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Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: HG/SS! | W:1 Lugia Legend set, HG/SS Energy, more!

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RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

First off though, do you have any Flygon RRs? (Talk about luck, at my pre I pulled a Flygon X, traded a Gallade yon for a Flygon, and altogether collected 4 Trapinch and Vibrava! You can guess what I'm playing, huh? x3)

I did notice right off the bat though you have 2 upper energy. How high do you value those?
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

Nope, no Flygon. (Lucky. : D)

I value Uppers at a rare a piece, since they will probably be used quite a bit.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!


2 Gengar "GL"
1 Aaron's Collection (Not RH)


2 Upper Energy


Edit: Ooops, put my Aaron's in your spot. x3
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

Bluh, no thanks. I need my Aaron's... I can do 2 Uppers... I need the 3rd Gengar. I have Bertha's if you want them. Also Lucian's
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

Wait, what? I meant I accidentally said my 2 Gengar "GL"s for your 2 Uppers, and an Aaron, if that's what you're saying. The right offer is listed above.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

Ah, I see. Yes that will work. Just ignore my PM... Sorry. Is there anything you want for 2 RH MD Hippowdon?
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

Sorry, I don't have 2 RH Hipowdon's anymore, already traded 'em. D:

Okay then, could you send first? Should I send my address for finalization yet? :3
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added!

If it's easier, then yeah I can send first. However, if you are going to rip me.. >:O Bad things will happen. : D Just kidding! And this is only because we have traded before.

Sure, send me your Address.

EDIT: Omg I had 2 Mistakes in that post. D:
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

heat rotom mismagius gl and jirachi i will trade any of the ones you were interested in.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

Can you do Gallade 4 JPN and 2 Baltoy POTF for Jirachi?
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

You never responded to my Trade Thread...:p

Notice I have a Shiny Voltorb IFDS JPN 1st. ed? It says you want it on your list.

My: Aerodactyl MD
Kabuto MD RH x2
Electrode x3 (1 RH)
Magmortar SW RH
Ursaring MT x2

Your *make sure they're mint!*:
Kingdra LA x4
Seadra LA x3
Horsea LA x4
Maybe something off the list below?

*Also interested in*
Heatran X tin
Darkrai X tin
Dusknoir X
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

Oh, um no thanks. Too much in my opinion.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

No, not a deal, just what I was interested in. You can choose what you want to do. If you have any Espeon or EX Legend Maker cards, I need those too...
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

gallade 4 and 1 baltoy for jirachi.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

FINALLY. A badly needed update has been done. Ask about Trainers, as they haven't been updated yet.

EDIT: @ Espeon ROX: I dunno, let me think about it.

@ Secptileblade: I need the other Baltoy... anything I can add for it?
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

How much would you buy A Mismagius GL for? I've noticed you've been asking around for it soooo.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

I could do $3... but I haven't got any Moneyz ATM. I'll wait until I get my box of RR and I'll get back to you.
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

Okay then, I guess I'm waiting for that box then. x3
RE: The Joker's trading place! A bit of RR from PR added! Want Hippowdon MD+Lv.X Badly!

Do you have any Keckleons from RR?
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