All your errors are belong to us!

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That Crobat up there ^ somewhere, I think it says Uni, and there's more, but that's all I can see.


Shiny Shinx said:
That Crobat up there ^ somewhere, I think it says Uni, and there's more, but that's all I can see.


I don't think the second letter is n for spacing it looks like r

Mina said:
On the Crobat's name, it spells "Onix". :)

The first letter isn't O it looks like U. I don't see anything like x.
YES finally have a pic of this. MY AWESEOMESAUCE CATERPIE

in love with it
I'm not sure whether or not to count this as an error or not but a few days ago I got a Mewtwo lv.x with a darker back than the rest of the other cards in the LA pack.
ERROR NIDORINO #96 photos - click this link

Triumphant Nidorino # is 46, but this card has #96 !!!!

Looks like the number was printed twice or something !!

The card is on my trade/selling thread if you are interested !!

Ahiro said:
My girlfriend has a colorless RH Dialga from PL (I think...).

Also, I bought a Rebellion theme deck that had 61 cards. There was a bonus psychic energy.

EDIT: Oh, and I have a lot of mis-cut cards. Some awfully mis-cutted, like Slowking GS and Giratina PL (Dragon Breath). The other ones are Steelix Prime, Feraligatr Prime and... err I dunno, I kinda forget now...

I have this misprint too.

The type symbol was colorless for a metal dialga. This only happened with the RH's of it though.
I have an Aipom from Triumphant, and its attacks are misprinted. Here it is:

In addition, if anyone knows the price that an error collector would pay for this, please tell me.
I have a misprint (or error, or something like that) Gengar Prime. I didn't notice until a couple of days ago that 1 of my 4 Gengar Primes had little red specks on it. It is definitely ink from when it was printing. There is a little speck where his first attack is, and another one on the sparkle on the picture. I could scan it if anyone is interested...
^Unless I am thinking of someone else, I remember you posting that pic was with a Combee I remember that.

EDIT: my bad it was ogeray
whos ready for another error...although i havnt posted one in a LONG time


i forget why its an error...something about the wording...
It's supposed to say that. Back then, there wasn't "Old Amber" or the other Fossils. All of the Fossil Pokemon just evolved from Mysterious Fossil.
so its an error cause its not modernized?...then everything else that evolves from mysterious an error?
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