All 64 “Paradise Dragona” Main Set Cards Revealed!

Thx for that number. As I’m doing a Pokédex with the Japanese cards I want these to be complete. I do think that the regular dolphin won’t ever get one tho.

As for everyone who is “this is a dragon set!!!!” - no it’s not. Just because it has the word in its name doesn’t mean it caters to a type. Sets usually revolve around one or two pokemon, in this case Alolan Exeggutor.

Also I see a good amount of Dragon Pokemons, just represented by theirs secundary types, and 3 of 4 supporters, are Dragon trainers

Did we really needed more tools to Regidrago right now? that already have

-High Damage (Giratina)
-Infinite Damage (Raging Bolt)
-Damage Reduction (Goodra)
-Bench Damage (Kyurem and Dragapult)
-Attacks inmune to effects (Giratina and Koraidon)
-Instant KO options (Haxorus and now Alolan Exeggutor)
-Basic protection (Noivern)

Not all the options are played but Regidrago clearly have a good amount of options and most likely any good Dragon revealed would only become a Regi tech card rather than a entire deck, so I completely fine with the Dragons on this set not being actual Dragons

In any case rather than complain for the set not being "Dragon enough", I think that the real issue here is that the set is quite boring, most of the set feel like filler
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Archaludon looks pretty good, Lisia is stunning. I also appreciate Vibrava. If flygon doesn't get anything, it might be for the best. The first time I see an illustration rare of my boy flygon, I would rather it sans the silly hat.

I know sets are mixed, but pretty disappointed with the Dragon illustration rares in this set. Latias is my top 3 favourite mons of all time and to see how disappointing the SIR is was already a big let down for me personally. Arch and Vibrava are the only ones that made it at least somewhat nice in terms of that thematic portion.
Kinda wild that you think Latias is disappointing and Archaludon which is basically an SR looks good as an SAR.

Something for everyone I suppose but they really need to stop SR SARs. This is the 10th one this year after 4 Ogre, 4 in Night Wanderer, Galvantula and this.
Kinda wild that you think Latias is disappointing and Archaludon which is basically an SR looks good as an SAR.

Something for everyone I suppose but they really need to stop SR SARs. This is the 10th one this year after 4 Ogre, 4 in Night Wanderer, Galvantula and this.
It really is preference.

My personal favourite Latias card is this one:

26 to be exact. They pushed gen 9 Pokemon with ar and sars and I'm here for it! 94/120 have ar/sars
Also there’s just three SV evolution lines without an AR/SAR (Lokix, Glimmora 🥲, and Annihilape). I would love ofc for all of them to get an illustration not just one of the line but idk how likely that’ll be by the end.
Soooooo Archaludon SIR looks like an UR and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND - why on earth give him ***NOTHING*** like….Justa few rocks and the same lightning from Black Kyurem UR 😩 my big bridge boy deserved better
I'm usually quite a positive person but, this set looks like it sucks, for competitive players and collectors. I love the Latias but most people don't even like the set being around the egg. The archaludon genuinely looks like a full art, like I checked 3 times to make sure that I wasn't seeing it right. I don't think there is anything playable in this set, except maybe Latias ex (yay) and counter gain maybe? Even some of the IRs are boring, there are great ones like the latios (not biased) and the castform. But all the others aren't very good, and it looks like the rest of the IRs are going to be for Pokémon like bruxish or passimian, but if we are lucky it'll be diagla palkia (it won't). Overall I think this is the first set I'm disappointed in, even tho it started off so strong with the Latias SIR. I'm starting to agree they should have made a set around rayquaza cause at least then it could have been playable
I think the whale will get an AR. Only a few SV Pokémon without an AR/SOR left
i was right

Also, I love the set and I‘m glad it isn’t just dragon. Moreover the English set doesn’t even give a hint to that to begin with.
Disappointing to see that Stellar Cyclizar doesn't need lightning or fighting energy. Would have been a neat detail, no?
Now I'm wondering how they decide which 3 energy types a stellar card needs to use. Is it a 6 hour conversation or do they spin a wheel and call it a day?
Disappointing to see that Stellar Cyclizar doesn't need lightning or fighting energy. Would have been a neat detail, no?
Now I'm wondering how they decide which 3 energy types a stellar card needs to use. Is it a 6 hour conversation or do they spin a wheel and call it a day?
Knowing that the game designer answered the question on how Pokémon are chosen for the TCG with „we basically do the ones I like“ I assume the latter. But maybe they actually do think about the cards it will end up combined with?
Disappointing to see that Stellar Cyclizar doesn't need lightning or fighting energy. Would have been a neat detail, no?
Now I'm wondering how they decide which 3 energy types a stellar card needs to use. Is it a 6 hour conversation or do they spin a wheel and call it a day?
Fire and Psychic are the secondary energy types for the Dragon-type cards for Koraidon and Miraidon respectively, so they actually did add the detail you wanted them to, just in a different way.
Knowing that the game designer answered the question on how Pokémon are chosen for the TCG with „we basically do the ones I like“ I assume the latter. But maybe they actually do think about the cards it will end up combined with?
Ah, they did? That's funny. And yeah, that would make sense.

Fire and Psychic are the secondary energy types for the Dragon-type cards for Koraidon and Miraidon respectively, so they actually did add the detail you wanted them to, just in a different way.
Oh wow, you're right, great eye! It just doesn't hit quite the same haha.
(BlueKnightVA reference btw)1725619451012.png1725619434685.png
Is it just me or does it feel like PTC just said "screw it! We won't increase the numbers just make it an auto-K.O." when designing Alolan Exeggutor ex?

In general that cards feels insanely strong! You get an knock out every attack, it might be random which you hit but hitting the one setting up on the bench can be even stronger than hitting the active.
I am very happy to see Cyclizar getting some more love in the form of a Stellar ex! And I also really love the Wailmer at the bottom of the Cetitan IR card, a cute little detail to how Cetoddle is mentioned to be a close relative to the Wailmer line
Thx for that number. As I’m doing a Pokédex with the Japanese cards I want these to be complete. I do think that the regular dolphin won’t ever get one tho.

As for everyone who is “this is a dragon set!!!!” - no it’s not. Just because it has the word in its name doesn’t mean it caters to a type. Sets usually revolve around one or two pokemon, in this case Alolan Exeggutor.
It focuses on Dragon-type POKEMON, not Dragon-type cards.