I have a very select few of older cards, but a ton of rare's from the Neo sets. I don't know if those are what you're looking for, but that's all I got.
I am interested in:
2x Pokemon Communication HGSS
2x Pokemon Collector HGSS
1x Claydol LP