Afraid of Beartic? No worries, mate.

Vulpix Yolk said:
Does Vileplume provide draw power? No, it reduces the amount that you can use.
This is exactly why BearPlume won't see play. Sure, Beartic is a decent card, but it's energy cost sure isn't worth it. And what is it, 50 damage? It's not going to be hitting very hard. And Vileplume only makes it worse, because you're effectively screwing your set-up with the loss of cards such as: Pokemon Communication, Rare Candy, Junk Arm, PlusPower, and more.

Of course, Vulpix Yolk's statement is why we should be more worried about Gothitelle than Beartic.
StealthAngel667 said:
Kind of the same effect that Pidgeot CoL had, but worse retreat cost and more energy cost.
I hope I don't need to remind you that Pidgeot. SUCKS. TERRIBLY.
And this card is even worse.
It's also on the front page. People will trade for this card and be disappointed. (Gliscor, time to get your lawyers ready.)

Huh? ~Gliscor

The only reason why Pidgeot would be played nowadays is in MewBox decks since
Mew Prime can See Off Pidgeot then once it gets 2 energies or a DCE proceeds to Headwind and then Mass Attack with Jumpluff already in the Lost Zone from using See Off with Mew Prime for a prize. It's an effective strategy that can also cripple even ReshiBoar decks since they would need to pay 2 more energy to use Blue Flare or Outrage with Reshiram or pay a DCE just to use Eeeek with Cleffa when they won't be able to shuffle their hand in and draw at all. Vileplume in MewBox helps to ensure they are Trainer Locked for good unless Plume gets 3HKO'ed by Yanmega.

With Beartic you need a DCE and a {W} to use Sheer Cold, plus the only difference between Pidgeot and Beartic is that Beartic's Sheer Cold can fizzle from the Defending Pokemon retreating for free to switch into a different Active Pokemon and still be able to attack while with Pidgeot's Headwind any Pokemon they send out to attack as their Active Pokemon will have any of their attack costs increased by {C}{C} until the end of his/her turn. I mean sure Vileplume helps with Beartic so that the Opponent can't use Switch however not very many players run Dodrio for Retreat Aid due to constricted deck space.

Also there's a card that Beartic hates that doesn't get as much attention and that's
Scizor Prime due to Red Armor. Since Beartic relies too much on Special Energies to use Sheer Cold that makes Scizor Prime a wall pretty much unless they switch Beartic out for something else. The problem is that there isn't a viable deck currently to make Scizor Prime more playable unless Ferrothorn for Gyro Ball helps it any, that and the dominance of ReshiBoar/ReshiPhan and other {R} decks have hurt Scizor Prime's popularity quite a bit. I think Samurott (Ability) with Scizor Prime has potential IMO. I wouldn't mind testing that deck out actually.

All in all I think Scizor Prime's playability will depend on Beartic's playability in the Post-Emerging Powers Metagame. Then again there are still alot of decks that abuse Special Energies like crazy for example MewBox with DCE and Rainbow so yeah I still see Scizor as a viable option but I don't see it winning any events anytime soon. {R} is still popular in the current metagame but I think it's slowly diminishing. Without Trainer Lock the best tech's it runs being Emboar (Ability) and Ninetales are easy targets for Pokemon Catcher to take hold for prizes and win alot faster.

Vulpix Yolk said:
Magneboar is fast because once you get out a Magnezone, you have draw power for the rest of the game. Does Vileplume provide draw power? No, it reduces the amount that you can use. Keep in mind that you are going to need a DCE and a Water in hand, and once they simply retreat then one shot you, you have to get out another stage 1 and three energy under your own Trainer Lock. Locks aren't effective if they can be broken effortlessly.

MagneBoar is amazing but they can get rid of Magnezone or Emboar with a Catcher unless Trainer Lock goes through or they have Gothitelle Active for Magic Room. Vileplume doesn't provide drawpower since it relies on the deck using Draw Supporters like PONT, Copycat, Judge, etc. however If used correctly it's still really good. Locks aren't effective If they are broken UNLESS you have a backup plan to get a second one going. For example say you Collector 2-3 Oddish and one of them gets KO'ed before you have the chance to Rare Candy it into Vileplume. Just go with the other Oddish and Rare Candy that one. Or better yet If you use See Off on Leavanny for Nurturing with Mew Prime you can get your Plume out alot faster as well If necessary. I can say something similiar in regards to getting Trainer Lock with Gothitelle as well however I don't think comparing the HP of the Basics to get the Evolutions out is that big of a factor in this situation.
catutie said:
Lol Yanmega isn't as good as it's hyped to be. Pulling off 110 is really easy. Ya you can do 70 for free but who cares when you have energy acceleration. Ya Reshiram needs 3 to do 120 but at least it's consistent each turn. One turn they have 5 and you have 4 with no Judge you are screwed. Yanmega isn't that hard to beat. They can't ALWAYS have a Judge or something to equal out hands. That is where the problem with Yanmega lies, and then that 3 for 70 makes it look like a horrid card. Mewtwo EX IS a good card thus it does deserve the hype. 120 for 3 and 170 HP that is CRAZY. There isn't really a draw back either. Discard 1 energy?! Heck yes. With all the higher energy costs the first attack is dang good to. The only thing I can see bad about Mewtwo EX is that in better go first.

BearPlume will be...uh well it will be played and it will be quite annoying, but it doesn't have enough substance to really be a threat. 50 isn't alot for 3 energy...but it's a good lock. won't be that slow. Just think of MagneBoar...2 stage 2's and how fast that is. Look at Stage 1's...Beartic will be out T2 and then just Rare Candy a Vileplume T2-T3 and it's a lock from then on. Not that hard. People act like Catcher makes all stage 2's unplayable. There is such a thing as Rare Candy that makes them just as fast as a stage 1...

BearPlume will be the MewPerior of HS-on. It will see play but it won't be that popular.

I'll say it now, and I'll say it again. Mewtwo EX does not, right now, live up to the hype. OHMYGOSH. 170 HP ON A BASIC POKEMON. Awesome. If it had some solid attacks, that would make it even better. But it doesn't. None of the attacks do anything extraordinary. They're just...attacks. And his second attack? The one you and the OP are freaking out about? Yeah. This supposed Jirachi Shaymin engine is horribly unreliable and ENTIRELY luck based. This is not a solid form of psychic energy acceleration, and therefore, will not be used by smart, good players. What that leaves you with is one thing-you must manually charge up that Mewtwo. That requires 3 turns. And you know what that means! A possible 3 prizes you must ditch to charge up to do 120 damage. Meanwhile, Magnezone, Reshiram and Zekrom(to provide 3 examples) are swinging with that much almost consistently turn after turn. Who cares about that HP. You cant even one shot other popular basic Pokemon without pluspower. I will gladly take the trade off of 2 of my Reshiram for 1 of your Mewtwo EX. You know why? Because I've got solid energy acceleration, and an amazing first attack in case you DON'T get that pluspower. You? You lose a Mewtwo, and you've got to spend more time charging up manually. And keep this in mind. Mewtwo's attack requires you to continue attaching energy to him. That means, unless you're going with the Jirachi engine after you've burned a bunch of energy and plan on relying on coin flips for the game, you wont have the resources to charge up another Mewtwo. Want to Shaymin away the energy and save them? Mewtwo still isn't safe, thanks to Catcher.

The card is a beautiful card. If a solid form of psychic energy acceleration is released, you can bet on seeing this card getting swarmed just as much as the dragons. Until then? It's not gonna see play. It's not a broke card. It's "broke" in that it is so outlandish, but it isn't actually game breaking or spectacular. But because people like you simply look at a card recently revealed in Japan and slot it into our current meta which doesn't even have Catcher(for a little while longer), you assume it's broken. Look at a card and do some thinking.

As for Yanmega. I'm almost fairly certain it IS as good as it's hyped to be. You've failed to see my reasoning as to WHY it's good. You described it as being bad because it can encounter situations where the hand size isn't the same. The weird part is...Yanmega can simply retreat to another attacker. Yanmega, as a stand alone card or deck, is bad. But pair Yanmega with the likes of Magnezone or Donphan to do some hard hitting, and you've got other attack options specifically for the times when you DON'T even the hand sizes. That's why it's good. It literally is free to attack with, so you can spend time charging your main attacker and still get some damage on your opponent's board or even take prizes.

Again. As I've stated, and as other people have stated. Beartic wont see play past BRs. It's got to many problems to be a solid card, and suffers from catcher based kills more severely than most. Maybe is another Spiritomb-like starter is released that gives you the ability to get a Vileplume T2 every game, then MAYBE Beartic could see play. But again. That's hypothetical, and unlikely.
Thedrone1man said:
As for Yanmega. I'm almost fairly certain it IS as good as it's hyped to be. You've failed to see my reasoning as to WHY it's good. You described it as being bad because it can encounter situations where the hand size isn't the same. The weird part is...Yanmega can simply retreat to another attacker. Yanmega, as a stand alone card or deck, is bad. But pair Yanmega with the likes of Magnezone or Donphan to do some hard hitting, and you've got other attack options specifically for the times when you DON'T even the hand sizes. That's why it's good. It literally is free to attack with, so you can spend time charging your main attacker and still get some damage on your opponent's board or even take prizes.

Yanmega Prime is stupid good but it can be dealt with, it doesn't make Trainer Lock impossible with Linear Attack bench sniping for 40 unless like I said you have another Oddish out to get it off with the right cards in hand to get Plume out or have Gothita survive at least one turn to get off Trainer Lock with Gothitelle. Plume and Gothitelle both have their pros and cons, I prefer the Plume and we could just leave that for another argument I suppose.

My only problem with Gothitelle is that is restricts you from attacking with something better than doing 20 for a DCE and 1 {P} or being forced to use Shaymin to
Celebration Wind energies from however many heads Jirachi gets from Stardust Song just to charge Gothitelle up for 60 damage or 120 against a Pokemon that's x2 weak to {P} like Machamp Prime which doesn't see as much play anymore but still see's some play at least I suppose. Plume is the better option on that regard however I'm done being off topic this is about Beartic though.

Thedrone1man said:
Again. As I've stated, and as other people have stated. Beartic wont see play past BRs. It's got to many problems to be a solid card, and suffers from catcher based kills more severely than most. Maybe is another Spiritomb-like starter is released that gives you the ability to get a Vileplume T2 every game, then MAYBE Beartic could see play. But again. That's hypothetical, and unlikely.

The only thing we have in the metagame that's close to being able to "Keystone Seal" like Spiritomb AR last format for this format is Teddiursa CoL but it's a 50% chance at best and still not even worth it and as you mentioned there are too many flaws to make Beartic see as much play as it's hyped up to be. 2 Energy attachments can make or break a game however Beartic doesn't do it that well at least compared to Basic Pokemon which can get it done a turn sooner.
Whoa, whoa, whoa - I think we're missing something here. A few things. And they all tear Dodrio or Beartic apart. Plus, they're rogue, so I'm glad to be suggesting this without talking about Yanmega, the dragons or Donphan. Prepare for a long, spoilered post.
The main offendor is an underused Pokémon that can either slow heavy Pokémon like Beartic down or attack with special conditions: Victreebel TR.

Whilst not being amazing, he can show a lot of potential. Whilst active, he gives Beartic a huge retreat cost of 5. Would you sacrifice 5 energy to retreat him? It limits him and forces him to fight to the grave. Even if he uses Sheer Cold, the impressive ability remains. And Victreebel can be played and set up T1 using Rare Candy, which Beartic cannot. He can sit benched whilst a Pokémon with free/little retreat snipes Beartic, stopping Beartic from becoming active and making him vulnerable against any attacks. After sniping, if the injured Beartic comes into play, retreat and bring up Victreebel to attack and deliver the finishing blow, plus stay up for their turn and force their retreat cost higher.
Or the active Pokémon can be a {m} type, which is supereffective against Beartic, e.g. Steelix, that can OHKO him without too much trouble.

Steelix can be set up in two turns to stop Beartic using assistance from other Pokémon. Of course, Pluspowers are always a handy tech to use. But here's how you prepare Steelix for Gaia Crush in two turns.

Even a Skarmory UD/CoL starter can be very decent. First turn, aid a {m} tank like Steelix with energy using Metal Coat and prepare to OHKO Beartic. Or, for a different approach, use Steel Coat to attach the {m} energy to itself. Then attach a DCE T2. Razor Wing will do a lot to Beartic if Skarmory is ready first. You'd also probably have some Pluspowers by then if you run four and the right other cards.
Other Energy Acceleration
We all know what Pachirisu/Shaymin does. Get the energies onto the Steel Pokémon (in this case, Steelix) quickly. The fact that they are {l} doesn't affect play, because Steelix can use Energy Stream for two colourless, and also because he'll be an Onix until T2. Or another way to accelerate it is simply attaching a DCE, but that takes up a turn's energy, so two lightning and a steel in one turn would be better. In fact, with Skarmory/Pachirisu/Shaymin, you can get four energies onto Onix (who will soon be Steelix) T1, with two being Steel. If that's not impressive, I don't know what is.
There are several ways to overcome Beartic decks in general, or any old deck that Dodrio is played in, but I'm focusing on Beartic. Victreebel TR can extend Beartic's retreat cost by two whilst active, Steelix can prepare to do 100 damage per turn with no side effect in a mere two turns, and Skarmory UD/CoL is going to see more play as rogue to stop active Cubchoos and prepare fellow Steel types.
I know that I've misunderstood this a bit, and you meant against Beartic, but if Dodrio was teched in with Beartic, it'd be good. Plus, it'd be a great Beartic counter in general.
@ pokevertex, one slight flaw in your suggestion of Victreebel.. Rare candy cannot be used T1.

and there is one thing people overlook when thinking about dodrio.. a double heads with Doduo after attaching a DCE, possible donk anyone? =p

I've done it before. I've even lucked out and black belted a doduo to OHKO an RDL. I've also done the same with Smeargle. but all super luck aside, dodrio is a great card for anyone running dragons, or other 2 retreat cost pokemon. but if you're running psychic, may as well go the metagross way.
Ah right, didn't know about that one. I thought that the rules were that any legal T/S/S card could be played T1.
I hate coin flip donks. Voltorb TR happens to also be a baby killer, as Tyrogue is. But we're steering off-topic, so I won't talk about that here. :D
Vulpix Yolk said:
Magneboar is fast because once you get out a Magnezone, you have draw power for the rest of the game. Does Vileplume provide draw power? No, it reduces the amount that you can use. Keep in mind that you are going to need a DCE and a Water in hand, and once they simply retreat then one shot you, you have to get out another stage 1 and three energy under your own Trainer Lock. Locks aren't effective if they can be broken effortlessly.

Lol we have Cheren and Bianca now for even more draw power :D

Thedrone1man said:
I'll say it now, and I'll say it again. Mewtwo EX does not, right now, live up to the hype. OHMYGOSH. 170 HP ON A BASIC POKEMON. Awesome. If it had some solid attacks, that would make it even better. But it doesn't. None of the attacks do anything extraordinary. They're just...attacks. And his second attack? The one you and the OP are freaking out about? Yeah. This supposed Jirachi Shaymin engine is horribly unreliable and ENTIRELY luck based. This is not a solid form of psychic energy acceleration, and therefore, will not be used by smart, good players. What that leaves you with is one thing-you must manually charge up that Mewtwo. That requires 3 turns. And you know what that means! A possible 3 prizes you must ditch to charge up to do 120 damage. Meanwhile, Magnezone, Reshiram and Zekrom(to provide 3 examples) are swinging with that much almost consistently turn after turn. Who cares about that HP. You cant even one shot other popular basic Pokemon without pluspower. I will gladly take the trade off of 2 of my Reshiram for 1 of your Mewtwo EX. You know why? Because I've got solid energy acceleration, and an amazing first attack in case you DON'T get that pluspower. You? You lose a Mewtwo, and you've got to spend more time charging up manually. And keep this in mind. Mewtwo's attack requires you to continue attaching energy to him. That means, unless you're going with the Jirachi engine after you've burned a bunch of energy and plan on relying on coin flips for the game, you wont have the resources to charge up another Mewtwo. Want to Shaymin away the energy and save them? Mewtwo still isn't safe, thanks to Catcher. LOL It's funneh because nothing is safe thanks to catcher. -catutie

Jirachi is a fine energy acceleration. 3 coins you are almost garenteed 1. So JA T1 some energy and 1 Jirachi and lookie there I have 2 energy T1. No energy Acceleration is reliable...none. You hit an energy drought in your deck. Your only running 15 energy and you hit a pocket of nothing you are screwed. This is why TyphloRam is doesn't rely on draws. Grabbing energy from the discard is much MUCH easier than hoping the next card is an energy. This deck is just a better ZPS. ALSO Mewtwo is very reliable. Only discarding 1 energy means you can just replace it next turn. Whether it be another Jirachi or you maybe have an energy in hand you are ready next turn. Collector just makes it all come together ZPS (....I still won't admit ZPS is a good deck...I REFUSE).

Thedrone1man The card is a beautiful card. If a solid form of psychic energy acceleration is released said:
This card isn't close to broke. If it was something like

Ability Phychic Pull: Once per turn you can switch your opponents active pokemon with one of his or her bench pokemon.

That as it's ability it would be broken...but it's not. 170 basic is really amazing and it's attacks are pretty good to but it isn't anywhere close to broken...

Lol. Why would you not place a card in our meta when it comes out? That is the beauty of it. We can figure out deck ideas longer and see what works. It will be here eventually, so why not plan for it?

Thedrone1man said:
As for Yanmega. I'm almost fairly certain it IS as good as it's hyped to be. You've failed to see my reasoning as to WHY it's good. You described it as being bad because it can encounter situations where the hand size isn't the same. The weird part is...Yanmega can simply retreat to another attacker. Yanmega, as a stand alone card or deck, is bad. But pair Yanmega with the likes of Magnezone or Donphan to do some hard hitting, and you've got other attack options specifically for the times when you DON'T even the hand sizes. That's why it's good. It literally is free to attack with, so you can spend time charging your main attacker and still get some damage on your opponent's board or even take prizes.

Magnezone fails all around without energy he does. You expect, T4 that you don't have the same amount of hand as me so you retreat and then your Magnezone to hold up? LOL. It has 3 retreat...and MegaZone is a low energy deck. You would probably have maybe 2 or 3 energy on the thing T4. OH LAWD you can kill 1 guy...ya...who cares. Then you have 2 turns of recovery, thanks for the free prize.

Thedrone1man said:
Again. As I've stated, and as other people have stated. Beartic wont see play past BRs. It's got to many problems to be a solid card, and suffers from catcher based kills more severely than most. Maybe is another Spiritomb-like starter is released that gives you the ability to get a Vileplume T2 every game, then MAYBE Beartic could see play. But again. That's hypothetical, and unlikely.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL You can't play Catcher against BearPlume...and there is a card that lets you get Vileplume's called Rare Candy lol
Thedrone1man said:
None of the attacks do anything extraordinary. They're just...attacks. And his second attack? The one you and the OP are freaking out about? Yeah. This supposed Jirachi Shaymin engine is horribly unreliable and ENTIRELY luck based. This is not a solid form of psychic energy acceleration, and therefore, will not be used by smart, good players. What that leaves you with is one thing-you must manually charge up that Mewtwo. That requires 3 turns. And you know what that means! A possible 3 prizes you must ditch to charge up to do 120 damage.

Alright, you need some sense knocked into you. First off, the first attack can be devastating against some high energy deck, take Steelix for an example. If they have 5 energies on them, that's 80 right there (Resistance taken into consideration). Plus, who knows how many energies you could have on Mewtwo, if that was the whole point of the deck. Remember, Emboar can drop fire energies onto any Pokemon. And his second attack? It's not extraordinary? Well, tell that to the Dragons. They both have similar attacks. I'm sure that when Reshiram came out, people thought three for 120 and a two energy discard didn't sound that great… until they realized the combo. I'm sure that people thought three for 120 and an 40 drawback didn't sound good, either… but look at ZPS today. So, you're saying that three for 120 with only one energy discard that can be whatever type you want it to be doesn't sound that good? Because while you're attaching your Psychic energies to Mewtwo EX, you can be setting up a Typhlosion Prime on the bench. Heck, even Emboar would work. So, don't say that there is no energy acceleration for Mewtwo EX. Sure, he may not be as broken as everyone hypes him to be, but don't deny that he won't be a game-changer. It's possible we'll get a tech against it that will really ruin its competitive chances, but for now, we really have no way to tech against it.

P0KEVORTEX: I remember when Flying_Swampert and I tried to run Victreebel. Unfortunately, the card isn't good as a Beartic counter. It's only hitting for 30, and it has a pretty bad retreat cost, meaning that while you place a measly 30 damage, Beartic will be effectively locking you, making his {C} {C} extra retreat seem not that much of a burden anymore. Sure, Dodrio could help with the retreat, but 30 damage is no way to take out a Beartic. The special conditions sound good at first, but it doesn't really hinder Beartic that much, it just adds extra damage, I guess.
Beartic should be running Vileplume. There are too many trainer cards, such as Switch, Pokemon Catcher, and more that really hurt the lock that your opponent is trying to induce. I wouldn't worry about being Pokemon Catcher'd by an opposing Beartic deck.
Why is everyone forgetting that fact that you take two prizes when you knock out a mewtwo? Magnezone one shots it easily, and mewtwo should have a hard time returning the KO. If you are so worried about mewtwo, then play a 2-2 RDL. It takes 3 prizes when it hits a mewtwo, so you just need to use it twice.

Beartic will not do well because it is inconsistant, and your opponent can just retreat, and then you're in trouble. 50 damage from a slow deck is definitely not going to be amazing. Even if you get the lock set up completely and your opponent can't retreat, then they will just bring up a different attacker when they get knocked out. You aren't going to win a prize tradeoff with a deck that does 50 for three energy.
And unless the active Pokemon is Donphan, they most likely can retreat. Magnezone can be a problem though, but either way, just swarm with Yanmegas, which are in almost all Donphan and Magnezone decks (MegaJudge is the only Magnezone user, and Stage 1s the only Donphan user), and your fine. In Reshiram, as long as you use Outrage, retreat, then Blueflare (The other way would make it harder to retreat), you fine. Against Zekrom you won't even set up, and that is all the popular matchups. The only deck that this would trouble is Donphan Dragons.
catutie said:
Lol we have Cheren and Bianca now for even more draw power :D

Jirachi is a fine energy acceleration. 3 coins you are almost garenteed 1. So JA T1 some energy and 1 Jirachi and lookie there I have 2 energy T1. No energy Acceleration is reliable...none. You hit an energy drought in your deck. Your only running 15 energy and you hit a pocket of nothing you are screwed. This is why TyphloRam is doesn't rely on draws. Grabbing energy from the discard is much MUCH easier than hoping the next card is an energy. This deck is just a better ZPS. ALSO Mewtwo is very reliable. Only discarding 1 energy means you can just replace it next turn. Whether it be another Jirachi or you maybe have an energy in hand you are ready next turn. Collector just makes it all come together ZPS (....I still won't admit ZPS is a good deck...I REFUSE).

This card isn't close to broke. If it was something like

Ability Phychic Pull: Once per turn you can switch your opponents active pokemon with one of his or her bench pokemon.

That as it's ability it would be broken...but it's not. 170 basic is really amazing and it's attacks are pretty good to but it isn't anywhere close to broken...

Lol. Why would you not place a card in our meta when it comes out? That is the beauty of it. We can figure out deck ideas longer and see what works. It will be here eventually, so why not plan for it?

Magnezone fails all around without energy he does. You expect, T4 that you don't have the same amount of hand as me so you retreat and then your Magnezone to hold up? LOL. It has 3 retreat...and MegaZone is a low energy deck. You would probably have maybe 2 or 3 energy on the thing T4. OH LAWD you can kill 1 guy...ya...who cares. Then you have 2 turns of recovery, thanks for the free prize.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL You can't play Catcher against BearPlume...and there is a card that lets you get Vileplume's called Rare Candy lol

No, Jirachi ISN'T solid energy acceleration. You're not GUARANTEED anything with 3 flips. You can still get 3 tails. You cant seriously count one of the coins as always going to be heads. You can literally count how successful the card will be. You're flipping coins. It isn't an attack, so you cant reflip. There is no way of telling how many heads you'll get. Seriously. It's a coin flipping thing. There is nothing solid about it.

Other energy acceleration is actually reliable. By reliable, I mean that if you HAVE the energy, you can attach it. Emboar ALWAYS attaches energy. Typhlosion ALWAYS attaches. Pachi ALWAYS drops energy. Feraligatr ALWAYS attaches energy. Jirachi doesn't do anything all the time, You flip to see if it does anything. You people cant seem to get that through your heads. You must flip for it. That isn't guaranteed or reliable at all.

As for it being a better ZPS? It's not even CLOSE to ZPS. ZPS always gets the energy. ZPS drops Pachi(Pachi's power always drops energy), then Shaymin. You can go T1 with ZPS almost all the time, with a good list. Can Mewtwo go T1? No. No it cannot. Unless, of course, you can get 2 energy into the discard without playing a supporters(or nailing those dual balls), AND THEN flip two heads, and then drop Shaymin and move them. That isn't BETTER at all. That's so luck based and something you shouldn't be counting as consistent at all. Do you not understand that coins have a "Tails" side? As for it being a good deck, I'll say this. It has two Nationals under it's belt(admittedly, they are Canadian and Mexican, but still. A nats is a nats), and with a good list, it can consistently pull off T1.

Also, the little part about you only have to replace one? Yeah, that's great. That's your energy for turn. That means you cant be charging another Mewtwo while this one attacks. That means when this one dies, if you want to "charge" a new one, you must drop another Jirachi, hope you hit enough heads to move energy, drop another Shaymin, and move the energy. But no no, that's fine. Even if you don't hit heads, oh no! You're still attack T3. What's the big deal, right? The big deal is I could have killed your Mewtwo EX and taken a two prize lead by the time T3 comes around. That's what I mean. Having to manually charge a main attacker like that warrants loss of prizes. Want to send something else up to stall or disrupt while I do that? I can still kill it and take more prizes. I even have catcher to get around any wall you might throw at me. Which means one thing. Mewtwo is SLOWER than ZPS, and definitely less consistent to get the big attack going.

I completely understand Megazone is a low energy deck. You seem to forget that other attacker in Megazone that doesn't require energy. Yeah, Yanmega? The one that will constantly judge you(with a chance of you not drawing energy) to set up KOs for Magnezone that only require 2 energy, or 3(if your eviolite'd). I'll only do a little bit of damage to you, but then when I come out swinging with my big guy, you'll lose two prizes to the one prize you took. Then, if I still want to, I can prepare to kill another Mewtwo EX, even with the cost of 4 energy. Because that means that I'll have taken 4 prizes. And you'll have taken 1(my Yanmega, maybe 2 if you double pluspower and KO the Magnezone). This is, of course, saying that I don't run Kingdra and am dropping damage on benched Pokemon like Jirachi and sniping them. So I'll be taking plenty of prizes while you take very few.

Also, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I may not be able to catcher against BearPLUME, but I can catcher against BearODDISH or BearGLOOM, provided you dont have the candy and Vileplume in hand, which you wont always have, because the deck probably wont be the most consistent deck around. And even if you do, Beartic is still slow, weak, and the lock is broken when you kill me. If I take the first prize, I will always win against Beartic. Always.

Alright, you need some sense knocked into you. First off, the first attack can be devastating against some high energy deck, take Steelix for an example. If they have 5 energies on them, that's 80 right there (Resistance taken into consideration). Plus, who knows how many energies you could have on Mewtwo, if that was the whole point of the deck. Remember, Emboar can drop fire energies onto any Pokemon. And his second attack? It's not extraordinary? Well, tell that to the Dragons. They both have similar attacks. I'm sure that when Reshiram came out, people thought three for 120 and a two energy discard didn't sound that great… until they realized the combo. I'm sure that people thought three for 120 and an 40 drawback didn't sound good, either… but look at ZPS today. So, you're saying that three for 120 with only one energy discard that can be whatever type you want it to be doesn't sound that good? Because while you're attaching your Psychic energies to Mewtwo EX, you can be setting up a Typhlosion Prime on the bench. Heck, even Emboar would work. So, don't say that there is no energy acceleration for Mewtwo EX. Sure, he may not be as broken as everyone hypes him to be, but don't deny that he won't be a game-changer. It's possible we'll get a tech against it that will really ruin its competitive chances, but for now, we really have no way to tech against it.

P0KEVORTEX: I remember when Flying_Swampert and I tried to run Victreebel. Unfortunately, the card isn't good as a Beartic counter. It's only hitting for 30, and it has a pretty bad retreat cost, meaning that while you place a measly 30 damage, Beartic will be effectively locking you, making his extra retreat seem not that much of a burden anymore. Sure, Dodrio could help with the retreat, but 30 damage is no way to take out a Beartic. The special conditions sound good at first, but it doesn't really hinder Beartic that much, it just adds extra damage, I guess.

If Steelix has 5 energy on it you do 80! No way! Wow! So I'll play a Life Herb, Moomoo Milk, Klingklang/Max Potion or even Potion to heal off the mediocre damage you do to me. And if I've got a Rocky Helmet attached to me? You'll be at 150 damage. So I swing for 100. And now you're at 50. And then you swing again. I'll heal it off, kill you, take two prizes, and we're back to square one.

I'm not saying the attack itself is bad. What I AM saying, if you were able to actually read my posts and ignore the hype that is buzzing around in your head, is that Mewtwo has no solid energy acceleration, so there is no way to consistently charge up the Mewtwo quickly. Jirachi isn't solid. It flips coins. There is nothing solid about that. You gotta flip three, and each coin has a 50/50 chance of failing. That means you CAN fail twice, or even three times. And let's say you do. Then you do like no damage at all. Also, there is no way to guarantee you can get 2 energy into the discard to use Jirachi, flip two heads, drop Shaymin and attach. Yes, I understand that it will happen. But you cant bank on it happening each and every game, consistently.

As for running Emboar and Typhlosion? You serious? You're gonna run both a combination of fire and psychic so that you have something to put an energy back on Mewtwo? Emboar's got 4 retreat, and Typhlosion's got 2. Typhlosion also puts a damage counter on Mewtwo. Anything that personally damages your expert belted basic is not a good thing. Running a fire form of energy acceleration to put back one energy on a Mewtwo so you can charge another Mewtwo EX to do 120 isn't a good thing. That's awful. You'll be at the bottom tables playing this deck.

As for the dragons? Zekrom's got Pachi. If you've got 2 energy in your hand, Pachi drops them. Each. And. Every. Time. That's solid energy acceleration. It really is.

Reshiram's got TWO options of energy acceleration. Emboar AND Typhlosion. Which means that Reshirams got solid acceleration.

Mewtwo has none of this, and you people just cant seem to grasp that. But lets look at a typical Dragon V Mewtwo match. Lets say Eviolite is in format as well. Let's use Zekrom. Reshiram is almost identical, but it takes a tad longer to set up. When it does though, it's a consistent stream of Reshirams.

You start, and you attach an energy. I go T1 Zekrom, because it is proven that a good list can almost consistently get a T1 Zekrom. Because that's what the deck is built to do. So I swing for 120. You're at 100 damage(because, of course, you've got Eviolite attached). I take a recoil 20(because, of course, I've got Eviolite attached!). It's your turn. You attach another energy. You swing with the first attack, and do 80 damage. I'm at 100 damage. I outrage for knock out, and two prizes.

The thing you don't seem to understand is that when all 3 of them have Eviolite, Mewtwo has to 2 hit a single basic for one prize, while both Reshiram AND Zekrom two hit a single basic for TWO prizes.

Unless we get a form of energy acceleration, don't count on seeing Mewtwo being played as a stand alone deck. As a tech in something that uses Doubles, maybe. But as it's own kind of "ZPS" deck that requires putting energy in the discard pile and hoping you get lucky, it will fail miserably.
Thedrone1man said:
No, Jirachi ISN'T solid energy acceleration. You're not GUARANTEED anything with 3 flips. You can still get 3 tails. You cant seriously count one of the coins as always going to be heads. You can literally count how successful the card will be. You're flipping coins. It isn't an attack, so you cant reflip. There is no way of telling how many heads you'll get. Seriously. It's a coin flipping thing. There is nothing solid about it.

I guess I'll break this down bit by bit...btw don't get so mad :p I like debating with people like you so this is fun to me :p

>_> Y u no think of Seeker...or SSU? They need love to. Just because you get 3 tails doesn't mean it's an auto loss. Seeker that thing up and play it again. You act like we all fail at flipping/rolling. Maybe you just get tails alot...and you assume we all have bad luck like you...but it's not that hard to at least get 1 heads. Who cares if it isn't guaranteed...isn't the whole game just a thing of luck? As I said before you could hit an energy drought. That is what most would consider some bad luck. You can't draw into the energy you need is bad luck...ya...pretty flimsy argument saying "Flipping coins is luck based"

Thedrone1man said:
Other energy acceleration is actually reliable. By reliable, I mean that if you HAVE the energy, you can attach it. Emboar ALWAYS attaches energy. Typhlosion ALWAYS attaches. Pachi ALWAYS drops energy. Feraligatr ALWAYS attaches energy. Jirachi doesn't do anything all the time, You flip to see if it does anything. You people cant seem to get that through your heads. You must flip for it. That isn't guaranteed or reliable at all.

Ya...if you have it lol. Again drawing is luck based. The next card could be the energy you need or the 3rd tepig you have drawn this never know what you will get :D.

Thedrone1man said:
As for it being a better ZPS? It's not even CLOSE to ZPS. ZPS always gets the energy. ZPS drops Pachi(Pachi's power always drops energy), then Shaymin. You can go T1 with ZPS almost all the time, with a good list. Can Mewtwo go T1? No. No it cannot. Unless, of course, you can get 2 energy into the discard without playing a supporters(or nailing those dual balls), AND THEN flip two heads, and then drop Shaymin and move them. That isn't BETTER at all. That's so luck based and something you shouldn't be counting as consistent at all. Do you not understand that coins have a "Tails" side? As for it being a good deck, I'll say this. It has two Nationals under it's belt(admittedly, they are Canadian and Mexican, but still. A nats is a nats), and with a good list, it can consistently pull off T1.

WHAAAAA ALL MY COINS ONLY HAVE HEADS...sir you just blew my mind :p

ZPS is ridiculous. To have 3 energy, Zekrom, and Collector in your opening hand EVERY TIME is near impossible. That is 5/7 cards that have to be perfect EVERY TIME for it to work T1. Mewtwo would have the same problem but it has more HP and it's first attack is better. failed lol. It would do at least 100+. I doubt they would have all 4 Sp Metal on there Steelix xD.

Thedrone1man said:
Also, the little part about you only have to replace one? Yeah, that's great. That's your energy for turn. That means you cant be charging another Mewtwo while this one attacks. That means when this one dies, if you want to "charge" a new one, you must drop another Jirachi, hope you hit enough heads to move energy, drop another Shaymin, and move the energy. But no no, that's fine. Even if you don't hit heads, oh no! You're still attack T3. What's the big deal, right? The big deal is I could have killed your Mewtwo EX and taken a two prize lead by the time T3 comes around. That's what I mean. Having to manually charge a main attacker like that warrants loss of prizes. Want to send something else up to stall or disrupt while I do that? I can still kill it and take more prizes. I even have catcher to get around any wall you might throw at me. Which means one thing. Mewtwo is SLOWER than ZPS, and definitely less consistent to get the big attack going.

Lol you still act like no one ever gets heads. As you replace the 1 energy a turn you can play Jirachi to get all the energy from the discard and just play 1 Shaymin when you have 3 on Jirachi...then I have another Mewtwo on the bench to just troll you :D. Zekrom dies after 1 attack from Mewtwo if it already attacked...ya your gonna tell me that you have a Seeker/Pachi in hand with 3 energy? PFFFFFFFFT ya right. That's the problem with ZPS it just cant stay consistent as the game goes on. Either 1 you will hit an energy drought or 2 you will run out of Pachi or just not draw one and then what? AND you need Shaymin on top of that...ya...failure. Mewtwo will have the same problem except it won't need to draw into energy as much as ZPS does.

Thedrone1man said:
I completely understand Megazone is a low energy deck. You seem to forget that other attacker in Megazone that doesn't require energy. Yeah, Yanmega? The one that will constantly judge you(with a chance of you not drawing energy) to set up KOs for Magnezone that only require 2 energy, or 3(if your eviolite'd). I'll only do a little bit of damage to you, but then when I come out swinging with my big guy, you'll lose two prizes to the one prize you took. Then, if I still want to, I can prepare to kill another Mewtwo EX, even with the cost of 4 energy. Because that means that I'll have taken 4 prizes. And you'll have taken 1(my Yanmega, maybe 2 if you double pluspower and KO the Magnezone). This is, of course, saying that I don't run Kingdra and am dropping damage on benched Pokemon like Jirachi and sniping them. So I'll be taking plenty of prizes while you take very few.

Lolwut? Magnezone is NOT a low energy deck xD. It's high energy and needs energy every turn to keep running. Ya...Yanmega can totally do that for it >_>. You forget the retreat for Magnezone...ya 3. Even then you won't always have a Judge on hand...heck once you go through your 4 Judge you are out...all I have to do is keep my hand above 6 and it's easy. Also with nothing to search out Judge you won't have a Judge always in hand....ya sucks. As I said before. You have 4 and I have 5 you have to pass for the turn or send out your Magnezone for 1 attack and then it will sit there unless you run switch.

Thedrone1man said:
Also, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I may not be able to catcher against BearPLUME, but I can catcher against BearODDISH or BearGLOOM, provided you don't have the candy and Vileplume in hand, which you wont always have, because the deck probably wont be the most consistent deck around. And even if you do, Beartic is still slow, weak, and the lock is broken when you kill me. If I take the first prize, I will always win against Beartic. Always.

Lol...T2 Vileplume is an easy thing to do xD. As I said. You won't always have what you need either. All decks have there bad days :p.

Thedrone1man said:
If Steelix has 5 energy on it you do 80! No way! Wow! So I'll play a Life Herb, Moomoo Milk, Klingklang/Max Potion or even Potion to heal off the mediocre damage you do to me. And if I've got a Rocky Helmet attached to me? You'll be at 150 damage. So I swing for 100. And now you're at 50. And then you swing again. I'll heal it off, kill you, take two prizes, and we're back to square one.

OH LAWD you healed your Steelix 30 with Moomoo Milk?! Oh wait...attach energy 120 KO WELL that wasn't to hard.

Thedrone1man said:
I'm not saying the attack itself is bad. What I AM saying, if you were able to actually read my posts and ignore the hype that is buzzing around in your head, is that Mewtwo has no solid energy acceleration, so there is no way to consistently charge up the Mewtwo quickly. Jirachi isn't solid. It flips coins. There is nothing solid about that. You gotta flip three, and each coin has a 50/50 chance of failing. That means you CAN fail twice, or even three times. And let's say you do. Then you do like no damage at all. Also, there is no way to guarantee you can get 2 energy into the discard to use Jirachi, flip two heads, drop Shaymin and attach. Yes, I understand that it will happen. But you cant bank on it happening each and every game, consistently.

Lol it's the same with ZPS as I said. 3 energy, Zekrom, and Collector T1 every time is just to hard to pull off ever game xD

Thedrone1man said:
As for running Emboar and Typhlosion? You serious? You're gonna run both a combination of fire and psychic so that you have something to put an energy back on Mewtwo? Emboar's got 4 retreat, and Typhlosion's got 2. Typhlosion also puts a damage counter on Mewtwo. Anything that personally damages your expert belted basic is not a good thing. Running a fire form of energy acceleration to put back one energy on a Mewtwo so you can charge another Mewtwo EX to do 120 isn't a good thing. That's awful. You'll be at the bottom tables playing this deck.

Expert Belt?! They let you play that?! You lucky dog...seriously..what are you talking about? And if that 1 damage counter is so bad...why did TyphloRam do so good?

Thedrone1man said:
As for the dragons? Zekrom's got Pachi. If you've got 2 energy in your hand, Pachi drops them. Each. And. Every. Time. That's solid energy acceleration. It really is.

Right...I always have 2 energy just laying around >_>

Thedrone1man said:
Reshiram's got TWO options of energy acceleration. Emboar AND Typhlosion. Which means that Reshirams got solid acceleration.

Finally...something to agree with...I'm sure that won't last though.

Thedrone1man said:
Mewtwo has none of this, and you people just cant seem to grasp that. But lets look at a typical Dragon V Mewtwo match. Lets say Eviolite is in format as well. Let's use Zekrom. Reshiram is almost identical, but it takes a tad longer to set up. When it does though, it's a consistent stream of Reshirams.

You start, and you attach an energy. I go T1 Zekrom, because it is proven that a good list can almost consistently get a T1 Zekrom. Because that's what the deck is built to do. So I swing for 120. You're at 100 damage(because, of course, you've got Eviolite attached). I take a recoil 20(because, of course, I've got Eviolite attached!). It's your turn. You attach another energy. You swing with the first attack, and do 80 damage. I'm at 100 damage. I outrage for knock out, and two prizes.

LOL Now you throw Evolite into the mix?! Well that is 6/7 cards that have to be perfect every time on sir must be some kind of wizard to pull that off every time xD.

Thedrone1man said:
The thing you don't seem to understand is that when all 3 of them have Eviolite, Mewtwo has to 2 hit a single basic for one prize, while both Reshiram AND Zekrom two hit a single basic for TWO prizes.

Jirachi...that is all

Thedrone1man said:
Unless we get a form of energy acceleration, don't count on seeing Mewtwo being played as a stand alone deck. As a tech in something that uses Doubles, maybe. But as it's own kind of "ZPS" deck that requires putting energy in the discard pile and hoping you get lucky, it will fail miserably.

Oh lookie here...I just drew a Seeker. Play, pick up Jirachi, play, 2 heads, play, move, lookie der you got 2 energy, 80 T1. Even that is successful. HECK just T1 60 is pretty dang good.
*wonders where people are finding space for these counter-counter cards in their decks*

Beartic is bad. End of story. It may be good for juniors, but not winning material for masters. It only does 50 damage and there are many ways out of the "lock" Vileplume WILL take time to set-up, you won't always get a T2 beartic and T3 vileplume. Sorry, it's just asking too much.
#1weavile said:
*wonders where people are finding space for these counter-counter cards in their decks*

Beartic is bad. End of story. It may be good for juniors, but not winning material for masters. It only does 50 damage and there are many ways out of the "lock" Vileplume WILL take time to set-up, you won't always get a T2 beartic and T3 vileplume. Sorry, it's just asking too much.

Then how does MegaZone operate? It's usually set up T2...huh...I thought you said it was asking to much?! I guess not :p
For those who judge Beartic, do you have anything better else to do than bashing a card out that isn't even out yet? also have you even tried out for yourself if it would works well with you? It's sad & pathetic that people rant and rave about cards without giving them a chance hey you never know you may like the card.
MegaZone can play a lot of trainers because it doesn't play Vileplume, Magnezone gives MegaZone draw which BearPlume doesn't have, and Yanmega does 70 for 0 while Beartic does 50 for 3. Huge difference.