• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds~ Heh, more like pathetic collection. Take a look.

RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

@GigaDrain: Could we try to work something out for your Top Half of KGL?

@mlouden03: Sadly I do not, sorry. Is there anything else you're interested in?

@ogeray: I may be trading the Steelix Prime to someone else sorry.
I looked at your list and found:
1x CoL Psychic energy
1x CoL Dark energy
1x CoL Fire energy
1x Special Dark Energy UD (RH)

Let me know if we can work out a trade. I have a Rare Candy UL unlisted if you're interested.
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

@ogeray: I may be trading the Steelix Prime to someone else sorry.
I looked at your list and found:
1x CoL Psychic energy
1x CoL Dark energy
1x CoL Fire energy
1x Special Dark Energy UD (RH)

Let me know if we can work out a trade, and feel free to make me an offer. I have a Rare Candy UL unlisted if you're interested.

@mlouden03: Sadly I do not, sorry. Is there anything else you're interested in?

@GigaDrain: Could we try to work something out for your Top Half of KGL?
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

vaguely want top of cdl. cml lmk
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

@mlouden03: I didn't really see much, and I'd rather not break the full legend unless I have to, and like you said you don't want it that badly. Is there anything else you want, if not, I'll be sure to let you know if I ever need something from you in the future.;)
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Now Bumping! Let's make some trades people!
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Bump #2! Free Call of Legends cards offer ends on Monday 2/14/11 at 12:00 AM EST! o_O
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Top Half of KGL

Ambipom G
Spiritomb (LP)
Chatot G
Special Dark Energy
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

hey.my tin arceus lvl x ominicent for your tin heatran lvl x?
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

@The Hybrid: The Spiritomb has been traded and the Chatot G is not available right now. I can trade you the Ambipom G. Do you care which set the Special Dark Energy is from?

@tjtoot: I may be trading the Heatran Lv.X Promo to someone else. Is there anything else you want? I could let you know if the trade doesn't go through. I do still kind of want the Arceus Lv.X if you want to make me another offer.
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

do you have any of these even in Non Holo?
Honchkrow SV
Sableye SF
TGI Poke Turn x3
Pokemon Collector
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

@The Hybrid: Sadly, I do not.:( Do you want any of the stuff I said I have, or is there anything else you want from me?
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

lmk if the dealgoesthrow,if notillmake anotheroffer :)
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

my tin arceus x
for rr jirachu, col umbreon, and a col flaffy? :)
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Which Arceus Lv.X is it? Is it the one with two pokebodys? The Jirachi RR has been traded.:( (I really need to go through my list and update it.)
Is there anything else you want? I'm kind of interested in your Feraligatr Prime, but I don't value it very high.
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Here's an offer:
MY: Rayquaza Deoxys Legend Top
YOUR: Blaziken FB and 1x Expert Belt

LMK. Thanks
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

I don't think I want to trade Blaziken FB for such a low want. :/ Is there anything else you want from me?
I have 2x Charizard AR (Bad Condition) and 2x Expert Belt from your wants.
I kind of want your:
1x RH {D} Energy CL
1x Charizard G Lv. X Promo
1x Colorless Arceus

Those are pretty small wants as well, but please let me know.
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Are the Charizard playable? Is it possible to send me a picture/scan of them? I would be willing to trade the Charizard G Lv. X Promo, and now that I think of it, I'm not all that interested in Blaze FB.
If they are playable, could we do something like this?
-Ray. Deo. Legend Top
-Charizard G Lv. X Promo

-2x Charizard AR (bad condition)

Please LMK. Thanks.
-2x Expert Belt
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

I'm sorry but cannot provide a scan for you.:( I'd say the front of the Charizards look fine, but on the back of them there's a lot of white marks and what looks like slight bends from shuffling on the top middle of the cards. They are definitely still playable though. Let me know if you're still interested. Is there anyway I could get your Colorless Arceus?
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

its the doulbe body one
RE: ~Afro-G's Awesome Cahds!~UPDATED!~{W}Absol G!~{H}CoL Stuff! Come Take A Look!~

Are both charizards like that?
If so, I think this deal is fair:
-charizard g lv. X
-rdl top

-2x charizard ar
-2x expert belt

About the colorless arceus, I don't really want to split up the set, rather trade it altogether.

Lmk thanks.