All 64 “Paradise Dragona” Main Set Cards Revealed!

It's so crazy cause people for the last 2-3 sets have been saying that all the cards are bad and basically nothing is gonna see play, but the first time its actually the case no one is talking about it. Like the top 3 best cards are counter gain, latias ex and egg ex, which aren't even that good to begin with
There were definitely cards on the past couple sets that were going to see play just maybe not a lot but shrouded fable literally had a full deck in it that's at least decent. Fezandipiti for sure was huge. This set will see next to no play and like you said it's not being talked about. I don't get it.
oh my god they did it.... a dragon-focused set without a Rayquaza in it (oh also the first time since like gen 4 where Rayquaza wasn't a pack-art Pokémon in a second-year set)
its called Paradise Dragona because no one would want it if they called it Paradise Alolan Exeggutor

honestly helper bell is overrated after the 1st turn its completely useless AND ilisa>boss but other than that im excited for this set (ill never like counter gain in my entire life tho)
There were definitely cards on the past couple sets that were going to see play just maybe not a lot but shrouded fable literally had a full deck in it that's at least decent. Fezandipiti for sure was huge. This set will see next to no play and like you said it's not being talked about. I don't get it.
honestly I'd rather use latias ex over fezandipiti ex- oooor whichever one turns out being cheaper
I'm noticing that there's no Electric or Dark cards. Why?
Some japanese sets fully exclude certain types at times, putting more in the next set after. I'm assuming its just to keep sets somewhat varied. 2 sets ago we had night watcher which was "dark types the set" and the set after paradise dragona is 'supercharged breaker' the "pikachu electric set". Since they are having such a heavy emphasis on a type in a different set, they want to save some types for that.

We barely see this in english main sets because we either have multiple japanese sets combined (Twilight Masquerade being a combo of Mask of Change and Crimson Haze) or we get cards from somewhere else to fill the gaps (Stellar Crown being a combo of Stellar Miracle and the japanese Battle Academy cards and a couple of ex kanto starters and art rares)
honestly I'd rather use latias ex over fezandipiti ex- oooor whichever one turns out being cheaper
If personally you prefer Latias that's fine but objectively Fezandipiti is the better card. It works
honestly I'd rather use latias ex over fezandipiti ex- oooor whichever one turns out being cheaper
If you personally prefer Latias that's fine but Fezandipiti is objectively better. It works in any deck and draw is always helpful. Latias is an OK card for basic decks but it's not game changing
If personally you prefer Latias that's fine but objectively Fezandipiti is the better card. It works
If you personally prefer Latias that's fine but Fezandipiti is objectively better. It works in any deck and draw is always helpful. Latias is an OK card for basic decks but it's not game changing
I feel like if you are running an all basic deck, you can run both, Latias fez and rescue board if you're playing noctowl etc is really strong and almost completely stops all stall play almost